ROM LIBRARY I \ Brigham Young University i I 02^.3 .C-98 Ace. No. J- y- i) . / m 1 8 1 C9^ \ .^ [ Whuh Xumher S40 U. S. BUREAU OF HDUCATIOX SPECIAL REPORT ON PUBLIC LIBRARIES— PART II RULES FOR A DICTIONARY CATALOG BY CHARLES A. CUTTER. LIBRARIAN OF THE FORBES LIBRARY. NORTHAMPTON, MASS. FOURTH EDITION, REWRITTEN WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1904 X BR1GHAM YOUKG UNIVERSITY LIBRARY PROVO, UTAH Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year 1875, by CHARLES A. CUTTER, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. First edition, 1876; 89 pages, 5,000 copies. Second edition, 1889; 133 pages, 20,000 copies. Third edition, 1891; 140 pages, 5,000 copies. Reprint of third edition, 1898; 140 pages, 1,000 copies. Reprint of third edition, 1899; 140 pages, 1,000 copies. Reprint of third edition, 1900; 140 pages, 1,000 copies. Reprint of third edition, 1902; 140 pages, 1,000 copies. Reprint of third edition, 1903; 140 pages, 1,000 copies. PREFATORY NOTE TO THE FIRST EDITION, 1876. There are plenty of treatises on classification, of which accounts may be found in Edwards's Memoirs of libraries and Petzholdt's Bibliotheca bibliographica. The classification of the St. Louis Public School Library catalogue is briefly defended by W. T. Harris in the preface (which is reprinted, with some additions, from the Journal of specu- lative philosophy for 1870). Professor Abbot's plan is explained in a pamphlet printed and in use at Harvard College Library, also in his "Statement respecting the new catalogue" (part of the report of the examining committee of the library for 1863), and in the North Amer- ican review for January, 1869. The plan of Mr. Schwartz, librarian of the Apprentices' Library, New York, is partially set forth in the preface to this catalog; and a fuller explanation is preparing for pub- lication. For an author-catalog there are the famous 91 rules of the British Museum "''' (prefixed to the Catalogue of printed books, vol. 1, 1841, or convenientl}^ arranged in alphabetical order by Th. Nichols in his Handbook for readers at the British Museum, 1866); Professor Jewett's modification of them (Smithsonian Report on the construction of catalogues, 1852); Mr. F. B. Perkins's further modification (in the American publisher for 1869), and a chapter in the second volume of Edwards, f But for a dictionary-catalog as a whole, and for most of its parts, there is no manual whatever. Nor have any of the above- mentioned works attempted to set forth the rules in a systematic way or to investigate what might be called the first principles of cataloging. It is to be expected that a first attempt will be incomplete, and I shall be obliged to librarians for criticisms, objections, or new problems, with or without solutions. With such assistance perhaps a second edition of these hints would deserve the title — Rules. ♦Compiled by a committee of five, Panizzi, Th. Watts, J. Winter Jones, J. H. Parry, and E. Edwards, in several months of hard labor. fTo these may now be added: Condensed rules for an author and title catalogue, prepared by the Cooperation Committee, A. L. A. 1883, revised by the Advisory Catalog Committee, 1902; F: B. Per- kins's San Francisco cataloguing (1884); C: Dziatzko's Instruction fiir die Ordnung der Titel im alphabetischen Zettelkatalog der Univ. Bibliothek zu Breslau (1886), of which an adaptation has been made by Mr. K. A: Llnderfelt, Boston, 1890; Melvil Dewey's Condensed rules for a card cata- logue, with. 36 sample cards (published in the Library notes, v. 1, No. 2, 1886, and reprinted as Rules for author and classed catalogs; with changes, additions, and a Bibliography of catalog rules by Mary Salome Cutler, Boston, 1888, and again as Library School rules, in four editions, Boston, 1890, 1892, 1894, and 1899); G. FumagaUi's Cataloghi di biblioteche (1887); H: B. Wheatley's How to catalogue a library (1889); and various discussions in the Library journal, the Neucr Anzciger, and the Central- blatt fiir BibUothekswesen, 3 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from ^ Brigham Young University PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. On seeing the great success of the Library of Congress cataloging, I doubted whether it was worth while to prepare and issue this fourth edition of my Rules; but I reflected that it would be a considerable time before all libraries would use the cards of that librarj^, and a long time before the Library of Congress could furnish cards for all books, long enough for the libraries to absorb another edition and use it up in that part of their cataloging which they must do themselves. Still I can not help thinking that the golden age of cataloging is over, and that the difliculties and discussions which have furnished an inno- cent pleasure to so many will interest them no more. Another lost art. But it will be ail the better for the pockets of the public, or rather it will be better for other parts of the service — the children's room and the information desk, perhaps. In the last two years a great change has come upon the status of cataloging in the United States. The Librarj^ of Congress has begun furnishing its printed catalog cards on such liberal terms that any new librar}" would be very foolish not to make its catalog mainly of them, and the older libraries find them a valuable assistance in the cataloging of their accessions, not so much because they are cheaper as because in the case of most libraries they are better than the library is likely to make for itself. The differences between these rules and those adopted by the Library c ngress are of two classes. The first class of differences is in trifles of punctuation, capitalization, the place of certain items on the cards, and the like. If one alread}^ has a catalog with a large number of cards, and merely inserts in it as many of the Library of Congress cards as possible, I see no reason for altering one's own style, either on the past accumulations or on the new cards that one is to write. The two kinds of cards can stand together in the drawers and the public will never notice the difference. But if one is com- mencing a new catalog, to be composed mainly of Library of Congress cards, I advise following the Library of Congress rules closely. It will save much trouble. 5 6 PREFACE TO THE FOURT-I EDITION. In the second class of differences, those relating to place of entry of the card in the catalog, or of choice of heading, we must note that it is very easy to alter the entry of a Library of Congress card, as there is room enough above the heading on the printed card to write in the one preferred. A librarian who alread}' has a large catalog will there- fore find no difficulty in continuing his present heading and need change only if he thinks the Librar}^ of Congress practice better. Nevertheless, as it is some trouble to look for differences of practice, and there is alwaj^s a chance of overlooking one and so getting dif- ferent entries for similar books, it would be well to adopt the Library of Congress rules unless there is some decided reason against them. The librarian who is just commencing his catalog has still more reason for this course. In the matter of capitalization, on which the advisory committee give no advice, the course I recommend was decidedly favored by the votes of the Catalog Section, at the meeting of the \j^ American Library- Association at Magnolia in 1902. This course does not agree with the present practice at the Librarj^ of Congress. The convenience of the public is alwaj^s to be set before the ease of the cataloger. In most cases they coincide. A plain rule without exceptions is not only easy for us to carrj^ out, but easj" for the public to understand and work by. But strict consistency in a rule and uni- formit}" in its application sometimes lead to practices which clash with the public's habitual way of looking at things. When these habits are general and deeply rooted, it is unwise for the cataloger to ignore them, even if they demand a sacrifice of sj'stem and simplicit3\ The rules issued by the advisor}^ catalog committee of the American Library Association are, according to the preface to the printed edition of these rules, expressl}^ designed to be made for the use of a learned librar3\ The old catalogs were not made for children, but the modern ones have to be, especially in a circulating librar}", for the children are the library's best clients. That the committee has always under- stood the public's views, estimated correctl}^ its power of changing them, and drawn the line in the right place between a conservative regard for custom and a wish to lead the public toward a desirable simplicit}^ and consistency is too much to assume, but I have at least always looked for the reasons on both sides. The increase in the number of rules is due chiefl}" not to making new rules, but to taking out from the long notes many recommenda- tions that were in effect rules, and are more easil}^ referred to and found in their present place. The changes are largely for the sake of greater clearness and of better classification. Cataloging is an art, not a science. No rules can take the place of experience and good judgment, but some of the results of experience may be best indicated by rules. •" ^ C. A. C. EDITOR S NOTE. EDITOR'S NOTE It is with extreme reluctance that I add one word to those written by the author. It is, however, necessary to explain that no liberties whatever have been taken with the manuscript left by the author, and the additions made are only those necessary on account of the lack of manuscript. The rules for imprint are reprinted from the third edition for this reason. The Appendix has been shortened by the omission of all the other rules and of the list of reference books. The articles on the cataloging of special material have been added. The death of the author, which occurred on September 6, 1903, removed from among us one whose industry had done much to make the profession what it is in America. W. P. Cutter. / COIN'TENTS Page. General remabks * H Objects - 12 Means 12 Reasons for choice among methods 12 Definitions ( witli a note on classification) 13 A. Entry (Where to enter) 25 1. Author-catalog 25 A. Authors 26 1. Personal 26 a. "Who is to be considered author 26 b. What part of the name is to be used 31 c. What form of the name is to be used 36 2. Corporate * 39 B. Substitutes for authors 50 c. References - 53 D. Economies 55 2. Title-catalog 56 3. Subject-catalog 66 A. Entries considered separately 66 1. Choice between different subjects 66 2. Choice between different names 69 3. The number of subject entries 75 4. Miscellaneous rules and examples 77 B. Entries considered as parts of a whole 79 4. Form-catalog 81 5. Analysis '. - 82 B. Style ( How to enter) 84 1. Headings 85 2. Titles (Order, abridgment, etc. ) 92 3. Editions 99 4. Imprints 100 5. Collation , 102 6. Contents and note.- 104 7. References - 105 8. Language 106 9. Capitals - - - 106 10. Punctuation, etc 109 11. Arrangement Ill a. Headings Ill b. Subheadings 116 c. Titles 118 d. Contents 122 e. Subjects 122 /. Synopses of the arrangement 128 12. Etcetera 129 9 10 CONTENTS. Page. Other catalogs 131 Cataloging special publications and other material 135 1. Manuscripts. By "Worthiiigton C. Ford 135 2. Music. By 0. G. Sonneck 138 3. Maps and atlases. By P. Lee Phillips - - 140 4. Miscellaneous material 146 Appendixes: I. A. L. A. Transliteration reports T 147 II. A. L. A. Book size report 155 III. Abbreviations - - 157 RULES FOR A DICTIOlSrARY CATALOG GENERAL REMARKS. No code of cataloging could be adopted in all points by every one, because the libraries for stud}' and the libraries for reading have dif- ferent objects, and those which combine the two do so in dift'erent proportions. Again, the preparation of a catalog must vary as it is to be manuscript or printed, and, if the latter, as it is to be merely an index to the libra r}", giving in the shortest possible compass clues by which the public can find books, or is to attempt to furnish more infoT- mation on various points, or finally is to be made with a certain regard to what maj' be called st3'le. Without pretending to exactness, we may divide dictionary catalogs into short-title, medium-title, and full- title or bibliographic; t3'pical examples of the three being, 1°, the Boston Mercantile (1869) or the Cincinnati Public (1871); 2% the Bos- ton Public (1861 and 1866), the Boston Athenaeum (1874-82); 3°, the catalog now making l)}^ the Library of Congress. To avoid the con- stant repetition of such phrases as "the full catalog of a large librar}"'" and " a concise finding-list," 1 shall use the three words Short, Medium, and Full as proper names, with the preliminary caution that the Short familj^ are not all of the same size, that there is more than one Medium, and that Full mav be Fuller and Fullest. Short, if single-columned, is generalh^ a title-a-liner; if printed in double columns, it allows the title occasionalh' to exceed one line, but not, if possible, two; Medium does not limit itself in this wrj, but it seldom exceeds four lines, and gets many titles into a single line. Full usually fills three or four lines and often takes six or seven for a title. The number of the following rules is not owing to any complexity of system, but to the number of wideh' varying cases to which a few 11 12 OBJECTS MEANS REASOKS. simple principles liaA'e to be applied. They are especially designed for Medium, but may easily be adapted to Short hj excision and mar- ginal notes. The almost universal practice of printing the shelf -num- bers or the class-numbers renders some of them unnecessary for town and city libraries. OBJECTS. * \ 1. To enable a person to find a book of which either (a) the author J (b) the title \- is known. (c) the subject ) 2. To show what the library has (d) by a given author (e) on a given subject (f) in a giA'en kind of literature. 3. To assist in the choice of a book (g) as to its edition (bibliographically). (h) as to its character (literary or topical). MEANS. 1. Author-entry with the necessar}^ references (for a and d). 2. -Title-entry or title-reference (for b). 3. Subject-entry, cross-references, and . classed subject-table (for c and e). 4. Form-entry and language-entry (for f). 5. Giving edition and imprint, with notes when necessary (for g). 6. Notes (for h). reasons for choice. Among the several possible methods of attaining the objects, other things being equal, choose that entry (1) That will probabl}?- be first looked under by the class of people who use the library ; (2) That is consistent with other entries, so that one principle can cover all; (3) That will mass entries least in places where it is diflicult to so arrange them that they can be readih^ found, as under names of nations and cities. This applies very slightly to entries under first words, because it is easy and euflS- cient to arrange them by the alphabet. * Note to second edition. This statement of Objects and Means has been criticized; but as it has also been frequently quoted, usually without change or credit, in the prefaces of catalogs and elsewhere, I suppose it has on the whole been approved. DEFINITIONS. 13 DEFINITIONS. There is such confusion in the use of terms in the various prefaces to catalogs — a confusion that at once springs from and leads to confusion of thought and practice — that it is worth while to propose a systematic nomenclature. Accession (verb), to enter iu an accession book. Accessioti hool\ the business record of books, etc., added to a librar}'^ in the order of receipt, giving* a condensed description of the book and the essential facts in its librar}^ history. A chronological arrangement of the book bills, more or less annotated, can be economically substituted for this book. Accession number^ the number given to a volimie in the order of its addition to a library. Accession stam^^ a numbering stamp used in printing accession num- bers in books, on cards, etc. Added edition^ another edition of a work already in the catalog. Added entry, a secondary" entry, i. e., an^^ other than a main entry. Alj)hahetic subject catalog^ a catalog arranged alphabetically by subject heads, usually "without subdivisions. The term is also used to include alphabetic^-classed catalogs. Alphubetico-classed catalog, an alphabetic subject catalog in which the subjects are grouped in broad classes with numerous alphabetic subdivisions. It may also include author and title entries in the same alphabet. Analysis, the registry of part of a book or of a work contained in a collection. (See §§ 193-196.) Anonymous, published without the author's name. Strictly a book is not anonymous if the author's name appears anywhere in it, but it is safest to treat it as anonymous if the author's name does not appear in the title. Even when the author's name is given in the second or a later volume the work is to be treated as anonymous if the first volume does not give the author's name. Note that the words are "in the title," not "on the title-page." Sometimes in Government publications the author's name and the title of his work do not appear on the title-page but on a page immediately following. Such works are not to be treated as anonymous. Appended; a work which has a title-page, but is connected with another work by mention on its title-page as part of the volume, or by continuous paging or register, is said to be apjyended to that work. Asyndetic^ without cross-references. See Syndetic. 14 DEFINITIONS. AuthA)i\ in the narrower sense, is the person who writes a book; in a wider sense it may be applied to him who is the cause of the book's existence by putting together the writings of several authors (usually called the editor^ more properly to be called the collector). Bodies of men ( societies, cities, legislative bodies, countries ) are to be considered the authors of their memoirs, transactions, journals, debates, reports, etc. Author card., a card bearing an author entry ; usually the main author card. Author catalog, an alphabetic catalog of author entries, and entries under editors, translators, etc. It also usually contains titles, but is then more properly called an author and title catalog. See also Name catalog and Personal catalog. Author entry., an entry (main or added) under the name of the author (whethei- personal or corporate) or some substitute for it. (See §§ 1-119.) Bihliogra'phee., one who is the subject of a bibliography. See note under Biograpliee. Bibliography^ a list of the books of a particular author, printer, place, or period, or on an}^ particular theme; the literature of a subject. See also Catalog. Binder's title., the title lettered on the binding of a book. Biographee., one who is the subject of a biography. In general the word "subject" expresses the meaning as well and being shorter should be used in preference. Book number., one or more characters, used to distinguish an individual book from all others having the same class, shelf, or other generic number. Bracket (noun), rectangular inclosing marks [ ]. They are used to enclose words added to a title or imprint or changed in form. Not to be confounded with curves ( ) . (verb), to inclose between brackets. Broadside., a sheet of paper printed on one side only. Ex. Posters, hand-bills, Thanksgiving proclamations, etc. Call-rnark., characters indicating the location of a book on the shelves and distinguishing it from all others in the library. Usually composed of class and book number, or in fixed location, of shelf and book number. Caption.^ the name of a book (or of part of a book) given at the head of the first page of text. Card catalog., a catalog made on separate pieces of cardboard (by writ- ing, typewriting, printing, or otherwise) and kept in drawers, trays, books, or in any other waj^ that will allow of indefinite intercalation without rewriting, A catalog on ])ieces of paper is properly a slip catalog but is often included under the general name of card catalog. DEFINITIONS. 15 Catalog^ a list of books which is arranged on some definite plan. As distinguished from a bibliography, it is a list of books in some library or collection. For specific kinds of catalogs see: Accession book Dictionar}" catalog Alphabetic subject catalog Name catalog Alphabetico-classed catalog Personal catalog Author catalog Shelf list Classed catalog Subject catalog. Cheeky a conventional mark indicating that certain work is to be or has been done, or conveying other information. Cl-ass^ a collection of objects having characteristics in common. Books are classified by bringing together those which have the same characteristics.* Of course any characteristics might be taken, as size, or binding, or publisher. But as nobody wants to know what books there are in the hbrary in foho, or what quartos, or what books bound in russia or calf, or what published by John Smith, or by Brown, Jones, and Robinson, these bases of classification are left to the booksellers and auctioneers and trade sales. Still, in case of certain miusual or noted bindings (as in human skin or from Grolier's library) or early or famous publishers (as Aldus and Elzevir) a partial class-list is sometimes very properly made. But books are most commonly brought together in catalogs because they have the same authors, or the same subjects, or the same literary form, or are written in the same language, or were given by the same donor, or are designed for the same class of readers. When brought together because they are by the same author, they are not usually thought of as classified; they form the author-catalog, and need no further mention here except in regard to arrangement. The classes, /. e., in this case the authors, might of course be further classified according to their nations, or their professions (as the subjects are in national or professional biographies), or by any other set of common characteristics, but for library purposes an alphabetical arrangement accord- ing to the spelling of their names is universally acknowledged to be the best. The classification by language is not generally used in full. There are catalogs in which all the English books are separated from all the foreign; in others there are sepa- rate hsts of French books or German books. The needs of each library must deter- mine whether it is worth while to prepare such lists. It is undeniably useful in almost any library to make lists of the belles lettres in the different languages; which, though nominally a classification by language, is really a classification by literary form, the object being to bring together all the works with a certain national flavor — the French flavor, the German flavor, or it may be a classing by readers, the German books being cataloged together for a German population, the French for the French, and so on. Again, it is useful to give lists not of the belles lettres alone, but of all the works in the rarer languages, as the Bodleian and the British IMuseum have pub- lished separate lists of their Hebrew books. Here too the circumstances of each library must determine where it shall draw the line between those literatures which it will put by themselves and those which it will include and hide in the mass of its general catalog. Xote, however, that some of the difficulties of transliterating names of modern Greek, Russian authors, etc., are removed by putting their original works in a separate catalog, though translations still remain to puzzle us. The catalog by donors or original owners is usually partial (as those of the Dowse, Barton, Prince, and Ticknor libraries). The catalogs by classes of readers are also partial, hardly extending beyond Juvenile Literature and Sunday-school books. ♦This note has little direct bearing on practice, but by its insertion here some one interc'ted in the theorj- of cataloging may be saved the trouble of gotag over the same ground. 16 DEFINITIONS. Of course many subject classes amount to the same thing, the clasa Medicine Ix-ing especially useful to medical men, Theology to the theologians, and so on. Classification by subject and classification by form are the most conmion. An example will best show the distinction between them. Theology, which hi it.self a subject, is also a class, that is, it is extensive enough to have its parts, its chapters, ^o to speak (as Future Life, Holy Spirit, Regeneration, Sin, Trinity), treated .sepa- rately, each when so treated (whether in books or only in thought) being itself a subject; all these together, inasmuch as they possess this in common, that they have to do with some part of the relations of God to man, form the class of subjects The- ology. Class, however, is applied to Poetry in a different sense. It then signifieH not a collection of similar subjects, but a collection of books resembling one anotlier in being composed in that form and with that spirit, whatever it is, which is called poetical. In the subject-catalog class it is used in the first sense — collection of simi- lar subjects; in the literary-form catalog it is used in the second — list of similar books. Most systems of classification are mixed, as the following analysis of one in actual use in a small library will show: Art, science, and natural history. Subject. History and biography. Subject. Poetry. Form (literary). Encyclopaedias and books of refer- Form (practical), cnce. Travels and adventures. Subject. (Has some similarity to a Forni-clas.s.) Railroads. Subject. Fiction. Form. {Novels, a subdivision of Fiction, is properly a Form-class; but the differentia of the more extensive Fiction is not its form, but its untruth; imaginary voyages and the like of course imitate the form of the works which they parody.) Relating to the rebellion. Subject. Magazines. Form (practical). General literature, essays, and re- A mixture: 1. Hardly a class; that is to say, it probably i.« a coUec- ligious works. lion of books having only this in common, that they will not fit into any of the other classes; 2. Form; 3. Subject. Confining ourselves now to classification by subjects, the word can be used in three senses: 1. Bringing books together which treat of the same subject specifically. That is, books which each treat of the whole of the subject and not of a part only. 2. Bringing books together which treat of similar subjects. Or, to express the same thing differently: Bringing subjects together so as to form a class. A catalog so made is called a classed catalog. 3. Bringing classes together so as to form a system. A catalog so made should be called a systematic catalog. The three steps are then 1. Classifying the books to make subject-lists. 2. Classifying the subject-lists to make classes. 3. Classifying the classes to make a systematic catalog. The dictionary stops in its entries at the first stage, in its cross-references at the second. The alphabetico-classed catalog stops at the second stage. The systematic alone advances to the third. Classification in the first sense, it is plain, is the same as " entry; " in the second sense it is the same as "class-entry;" and in the third sense it is the same as the " logical arrangement" of the table on p. 17, under "Classed catalog." It is worth while to ascertain the relation of subject and class in the subject-cata- log. Subject is the matter on which the author is seeking to give or the reader to obtain information; Class is, as said above, a grouping of subjects which have char- DEFINITIONS. 17 acteristics in common. A little reflection will show that the words so used partially overlap,* the general subjects being classes! and the classes being subjects, J but the individual subjects § never being classes. Cla^s-entry^ registerino- a book under the name of its class; in the sub- ject-catalog used in contradistinction to specific entry. E. g., a, book on repentance has class §ntry under Theology; its specific entry would be under Repentance. Class-fnark, one or more characters showing the class to which a book belongs. In a relative location this also shows its place on the shelves. Classed catalogs are made b}^ class-entry, whether the classes so formed are arranged logically as in the Systematic kind or alphabetically as in the Alphabetico-classed. A dictionary catalog contains class-headings, inasmuch as it contains the headings of extensive subjects, but under them there is no class entry, only specific entry. The syndetic dictionary catalog, however, recognizes their nature by its cross-refer- ences, which constitute it in a certain degree an alphabetico-classed (not a systematic) catalog. Moreover, the dictionary catalog, without ceasing to be one, miglit, if it W"ere thought worth while (which it certainly is not), not merely give titles under specific headings but repeat them under certain classes or under all classes in ascend- ing series, e. g., not merely have such headings as Rose, Geranium, Fungi, Lilia- ceae, Phaenogamia, Cryptogamia, but also under Botany include all the titles which appeared under Rose, Geranium, etc. ; provided the headings Botany, Cryp- togamia, Fungi, etc., were arranged alphabetically. The matter may be tabulated thus : Specific entry. (Common diet, catal.) Specific entry and class reference. ( Bost. Pub. Lib., Boston Athenseum. ) Alphabetical ar- Specific and class entry. ( No example. ) rangement. ' ) \ Class entry with specific or class sub- entry. (Noyes. ) Class entry with chiefly class subentry. (Abbot.) Dictionary catalog. Alphabetico-classed catalog. Form Clas Subject O ses. ^^ ro a » m a a c fThe subjects Animals, Horses, Plants are classes, a fact which is per- haps more evident to the eye if we use the terms Zoologry, Hlppology, Botany. The subdivisions of Botany and Zoology arc obvious enough; the subdivisions of Hlppology may be themselves classes, as Shetland ponies, Arabian coursers. Barbs, or individual horses, as Lady Sufifolk- Justin Morgan. I Not merely the concrete classes. Natural history. Geography, Herpe- tology, History, Ichthyology, Mineralogy, but the abstract ones, Mathe- matics, Philosophy, are plainly subjects. The fact that some books treat of the subject Philosophy and others of philosophical subjects, and that others treat in a philosophical manner subjects not usually considered philosophical, introduces con- fusion into the matter, and single examples may be brought up in which it seems as if the classifica- tion expressed the form (Crestadoro's " nature") or something which a friend calls the " essence" of the book and not its subject, so that we ought to speak of an " essence catalog" which might require some special treatment; but the distinction can not be maintained. It might be said, for example, that "Geology a proof of revelation" would have for its subject-matter Geology but for its class Theology — which is true, not because class and subject are incompatible but because this book has two subjects, the first Geology, the second one of the evidences of revealed religion, wherefore, as the Evidences are a subdivision of Theology, the book belongs under that as a subject-class. § It is plain enough that Mt. Jefferson, John Milton, the Warrior Iron-clad are not classes. Coun- tries, however, which for most purposes it is convenient to consider as individual, are in certain aspects classes; "when by the word " England " we mean " the English " it is the name of a class. 31425—04- 18 DEFINITIONS. Logical arrange merit. catal. ) Alphabetical arrangement Clasa entry. (Undivided classed catal.) Class entry and subentry and finally spe- cific subentry. (Subdivided classed Systematic catalog. Specific headings in alphabetical order. A Classes in alpha- betical order. B D Specific headings arranged logic- ally in classes. C Classes in logical order. Logical arrangement. A, Specific dictionary. B, Specific diet, by its cross-references and its form-entries. Alphabetico-classed catalog. C, Classed catalog without subdivisions. D, Classed catalog with subdivisions. A, B are alphabetical. C, D are classed. A, B, D contain specific subjects. B, C, D contain classes. The specific entries of A and the classes of B, though brought together in- the same cata- logs (the class-dictionary and the alphabetico- classed), simply stand side by side and do not unite, each preserving its OM^n nature, because the j:)rineiple which brings them together — the alphabet— is external, mechanical. But in D the specific entries and the classes become intimately united to form a homogeneous whole, because the prin- ciple which brings them together — the relations of the subjects to one another — is internal, chemical, so to speak. Collation^ in library work ascertaining, usually by the examination of signatures or of the page numbers, whether a copy of a l)ook is perfect; in the catalog of a library the Statement of the number of volumes, pages, illustrations, maps, etc., of the library's copy of a book; in printed cards for general use the statement of these details as they exist in a perfect copy of the book. Collector^ one who makes a work by putting together several works or parts of works. Often called editor. (See §§ 98-107.) Colon abhrevlailons^ abbreviations for the most common forenames formed of the initial followed bj^ : for men and •• for women. (See Appendix III.) Colophon., title and imprint or imprint alone at the end of the book. Conjoint autliorsliij) . See Joint authorship. Continuation., an}'^ part after the first of a publication issued in parts at different times, whether a serial, an irregular publication, or a book. Cross reference., reference from one subject to another. Curves., the upright curves ( ) used to mark off an interjected explana- tory clause or qualifying remark; marks of parenthesis; also used to indicate inclusion, as {In his Soldiers of fortune. 1876.), (Arundel Societ}^). Not to be confounded with brackets [ ]. A dash (an en dash) between numbers (as 16-20) means "to and including"; following a number it is equivalent to etc., sqq., or foil. An em dash before a title takes the place of the previous heading; an em dash followed b^- an en dash takes the place -of a heading and a subordinate heading or a title. (See § 219.) DEFINITIONS. 19 Dictionary catalog, so called because the headings (author, title, subject, and form) are arranged, like the words in a dictionary", in alpha- betical order. Dictionary and other alphahetical catalogs. These are differentiated not, as is often said, \)\ the dictionary- having' specific entry, but (1) by its giving specific entries in all cases and (2) by its individual entry. Even the classed catalogs often have specific entry. Whenever a book treats of the whole subject of a clags, it is specificalh' entered under that class. A theological encyclopsedia is specifically entered under Theolog'y, and theology is an unsorbordi- nated class in many systems. The alphabetico-classed catalogs have specific entrj' in many more cases, because they have many more classes. Professor Ezra Abbot has such headings as Ink, Jute, Lace, Leather, Life-savers, Locks, Mortars, Perfumery, Safes, Salt,. Smoke, Snow, Varnish, Vitriol. ^Ir. Xoyes has scores of similar headings; but neither of them permits individual entry, which the diction- ary-catalog requires. The alphabetico-classed catalog enters a life of Xapoleon and a history of England under Biography and History; the dictionary enters them under Napoleon and England. This is the invariable and chief distinction between the two. (Since this was written the only alphabetico-classed catalog in existence has arranged its individual biography in the same alphabet with its authors, so far destroj'ing the distinction between itself and the dictionary catalog.) Duplicate., a second copy of a book identical with the first in edition, contents, and imprint (binding and paper may differ). Edition., a number of copies of a book, published at the same time and in the same form. A later publication of the same book unchanged is sometimes styled a different edition, sometimes a new issue, sometimes a different thousand (4th thousand, 7th^ thousand ) . Title edition., one distinguished from another edition of the same book only by a change on the title-page, usually a change of date. Editoi'. See AutJior. Entry., the registry of a book in the catalog with the title and imprint. Author-entry., registry with the author's name for a heading. (§ 119.) Added entry., any other than the main entry. Title-entry , registry" under some word of the title. (§§ 120-160.) First-vjord-entry., entry made from the first woi"d of the title not an article. (§§ 120-113.) Import ant -word or catch-icord entry ^ entry made from some word of the title other than the first word and not indicative of the sub- ject, but likely to be remembered and used b}" borrowers in asking for the book. (Not recommended in these Rules.) Main entry., the full or principal entry. (See Main entry.) Series entry., entry of a number of separate works published under a collective title or half-title or title-page caption. Such are "The English citizen" series and "American statesmen." The head- ing is the first word of the name of the series or its collector's name. Suhject-v'ord-entry ., entry made under a word of the title which indicates the subject of the book, (§ 151.) 20 DEFINITIONS. Svbj ect- entry ^ registry under the name selected b}^ the cataloger to indicate the subject. (§§ 162-188.) A cataloger who should put "The insect," by Michelet, under Entomology would be making a subject-entry; Duncan's "Introduction to entomologj^" entered under the same head would be at once a subject-entry and a subject-ivord-entry. Form-entry^ registry under the name of the kind of literature to which the book belongs. (§§ 189-192.) Fixed location^ system of marking and arranging books by shelf and book marks so that their absolute position in room, tier, and on shelf is always the same. Fold syvibol^ a symbol indicating the number of leaves into which a sheet is folded, and thereby approximately the size of the page. Form., applied to a variety of classification founded on the form of the book classified, which may be either Practical, as in Almanacs, Dic- tionaries, Encyclopsedias, Gazetteers, Indexes, Tables (the form in these being for the most part alphabetical), or Literary, as Fiction, Plays, Comedies, Farces, Tragedies, Poetry, Letters, Orations, Sermons (the latter with the subdivisions Charity, Election, Funeral, Instal- lation, Ordination, Thanksgiving, etc.) There are certain headings which belong both to the Subject and the Form family. "Encyclopsedias," inasmuch as the books treat of all knowledge, is the most inclu- sive of all the subject-classes; inasmuch as (with few exceptions) they are in alpha- betical form, it is a form-class. Form (French /7/i'';/i«^), the designation of a book ])y the fold of the sheet, often called "size." Folio when the sheet is folded once, quarto when it is folded twice, octavo when it is folded three times, 16mo or 12mo when folded four times. Fonnn-entry , registry of a book under the name of the kind of litera- ture to which the book belongs. (See §§ 189-192.) Guide card, a projecting labelled card inserted in a card catalog to aid in finding a desired place or heading. Half-title. See Title. Hanging indention. See Indention. Heading, the word by which the alphabetical place of an entry in the catalog is determined, usually the name of the author, of the subject, or of the literar}^ or practical form, or a word of the title. Imprint, the indication of the place, date, and form of printing. (§§ 257-275.) Indention, the setting in of a line by a blank space at the beginning or left hand, as in the first line of a paragraph. Hanging indention, the reverse of this, setting out the first line and indenting the following lines, as in the present list of definitions. Indimducd entry, entering a book under the name of a person or place as a subject heading; e. g. a life of Napoleon under Napoleon, not under Biograph}^; or a history of England under England, not under History. (See Specific entry.) DEFINITIONS. 21 Initial^ Initials^ a letter or letters used as a substitute for the author's name; e. g., H. H. for Helen Hunt. Joint authorshij)^ writing a book in conjunction, with specification of the part written by each. (^§ 3-4.) Longer case letter, a small letter as distinguished from a capital. Main entry ^ the full or principal entry; usualh' the author entry. In Full it consists of the author's name, the title, and the imprint. In a printed catalog it is distinguished from the added entries by having Xh^full contents, which may be abridged or omitted in the subject entry, and all the bibliographical notes, most of which are left out in the added entry. In a printed-card catalog the entries are of course all alike. ^lain entry in that case means the one on which is given, often on the back of the card, but sometimes by checks on the face, a list of all the other entries of the book (author, title, subject, reference, and analytical). Name catalog, a catalog arranged alphabetically by names of persons and places, whether used as authors or subjects. A title catalog may be included in the same alphabet. Name reference^ a reference to the form of a name selected for use in the catalog from alternative forms. Periodical, a work issued at interyals which are usually regular; it is generally written by many contributors. (For fuller discussion see §§ 133, 192.) ' ' ' Personal catalog^ one which giyes under a person's name both the books hy and those ahout him. E. g. the "author" part of the Harvard University Library's catalog, and of the catalog of the Public Library of Xew South Wales at Sydney. Pseudonym, a fictitious name assumed by an author to conceal his identity. Polygraphia, written by several authors. Polytojyical , treating of several topics. Will the convenience of this word excuse the twist given to the meaning of rojroc in its formation? Polygraphic might serve, as the French use polygraphs for a mis*- cellaneous writer; but it will be well to have both words, — polygraphic denoting (as now) collections of several works by one or many authors, po??/toj^ica? denoting works on many subjects. The question marl' \ following a word or entry signifies '"probably." Recto^ the right-hand page of an open book; the opposite of yerso. Rectos bear odd, yersos even numbers. Reference.^ partial registry of a book (omitting the imprint) under author, title, subject, or kind, referring to a more full entry under some other heading: occasionally used to denote merely entries without imprints, in which the reference is implied. The distinction of entry and reference is almost without meaning for Short, as a title-a-liner saves nothing by referring unless there are several references. In a printed-card catalog added entries often take the place of references, because one therebv^ gives more information with less work. 22 DEFINITIONS. ATwlyiicdl -reference^ or, simply, an analytical^ the registiy of some part of a book or of some work contained in a collection, refernng to the heading under which the book or collection is entered. (See §§ 193-196.) Cross-reference^ reference from one subject to another. Heading -reference^ from one form of a heading to another. First-word-reference, catch-word-reference, suhjecf-tnord-reference^ same as first-word-entry, etc. , omitting the imprint, and referring. Register, the series of signatures of a printed book. Relative location, an arrangement of books according to their relations to each other and regardless of the shelves or rooms where they are then placed. Relative location, like a card catalog, admits indefinite intercalation; the books can be moved to other shelves or rooms without altering the call numbers. Alphabetic arrange- ment on the shelves is one form of relative location. Running title. See Title. Searcher, the person who ascertains whether books proposed for pur- chase are already in the library, or already ordered. Serial, a publication issued in successive parts, usually at regular intervals, and continued indefinitel3^ Series entry, an entrj'^ using as heading the first word of the name of a series, or its collector and title, followed by a list of the books in the library belonging to the series. Series note, name of series to which a book belongs, either editor and title or title alone; according to these rules, written incurves ( ) after the imprint. Shelf list, a brief inventorj" of the books in a library, the entries arranged in the order of the books on the shelves. It is generall}^ for official use only. It forms a subject catalog of the librarj^ but without analj^sis. Shelf mark, in fixed location a letter or number indicating the location of a special shelf; also used as a synonjnn for call or location mark. Signature, a distinguishing mark, letter, or number placed usually at the bottom of the first page of each form or sheet of a book to indicate its order to the folder or binder. Hence, the form or sheet on which such a mark is placed, considered as a fractional part of a book; as, 'the work is printed in 20 signatures'. Size letters, a series of abbreviations, chiefly single letters, to indicate the sizes of books. Adopted for the use of the A. L. A. in 1878. (Library journal, 3:19.) See Appendix 3. Size mark, one or more characters to designate the size of a book. The most common are the fold symbol and the size letter. Size rule, a metric rule on which are stamped the size letters and the corresponding fold symbols. Specific entry, registering a book under a heading which expresses its special subject as distinguished from entering it in a class which includes that subject. DEFINITIONS. 23 E. g., registering "The art of painting" under Painting, or a description of the cactus under Cactus. Putting them under Fine arts and Botany would be class- entry. "Specific entry," by the way, has nothing to do with "species." Svbject^ the theme or themes of the book, whether stated in the title or not. It is worth noting that subjects are of two sorts: (1) the indi^ddual, as Goethe, Shakespeare, England, the Middle Ages, the ship Alexandra, the dog Tray, the French. Revolution, all of which are concrete; and (2) general, as Man, History, Horse, Philosophy, which may be either concrete or abstract. Every general subject is a class more or less extensive. (See note on Class.) Some mis- takes have also arisen from not noting that certain words. Poetry, Fiction, Drama, etc., are subject-headings for the books written about Poetry, Fiction, etc., and form- headings for poems, novels, plays, etc. 8vhject-entry^ Subject icord entry. See Entry. Subject catalog., a catalog of subjects, whether arranged in classes or alphabeted by names of subjects. Subject entry, registry of a book under its subject. (See §§ 161-188.) Subject heading, the name of a subject used as a heading under vrhich books relating to that subject are entered. Subject reference^ a reference from one subject to another, either a synonym, an allied heading, a more minute division of the sub- ject, or a more general subject. Syndetic, connective, applied to that kind of dictionary catalog which binds its entries together by means of cross-references so as to form a whole, the references being made from the most compre- hensive subject to those of the next lower degree of comprehen- siveness, and from each of these to their subordinate subjects, and vice versa. These cross-references correspond to and are a good substitute for the arrangement in a systematic catalog. Refer- ences are also made in the syndetic catalog to illustrative and coordinate subjects, and, if it is perfect, from specific to general subjects. (§§ 187-188.) Title in the broader sense includes heading, title proper, and imprint; in the narrower (in which it is hereafter used) it is the name of the book given by the author on the title-page. In this sense it is divided into two parts, tHe title proper, and the second part of the title, which begins with "By" and contains the name of the author, editor, translator, if any, statements about illustrations, appendixes, etc. The name of the book or the subject of a portion of the book which is put at the top of each page is called the running-title. The name of the book put on the leaf preceding the title-page is called the half-title, or sometimes bastard title; half-title is also applied to lines indicating subdivisions of the book and following the title; the name given at the head of the first page of text is the caption. That given on the back of the book (the bindei-'s title) should never be used for main entry in a catalog which makes the slightest pretensions to carefulness. The title proper must be followed very closely in cataloging (§ 223) ; the second part of the title may be treated with much more freedom, the author's name being omitted, omissions not signified bv dots, and words abbreviated. 24 DEFINITIONS. A title may be either the book's name (as "&c.") or its description (as "A collec- tion of occasional sermons"), or it may state its subject (as "Synonyms of the New Testament " ) , or it may be any two or all three of these combined (as description and subject, "Brief account of a journey through Europe;" name and description, "Happy thoughts;" name and subject, "Men's wives;" all three, " Index of dates ") . Bibliographers have established a cult of the title-page; its slightest peculiarities are noted; it is followed religiously, with dots for omissions, brackets for insertions, and uprights to mark the end of lines; it is even imitated by the fac-simile type or photographic copying. These things may concern the cataloger of the Lenox Library or the Prince collection. The ordinary librarian has in general nothing to do with them; but it does not follow that even he is to lose all respect for the title. It is the book's name and should not be changed but by act of legislature. Our neces- sities oblige us to abbreviate it, but nothing obliges us to make additions to it or to change it without giving notice to the reader that we have done so. Moreover, it must influence the entry of a book more or less; it determines the title-entry entirely; it affects the author-entry, and the subject-entry. But to let it have more power than this is to pay it a superstitious veneration. Title entry ^ Y&gmtvy of a book under some word of the title. (See § 120-160.) Title marh^ that part of the book mark which is used to distinguish different books by the same author; e. g. the book mark for Shakespeare's Macbeth is S5ma, of which the first part, S5, stands for Shakespeare and the second part, ma, is the title mark for Macbeth. Under; an entry is said to be "under" a word when that word is used as its heading, that is, when the word determines the place of the entry in the catalog. Yerso^ the left-hand page of an open book; the opposite of recto. Volume^ a book distinguished from other books or other volumes of the same work by having its own title, paging, and register. This is the bibliographic use of the word, sanctioned by the British Museum rules. That is, it is in this sense oidy that it applies to all the copies of an edition as it comes from the printer. But there is also a bibliopegic and bibliopolic use, to denote a number of pages bound together, which pages may be several volumes in the other sense, or a part of a volume or parts of several volumes. To avoid confusion I "volume" in the present treatise as defined in the Rules of the British Museuna catalog and I recommend this as the sole use in library catalogs, except in such phrases as 2 v. bd. in 1, which means 2 volumes in the bibliographical sense united by binding so as to form one piece of matter. In the present treatise I am regarding the dictionary catalog as consisting of an author-catalog, a subject-catalog, a more or less complete title-catalog, and a more or less complete form-catalog, all interwoven in one alphabetical order. The greater part, however, of the rules here given would apply equally to these catalogs when kept separate. These rules, written i^rimarily for a printed catalog, have been enlarged in this fourth edition to include the needs of a card catalog. AUTHOR ENTRY. 25 A.— ENTRY: WHERE TO ENTER. I. AUTHOR-ENTRY. A. Authors. Author, 1. Anonymous, 2. 1. Personal. a. Vnder whom as author. Joint authors, 3, 4, Works bound together, 5. Theses. 6. Pseu- donyms, 7. Illustrators, 8. Designer, painter, cartographer, en- grayer. 9. Photographer, 10. Musical works, 11. Booksellers, auctioneers, 12, 13. Commentaries, 14, 15. Continuations, indexes, 16. Epitomes, IT. Reyisions, 18. Excerpts, chrestomathies, 19. Concordances, 20. Reporters, translators, editors, 21. Ana, 22. J. Uiider what part of the name. Christian name, 23. Surname. 21. Title, 25, 26. Ecclesiastical dignitaries, 27. Compound names, 28. Prefixes. 29. Latin names, 30. Capes, lakes, etc.. 31. c. Under what form of the name. Vernacular. 32. Seyeral languages. 33. Masculine and feminine, 34. Various spellings, 35, 36. Transliteration, 37-39. Changed names, 10. Forenames. 11. Places. 12—41. 2. Corporate. General principle, 45. Details, 46-95. Countries and other places, 46-58. Bodies other than countries or smaller places, 59-89. Com- mittees and other subordinates, 90-94. Rulers, 46. Legislating bodies, 47. Departments, etc., 48, 49. Laws on special subjects, 50. Calendars, 51. Works written oflicially, 52. Nsme of the office, 53. Messages transmitting, 54. Reports by non-officials, 55. Articles to be inquired of, 56. Congresses of nations, 57. Treaties, 58. Parties, sects, 59. Societies, 60-89. Corporations, 61. International societies, 62. International conferences, etc., 63. Orders of knighthood, 64. English colleges, professional schools, 65. College libraries, ^^. College societies, 67. Alumni associations. ^%. Public schools, 69. Imperial, royal, etc., 70. Inyersion, 71. Guilds, 72. Board, corpora- tion, trustees, 73. Firms, 74. European academies and uniyersities, 75. National and city libraries, museums, galleries, 77. Obseryatories, 78. Expositions, 79. State uniyersities, historical, agricultural and medical societies, 80. Churches, 81. Cathedrals, 82. Monasteries, 26 AUTHOR ENTRY. convents, 83. Banks, 84. Local benevolent societies, 85. Y. M, C. A., SQ. Private schools, 87. Private libraries, galleries, uuiseums, 88. Buildings, 8i>. Committees or sections, 90. Committee of citizens, 91. Class of citizens, 92. Conventions, etc., 93. Catholic councils, 94. References, 95. B. Substitutes. Parts of the author's name, 96. Pseudonyms, 97. Collectors, 98-109. c. References, 110-112. D. Economies, 118-119. A. Authors. 1. Make the author-entry under (a) the name of the author whether personal or corporate, or (b) some substitute for it. For the part of the name used see §§ 23-31, for the form see §§ 32-44. 2. Anonymous books are to be entered under the name of the author whenever it is known. If it is not known with certainty the entry may he made under the person to whom the work is attributed, with an explanatory note and a reference from the first word, or the book may be treated as anonymous and entered under the first word (§§ 120- 132), with a note "Attributed to ," and a reference from the supposed author. The degree of doubt will determine which method is best. For the form of the heading see §§ 32-44. For the entry when the author is not known see §§ 120-132. 1. Personal. a. Zlndfv whojii as author. 3. Enter works written conjointly by several authors under the name of the one first mentioned on the title-page, with reference,sfrom the others. The writers of a correspondence and the participants in a debate are to be considered as joint authors. Ex. Schiller, J: Christoph F: v. Briefwechsel zwischen S. und Cotta; herausg. vonVollmer. Stuttg., 1876. O. — Briefwechsel zw. S. und Goethe. Stuttg., 1829. 6 v. S. — Briefwechsel zw. S. und W: v. Humboldt. Stuttg., 1830. S. Cotta. Briefwechsel. See Schiller, J: C. F: v. Goethe, J: W. v. Briefwechsel. See Schiller, J: C. F: v. Humboldt, K: W:, Freiherr v. Briefwechsel. See Schiller, J: C. F: v. On the question of using double or single heading see § 218. When countries are joint authors it is better to make full entries under each and arrange Ihem as if the country under consideration were the only one. Each country puts its own name first in its own edition of a joint work; and the arrangement pro- posed avoids an additional complexity under countries, which are confusing enough at the best. UTSTDEE WHOM AS AUTHOR: JOINT AUTHORS, THESES. 27 Whether the joint authorship appears in the title or not should make no difference in the mode of entry; if one name appears on the title, that should be chosen for the entry; if none, take the most important. 4. Catalogs which use double headings should distinguish between joint authors of one work and two authors of separate works joined in one volume. In the latter case, if there is no collect- ive title, the heading should be the name of the lirst author alone and an analytical reference should be made from the second. (See § 110.) Ex. "The works of Shelley and Keats" would be entered in full under Shelley (both names being mentioned in the title, but Shelley alone in the heading), and anal j^tically ( § 195 ) under Seats. In such cases a double heading would often mislead. 5. Catalog works which are "bound together as if they were separate. In a printed catalog it is a waste of room to mention the binding together; the shelf- mark ensures finding if there is, as there should be, an individual mark for every book-work. In a card catalog also it is not necessarj', but as there is plenty of room it is well to make on the cards of the second and following works the note "Bd. with [here give the author and a very brief title and imprint of the first work].' Series of pamphlets may be referred to thus: — (Drama, v. 5) or (Political pam., v. 27 no. 10). Curves should be used as denoting inclusion. The no. of the pamphlet in the volume may be given or not; it is equally eflicacious to prefix to each volume a list of its contents numbered. 6. For university theses or dissertations the A. L. A. rule is: A. m. A. 69. Modern dissertations. Enter dissertations after 1800 under the respondent, excepting for universities where the old custom was kept up after 1800 (e. g., the Swedish, and of the German, particularly Tubingen). If two respondents are named without prseses, and without designating the author, make entry under the first and added entr}' under the second. Earliei' dissertations. Enter dissertations published previous to 1800 under the presses as prases.* Make an added entr}'^ under the respondent when he is known to be the author or is so named in the dissertation. The word "prseses" or ''respondent" shall be added in the heading. Dziatzko's rules are: I. Until about 1T50 a Unless the respondent is known to be the " auctor " (" auctor et respondens," " scriptor," etc.) enter under the name of the presses, without reference. h If the respondent is " auctor" enter under him, with reference from the prases. II. After 1750 enter under the respondent, unless it is known that the prseses is the author, when his name will be the heading. In neither case refer from the other name. * Treat in the same way dissertations of the universities where the old custom was kept up after 1800, e. g., the Swedish and Finnish universities, and of the German, particularly Tiibingen. 28 AUTHOR ENTRY. For universities where the old custom was kept up beyond 1750, as the Swedish, Kule I applies until the change was made. Where there are two resi)ondents, neither specified as author, enter under the first, without reference from the second. 7. Enter pseudonymous works generall}^ under the author's real name, when it is known, with a reference from the pseudonjnn; but make the entrj" under the pseudonj-m, with a reference from the real name, when the writer habitually uses his pseudonym or is generally known by it. Put both names on the heading (§§ 204-205). In the first edition this rule was without limitation, and I added the following note: "One is strongly tempted to deviate from this rule in the case of writers like George Eliot and George Sand, Gavarni and Grandville, who appear in literature only under their pseudonyms. It would apparently be much more convenient to enter their works under the name by which alone they are known and under which everybody but a professed cataloger would assuredly look first. For an author-catalog this might be the best plan, but in a dictionary catalog we have to deal with such people not merely as writers of books, but as subjects of biographies or parties in trials, and in such cases it seems proper to use their legal names. Besides, if one attempts to exempt a few noted writers from the rule given above, where is the line to be drawn? No definite principle of exception can be laid down which Avill guide either the cata- loger or the reader; and probably the confusion would in the end produce greater inconvenience than the present rule. INIoreover, the entries made by using the pseu- donym as a heading would often have to be altered. For a long time it would have been proper to enter the works of Dickens under Boz; the Dutch annual bibliog- raphy uniformly uses Boz-Dickens as a heading. No one would think of looking under Boz now. Mark Twain is in a transition state. The public mind is divided between Twain and Clemens. The tendency is always toward the use of the real name; and that tendency will be much helped in the reading public if the real name is always preferred in catalogs. Some pseudonyms jiersistently adopted by authors have come to be considered as the only names, as Voltaire, and the translation Melanchthon. Perhaps George Sand and George Eliot will in time be adjudged to belong to the same company. It would be well if catalogers could appoint some permanent committee with authority to decide this and similar points as from time to time they occur." I am now in favor of frequent entry under the pseudonym, with reference from the real name. I recommend the pseudonym as heading in the case of any popular writer who has not written under his own name, provided he is known to the public chiefly by his pseudonym, and in the subject catalog for any person who is so known. Examples are George Eliot, George Sand, Gavarni, Grandville, Cagliostro, Cham, Pierre Loti, Daniel Stern. In some doubtful cases a card catalog might profitably make entry both under the real and the false name. This elastic practice will give a little more trouble to the cataloger than a rigid rule of entry under the real name, but it will save trouble to those who use the catalog, which is more important. But entry should not be made under a pseudonym which is used only once or a few times; if the author writes also under his real name, if he is known to the contemporary public or in literary history under his real name, that is to be used for entry. It may sometimes happen that an author is well known under a pseudonym and afterwards is better known by his real name. In that case change the entries from the false to the real name. If any author uses two different pseudonyms enter under each the works written under it, with references both ways, and from the real name, until the real name becomes better known. UNDEK WHOM AS AUTHOR*. ILLUSTRATORS, ETC. 29 It is plain that this practice of entering under the best known name, whether real or false, puts an end to uniformity of entry between different catalogs, leads to incon- sistency of entry in the same catalog, and will often throw the cataloger into per- plexity to decide which name is best known; but for the last objection it must be remembered that the catalog is made for the reader, not for the cataloger, and f. ir the first two that references will prevent any serious difficulty; and in the few cases of nearly equal notoriety, double entry is an easy way out of the difficulty. The Library of Congress restricts entry under the pseudonym to a few' specific cases, e. g. George Eliot, George Sand. A large library and a liljrary used mainly by scholars may very properly show a preference for the real name; a town library will do well to freely choose the names by which authors are popularly known. 8. When the illustrations form a very important part of a work, consider both the author of the text and the designer — or in certain cases the engraver — of the plates to be author, and make a full entry under each. Under the author mention the designer's name in the title, and vice versa. Such works are: Walton's Welsh scenery, with text by Bonney; Wolf's "AVild animals," with text by Elliot. Which shall be taken as author in the subject or form entry depends upon the work and the subject. Under "Water-color dra-wing-s it would be Walton; under Wood-engTavings, Wolf; under Wales and Zoology, the cataloger must decide which illustrates the subject most, the writer or the artist. jE. g., under Gothic Architecture Pugin is undoubtedly to be considered the author of his " Examples," though "the literary part " is by E. J. Willson; for the illustrator was really the author and the text was subsidiary to the plates. It was to carry out Pugin's ideas, not Willson's, that the work was published. In a card catalog consider the entry under the writer of the text the main entry, that is, put the list of other entries on that card. 9. The DESIGNER or painter copied is the author of engravings; the CARTOGRAPHER is the author of maps; the engraver in general is to be considered as no more the author than the editor.'lf' But in a special- catalog of engravings the engraver would be considered as author; in any full catalog references should be made from the names of famous engravers, as Raimondi, Miil- ler, Steinla, Wolle. An architect is the author of his designs and plans. 10. The PHOTOGRAPHER need not in general have an entr}', even in a special catalog of photographs. For photographs and jjhotoprints of paintings, sculptures, maps, engravings, the entry should be under the painter, sculptor, cartographer, engraver (if the engraving would be entered under him). Photographs of a painting, statue, engraving, map whose author (painter, etc.) is unknown cannot have author entry; on its title entry see § 120; on its subject entry see § 182. 11. Enter musical works doubly, under the author of the words and under the composer of the music. Short and Medium will generally enter only mader the composer; Don Giovamii, for example, only under Mozart and not under Da Ponte; but even by them refer- ences should be made under important authors, as Shakespeare, Tennyson, Omar Khayyam. This economy applies especially to songs. No entry is needed for words taken from the Bible or from a liturgy. In a card catalog the "entry under the composer will be considered the main entry. 30 AUTHOR ENTRY. 12. Booksellers and auctioneers are to be considered as the authors of their catalogs, unless the contrary is expresslj'^ asserted. Entering these only under the form-heading Catalogs belongs to the dark ages of cataloging. Put the catalog of a library under the library's name. (§§ 66, 77.) 13. Put the auctioneer's catalog of a public library, gallery, or museum under the name of the library, galler}^, or museum, of a private library, galler^^, or museum under the name of the owner, unless there is reason to believe that another person made it. In the latter case it would apj^car in the author cata- log under the maker's name, and in the subject catalog under the owner's name. 14. Enter commentaries with the text complete under the author of the text. Make an added entry under the author of the connnen- tary, if the book is entitled "Commentary on * * * and not u * * * -yyj^jj ^ commentarj^." In a majority of cases this difference in the title will correspond to a difference in the character of the works and in the expectation of the public; if in any particular case the commentary preponderates in a title of the second of the forms above, a ref- erence can be made from the commentator's name. 15. If the mode of printing (in footnotes or in curves, etc.) shows that the text is of secondary importance enter under the commentator with subject entiy under the text. 16. Enter a continuation or an index, when not written by the author of the original work but printed with it, luider the same heading, with an anal^^tical reference from its own author (§ 110); when printed separately, enter it under each author. 17. An epitome should be entered under the original author, with a reference from the epitomator. Ex. "The boy's King Arthur" under Sir Thomas Malory, with a reference from Sidney Lianier. 18. A revision should be entered under the name of the original author unless it becomes substantial!}^ a new work. There will often l)e doubt on this point. To determine it, notice whether the revi- sion is counted as one of the editions of the original work, and whether it is described on the title-page as the work of the original author or the reviser, and read and weigh the prefaces. Refer in all doubtful cases. 19. Excerpts (selections) and chrestomathies from a single author go under that author, with a reference from the excerptor if his introduction and annotations are extensive, or he has added a lexicon of importance. E.r. Urlichs' Chrestomathia Pliniana goes under Plinius, with a reference from XTrlichs. For excerpts and chrestomathies from several authors see § 111, etc. UNDER WHAT PART OF NAME. 31 20. Enter concordances both under their own author and the author concorded. The latter entry, however, is to be regarded as a subject-entry. Ex. Cleveland's Concordance to the poetical works of Milton, Bright-well's Concordance to Tennyson, Mrs. Furness's Concordance to Shakespeare's poems. 21. Reporters are usualh^ treated as authors of reports of trials, etc.^ Translators and editors are not to be considered as authors.^ (But see References, § 111.) ^A stenographic reporter is hardly more an author than the printer is; but it is not well to attempt to make fine distinctions. ''A collection of works should be entered under the translator if he is also the col- lector (see § 98) ; but again if he translates another man's collection it should be put under the name of the original collector; Dasent's "Tales from the North" is really a version of part of AsbjOrnsen and Moe's "Xorske Folkeventyr" and belongs under their names as joint collectors, with a reference from Dasent. 22. Ana and Table talk will usually go under the name of the talker. h. Under tchat ^)art of the iw/nie. In regard to the author-entry it must be remembered that the object is not merely to facilitate the finding of a given book Vjy an author's name. If this were all, it might have been better to make the entry, as proposed by Mr. Crestadoro, under the jiart of the name mentioned in the title (which would lead to having Bulwer in one book, Lytton in another, Bul-wer Lytton in a third; Sherlock, Th., in that divine's earlier works; Bangor, Th. [Sherlock], Bp. of, in later ones; Salisbury, Th. [Sherlock], Bj^. of, in the next issues; London, Th. [Sherlock], Bp. of, in his last works; Milnes, R. Monckton, for "Good night and good morning" and the nine other works published before 1863, and Houghton, Rich. M. M., Baron, for the 1870 edition of "Good night and good morning," and for other books published since his ennoblement), or under the name of editor or translator when the author's name is not given. This might have been best with object a; but we have ali^o object d to provide for — the finding of all the books of a given author — and this can most con- veniently be done if they are all collected in one place. 23. Put under the Christian or forename : a. Sovereigns^ other than Greek or Roman, queens whether reg- nant or not, princes and princesses, except the princes of the French Empire. ' This must include popes even before the acquisition and after the loss of the tem- poral power. On the form of the name see § 32. h. Persons canonized. Ex. Thomas [a Becket], Sabit. c. Friars who by the constitution of their order drop their surname. Add the name of the famih' in brackets and refer from it. Ex. Paolino da S. Bartolomeo [J. P. Wesdin]. d. Persons known under their first name only, whether or not they add that of their native place or profession or rank. 32 • AUTHOR ENTRY. Ex. Paulus Diaconus, Tliomas Heisterhacensig. Similarly are to be treated a few persons known almost entirely by the forename, as Michelangelo Buonarroti, Raffaello Santi (refer from Raphael), Rembrandt van Rhijn. Refei' from the family name. e. Oriental authors, including Jewish rabbis whose works were published before 1700. Ex. Abu Bakr ibn Badr. Th is j-ide has many exceptions. Some Oriental writers are known and should be entered under other parts of their name than the first, as "Abu-l-Kasim, K-halaf ibn Abbas," Firdusi, Abul Kasim, etc., knovm as, or under some appellation as "al-Masudi," "at-Tabari." Griisse's "Lehrbuch einer allgemeinen Literiirge- schichte" is a convenient guide in this matter; he prints that part of the name by which Arabic writers are commonly known in a heavier type than the rest. Those who have the British Museum catalog may safely follow it in this matter. In Arabic names the words of relationship Abu (father), Umm (mother), Ibn, Bin (son), Ahu (brother), though not to be treated as names by themselves, are yet not to be disregarded, as proposed by Dr. Dziatzko. Thej'^ fonn a name in conjunction with the word following (r. g., Abu Bakr) and determine the alphabetical place of the entry. But the article al (changed by assonance to ad-, ar-, as-, at-, az-, accord- ing to the letter it precedes) is neglected (al-Masudi). In all Oriental names the cataloger must be careful not to take titles, as Emir, Bey, Pasha, Sri, Babu, Pundit, for names. A useful list fills pp. 76-97 of Linderfelt's Eclectic card catalog rules, 1890. In regard to Easl Indian names. Dr. Feigl (Centralbl. f. Bibl., 4 : 120) gives the rule: If there are two names, enter under the first, which is the individual name, with a reference from the second; if there are three or more, enter under the third, which is the family name, with a reference under the first or individual name; the second may be neglected. 24. Put under tlie surname: a. In general, all persons not included under § 23. In a few cases, chiefly of artists, a universally-used sobriquet is to be taken in place of the family or forename, as Tintoretto (whose real name Avas Giacomo Robusti). Similar cases are Canaletto (Antonio Canale and also B. Belotto), Correggio (Ant. AUegri), Garofalo (Benvenuto Piero Tisi), II Sodoma (Giov. Ant. Bazzi), Spa- gnoletto (Jusepe Ribera, now however oftener called Ribera), Uccello (Paolo Doni). Always refer from the family name. It is safe to follow Champlin's Cycl. of painters, 4 v., N. Y., 1888. h. In particular, ecclesiastical dignitaries. Kef er. Ex. Kaye, John, Bishop of Lincoln. Liincoln, John, Bishop of. See Kaye. Bishops usually omit their family name, canons their forename, on their title-pages, as "by Canon Liddon," "by the Bishop of Ripon," "by Henry Edward, archbishop of Westminster," i. e., H: E: Manning. Care must be taken not to treat Canon as a forename or Edward as a family name. c. Married women, using the known form. Refer. Wives often continue writing, and are known in literature, only under their maiden names (as Miss Freer or Fanny Lewald) , or after a second marriage retain for liter- ary purposes the first husband's name. The cataloger should not hurry to make a change in the name as soon as he learns of a marriage. Let him rather follow than lead the public. UNDER WHAT PAET OF NAME. 33 Enclose the maiden name in curves, as Ward, 3£rs. Elizabeth (Phelps). Use the form "White, Mrs. Julia Charlotte, ivife of J: C, when the husband's name is used in the title. A. E- A. iale: Enter married women and other persons who have changed their names under the last form unless an earlier form is decidedly better known. The entry is to consist of (a) husband's surname and (6) her own name, the maiden name, when known, to be enclosed in curves, e. g. : Hopkins, Mrs. Sarah (Drake) Garretson. Stowe, Mrs. Emily Howard (Jennings) Soyaux, Frau Frieda (Schanz) Gasparin, Valerie (Boissier) comtesse de. "Women known under husband's name are to be entered as follows: Hinkson, Mrs. Katherine (Tynan) "Mrs. H. A. Hinkson." Cross reference to be made from the latter form. Note. — For a popular library, enter under the best known form, and refer from other forms under which they may be known. 25. Put under the highest title : British and foreign noblemen, referring from earlier titles bj'" which they have been known, and, in the case of British noblemen, from the family name. Ex. Chesterfield, 4th earl of (Philip Dormer Stanhope). Chesterfield, 5th earl o/ Philip Stanhope). Refer from Stanhope. Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroi, due de. Authors should be put under their names. The definition of a name is "that by which a person or thing is known." Noblemen are known by their titles, not by their family names. 26. But in the few cases in which the family name or a lower title is decidedly hetter known., enter under that and • refer from the title. Ex. Francis Bacon, haron Ve^ulam; Robert Curzon, 14th baron Zouche; John Napier, baron of Merchiston; Horace Walpole', 4th earl of Orford; likewise the mili- tary nobles and princes of the French Empire, as Lucien Bonaparte, Prince de Canino; McMahon, due de Magenta. The British Museum enters British noblemen under the family name. The reasons for entry under the title are that British noblemen are always so spoken of, always sign by their titles only, and seldom put the family name -upon the title-pages of their books, so that ninety-nine in a hundred readers must look under the title first. The reasons against it are that the founders of noble families are often as well known — sometimes even better — by their family name as by their titles (as Charles Jenkinson afterwards Lord Liverpool, Sir Robert Walpole afterwards Earl of Orford) ; that the same man bears different titles in different parts of his life (thus Philip Stanhope published his "History of England from the peace of Utrecht" as Lord Mahon, and his "Reign of Queen Anne" as Earl Stanhope; that it separates mem- bers of the same family (Lord Chancellor Eldon would be under Eldon and his father and all his brothers and sisters under the family name Scott), and brings together members of different families (thus the earldom of Bath has been held by members of the families of Shaunde, Bourchier, Granville, and Pulteney, and the family name of the present Marquis of Bath is Thynne), which last argument would be more to the point in planning a family history. The same objections apply to 31425—04 3 34 AUTHOR ENTRY. the entry of French no])lfc'men under their titles, about which there can be no hesi- tation. The strongest argument in favor of , the Museum rule was that it was well- established and that it was desirable that there should be some uniform rule. But the opposite practice, adopted by the committee of the American Library Association {Lib.jnl., 3:12-19; 8:251-254), and reaffirmed by the Advisory Committee, is now thoroughly established in American cataloging. 27. Enter ecclesiastical dignitaries, except popes and sovereigns, under their surnames. Ecclesiastical dignitaries stand on an entirely different footing from noblemen; there is much more use of the family name and much more change of title. 28. Treat compound names according to the usage of the author's fatherland, though if it is known that his practice differs from this usage his preference should be followed. Compound names then go: a. if English., under the last part of the name, when the first has not been used alone by the author. Ex. Gould, Sabine Baring-; but Halliwell (o/Zerwards Halliwell-Phillipps), J. O., and liOcker [afterwards Locker-Lanipson), because the authors wrote much under the first names. This rule secures uniformity; but, like all rules, it sometimes leads to entries under headings where nobody would look for them. It is advisable therefore to make some exceptions. Refer. l. \i foreign, under the first part. Both such compound names as Gentil-Bernard and such as Gentil de Chavagnac. There are various exceptions, when a name has been more known under the last part, as Fenelon, notSalignac deliamothe Fenelon; Voltaire, not Arouetde Voltaire; Sternberg, not Ungern-Sternberg. Moreover, it is not always easy to determine what is a compound surname in French. A convenient rule would be to follow the authority of Hoefer (Biog. gen. ) Larousse, Querard, and Lorenz, in such cases, if they always agreed; unfortunately, they often differ. References are necessary whichever way one decides each case, especially when the second part of a foreign compound name has been used alone, as Merle d'Aubigne ( enter under Merle with a reference from Aubigne). In French a forename is sometimes joined to a surname by a hyphen. In such cases make the entry under the family name with a reference from the forename, e. g. , entry, Rochette, Desire Raoul; reference, Raoul-Rochette, D^sir4. /See Bochette. c. In foreign compound names of women also, although the first part is usually the maiden name and the second the husband's name, the entry should generally be under the first, with a reference from the second. {See 24 c.) Ex. Rive-King, with cross-reference from King, horn Rive. 29. Put surnames preceded by prefixes: a. In French and Belgian, under the prefix when it is or contains an article, Le, La, L', Du, Des; under the word following when the prefix is a preposition, de, d'. Ex. Des Essarts, Du Cange, La Fontaine, Le Sage, L'Fstoille; but Charle- voix, P. F. X. de; Estrees, M°« d'. UNDER WHAT PART OF NAME. 35 La and Le are often, Des is usuall}^, and Les is almost without exception printed as one word with the name following, as Lafontaine, Lesage, Lesdiguieres; de and d' are sometimes so printed; when they are enter under the D. Ex. Debucourt, Decamps, Delisle; but Bucourt, A. de, Camps, C. de, Lisle, J. de. h. In EnglisJi., under the prefix, no matter from what language the name is derived, with references when necessary. Ex. De diuncey, Van Buren. c. In all otliefr languages^ under the name following the prefix, with references whenever the name has been commonly used in English with the prefix, as Del Rio, Vandyck, Van Ess. Ex. Gama, Vasco da. Goethe, J. W. von. But when the author prints his name as one word entry is made under the prefix, as Vanderliaeghen. d. Naturalized names with prefixes are to be treated by the rules of the nation adopting them. Thus German names preceded by von when belonging to Russians are to be entered under Von. E. g., *oiib BuanH is to be entered as Von Vizin (not Vizin, von), as this is the Russian custom. So when Dutch names compounded with van are adopted into French or English (as Van Laun) the Van is treated as part of the famih' name. Prefixes are d', de, de La (the name goes under La not de), Des, Du, L', La, Le, Les, St, Ste (to be arranged as if written Saint, Sainte), da, dal, dalla, dalle, dai, dagli, del, della, delle, dei (d6 or de), degli, da, dos, das, ten, ter, thor, Van, vander, van't, ver, am, auf, auf'm, aus, aus'm, in, im, von, vom, zu, zum, zur, A', Ap, O', Fitz, Mac (which is to be printed as it is in the title, whether M', or Mc, or Mac, but to be arranged as if written Mac). 30. Pat names of Latin authors under that part of the name chosen in Smith's Dictionar}^ of Greek and Roman biography or Harper's diet, of classical literature and antiquities, unless there is some good reason for not doing so. (Follow Smith for dates.) 31. Put names of capes, lakes, mountains, rivers, forts, etc..^ begin- ning with Cape, Lake, Mt., etc., under the word following the prefix, but when the name is itself used as a prefix, do not trans- pose Cape, etc., nor in such names as Isle of the Woods, Isles of Shoals; but there is more reason for writing France, Isle de; Man, Isle of; Wight, Isle of. Ex. Cod, Cape; George, Lake; "Washington, Mt. ; Moultrie, Fort; but Cape Breton Island. When the name of a fort becomes the name of a city, of course the inversion must be abandoned, as Fort "Wayne. 36 AUTHOR ENTRY. c. Under what form of the name. 32. Give the names, both family and Christian/ in the vernacular f orm,^ if any instance occurs of the use of that form in the printed publications of the author.^ Except that the following go under the Latin form: (a) ancient Greek authors, (5) certain medieval names and several from the renais- sance and Reformation periods, {c) popes. ^This includes the names of sovereigns except popes. In the third edition the rule for sovereigns was, " Use the English form of the name," but I said in a note that this direction " was a concession to ignorance; when it was given, that form wa^ almost alone employed in English books; since then the tone of literature has changed; the desire for local coloring has led to the use of foreign forms, and we have become familiarized with Louis, Henri, Marguerite, Carlos, Karl, Wilhelm, Gustaf. If the present tendency continues we shall be able to treat princes' names like any other foreign names; perhaps the next generation of catalogers will no more tolerate the headings "William, Emperor of Germcnvj, Lewis xiv than they will tolerate Virgil, Horace, Pliny. In fact, Louis and Marie Antoinette and Carlos (in Prince Carlos) are already naturalized. The change, to be sure, would give rise to some difficult ques- tions of nationality, but it would diminish the number of the titles now accumulated under the more common i-oyal names. ' ' The Advisory Catalog Committee has now adopted, after some hesitation, the rule given above, which will be almost obligatory on libraries using the Library of Con- gress printed cards. Others can still use the English form, if they fear to startle or puzzle their public. ^The vernacular form of most Christian names may be found in Michaelia's " Worterbuch der Taufnamen," Berlin, 1856. There are also meagre lists in foreign dictionaries. For the forms of medijeval names much assistance can be had from A. Potthast's "Bibliotheca historica medii aevi, wegweiser, etc., 2c verm, aufl., Ber- lin, Weber, 1896," O; also from Alfred Franklin's " Dictionnaire des noms, surnoms et pseudonymes latins de I'histoire litteraire du Moyen Age (1100 a 1530), Paris, 1875," O; and from U. Chevalier's Repertoire des sources historiques du Moyen Age: bio-bibliographie. Paris, 1877-88 Q. (On the Latin names of Greek authors, see §37; on the names of Greek gods, see §167.) ^ This is the British Museum rule. It will obviously be sometimes impossible and often difficult to determine this point in a library of less extent than the Museum; the cataloger must make up his mind to some inconsistency in his treatment of medi- aeval names, and be consoled by the knowledge that if proper references are made no harm will be done. Against a too great preference for the A^ernacular Professor De Morgan writes in the preface to his "Arithmetical books:" "I have not attempted to translate the names of those Avho wrote in Latin at a time when that language was the universal medium of communication. I consider that the Latin name is that wliich the author has left to posterity, and that the practice of retaining it is con- venient, as marking, to a certain extent, the epoch of his writings, and as being the appellation by which his contemporaries and successors cite him. It is well to know that Copernicus, Dasyi^odius, Xylander, Regiomontanus, and Clavius were Zepernik, Rauchfuss, Holtzmann, Miiller, and Schlussel. But as the butchers' bills of these eminent men are ail lost, and their writings only remain, it is best to designate them by the name they bear on the latter rather than the former." The same may be said of Camerarius (Kiimmerer), Capito (Kopflein), Mercator (Kramer), (Ecolampadius (Hausschein) , where it would be useless to employ the ver- nacular name; if both forms are in use, as in the case of Pomeranius = Bugenhagen, UNDER WHAT FORM OF NAME. JfT the vernacular should have the preference. Reuchlin is much more conixmon than its equivalent, Capnio. Before the Reformation the presumption is in favor of the Latin form; after it in favor of the vernacular. Short will consult the convenience of its readers if it uses the English forms of names like Homer, Horace, Virgil, in place of Homerus, Horatius, Vergilius, and of foreign sovereigns, as Francis, Louis, Williain, instead of Franciszek, Ludvig, Gviillaum.e. The vernacular names of the ^liddle Ages often appear in various forms. The form which has survived to the present time is to be preferred (as Jean to Jehan), unless a name is commonly used in the, old form, as in the romances Jehan de Langon. Refer from the one not chosen. 33. If an author has vrritten in several modetm languages^ choose that in which he has written most. 34. In languages which use a masculine and ?i feminine form of family names (as Modjeski and Modjeska). use that which the authoress herself chiefly employs. 35. When an author's name is yAKiousLT spelled, select the Vest authorized form as heading, add the variants in parentheses, and make references from them to the form adopted. Of course, great care must be taken not to enter separately works in which an author spells his name differently, as Briant and Bryant, Easterbrookes and Esta- brook, Erdmann and Erdtmann. On the other hand, different people who spell their names differently should be separated, as Hofmann and Hoffmann, Maier, Mair, Majer, Mayer, Mayr, Meier, Meir, 3Iejer, Meyer, Meyr, Schmid, Schmidt, Schmeid, Schmiedt, Schmit, Schmitt. (On the arrangement of such names in a card catalogue see § 303.) In German Christian names there is a want of uniformity in the use of C and K (Carl, Conrad, Karl, Konrad) and f and ph (Adolf, Adolph). Occasionally an author uses both forms in different books, or writing only in Latin (Carolus, Rudolphus), does not show which form he prefers. Where the author thus leaves the point unde- cided, K and f should be preferred to C and ph (except in Christoph). Swedish f is to be preferred to v, as Gustaf, not Gustav. 36. When family names are written differently by different members, follow the spelling adopted by each, eyen though it should sep- arate father and son. 37. In TRANSLITERATION of names from alphabets of differently formed letters, use the yowels according to their German sounds. {See Appendix i for the report of the Transliteration Committee of the American Library Association.) I. e., a (not ah) for the sound of a in father, e (not a) for the soimd of e in hdr or of a in hate, i (not e) for the sound of i in mien, u (not oo nor on) for the sound of 00 in moon. This practice makes transliterations that are likely to be pronounced in the main correctly by anyone who knows anj' language but his own (who would naturally give foreign vowel sounds to foreign names) , and will give transliterations agreeing at least in part with those of other nations. In some points, however, we we must be careful not to be misled by the practice of foreigners, and when we take a name from Russian, for instance, through the French or German, must see whether the necessities of their alphabet have led them to use letters that do not suit our sys- tem. A Frenchman writes for Turgenief Tourgubief, and for Golovin Golovine, and 38 AUTHOR ENTRY. uses ou for u, eh for sh, dj for j, j for zh, gu for r/, and qu for J:. A German for Der- shavin writes Dirschauin, and worse than that, is obHged to use the clumsy dsch where an EngUshman can use j, as DscheUnleddin for Jalal-ad-Din, and uses Isch for ch or tch, j for ?/ or i (Turgenjew), w for v or/ in the ending of Russian names. In Arabic names I am advised by good scholars to uniformly write a where our ordinary Anglicized names have e, except for Ebn and Ben, which become Ibn and Bin; also i for ee, and u where o has been commonly used; in other words, to uni- formly represent the vowel fatha by a, kasra by i, and dhamma by u. Thus Moham- med becomes Muliamm^ad, Abou ed-Deen becomes Abu ad-Din. Of course refer- ences must be made from the corrupt forms under which various Arabic authors have become known in the West, unless it is thought that the altered form has been so commonly used that it must be taken for the entry, as perhaps Avicenna from Ibn Sina, Averroes from Ibn Roshd. In Danish names if the type a is not to be had, use its older equivalent aa; in a manuscript catalog the modern orthography, a, should be employed. "Whichever is chosen should be uniformly used, however the names may appear in the books. The diphthong ae should not be written ae, nor should 0 be written oe; 0 not ce, should be used for 0. In old Dutch names write y for the modern ij and arrange so. fn German names used as headings, write a, 6, ii, or ae, oe, ue, following the author's practice, but arrange as if written ae, oe, ue.* For ancient Greek names use the Latinized form, as Democritus not Demokritos, Longinus not Logginos. This holds good of translated works as well as of the originals. It will not do to enter an Italian version of the Odyssey under Omero, or of the Euterpe under Erodoto, or a French version of the Noctes Atticse under Aulu-Gelle. A college library catalog may safely use the more nearly transliterated forms which are coming into use, like Aiskulos, Homeros, but used in a village- library catalog they would only puzzle and mislead its readers. For that I should prefer the English forms, as Homer, Horace. For modern Greek names Professor Ezra Abbot proposed the following plan: Works in Romaic to be entered in a supplement, the names not transliterated but printed in the Greek type. Translations of works of modern Greek authors to be put under their Greek names in the supplement, with references in the main cata- log under the forms (whatever they may be) which their names assume in the translation. Original works written in French, German, English, etc., by modem Greek authors may be treated in the same way if their authors have not become French, German, or English by residence and literary labors, in which case they should be entered under the French, German, or English forms which they have chosen for their names, with cross-references, if necessary, from the Greek supple- ment to these names. If, however, transliteration is attempted the following table of equivalents may be used : ai 86 V i /3 V K after y g av av T]V iv , y gh ? X El ei Ol ce y before '^ \ ., ov u £V ev V y P r VI yi 3 dh X kh When Hindm themselves transliterate their names, use their form, whether or not according to our rules. (Appendix i. ) In Hungarian names write 6, ii, but arrange as if written oe, ue. In Spanish names use the modern orthography i and j rather than the ancient y and X. *The Library of Congress arranges a, b, u as if written ae, oe, ue. CORPORATE AUTHORSHIP. 39 In Swedish names a, a, 6, sliould be so written (not ae, oe), bnt arranged as if written ae, oe. Eallhorn's Grammatography (London, 1861) will be found very useful on such points. 38. When an author living in a foreign country has transliterated his name according to the practice of that countrj^ and alwa3's uses it in that form, take that as the heading, referring from the form which the name would have under § 37; but if he has written much in his own language, use the English transliterated form. Ex. Bikelas, Demetrius, with reference from Vikelas, Dmitri. 39. If a name which would properly be spelled by the English alphabet has been transliterated into a foreign alphabet, refer from the foreign form. Ex. Sifner. See Schiefner. 40. Put the work of authors who change their name under the best KNOWN FORM, provided the new name be permanently adopted. Do not worry about the proper form of changed and transliterated names, nor spend much time in hunting up facts and deciding. If the necessary references are made, it is of little importance which form is chosen for the main entry, provided, of course, that the library always chooses the same heading. If the change consi-st in the addition of a name the new name is to be treated by §28. 41. Forenames are to be used in the form employed by their owners, however unusual, as Will Carleton, Sally (Pratt) McLean, Hans Droysen, Fritz Reuter. 42. Give names of places in the English form. (Refer from the ver- nacular, if necessary.) Ex. Munich, not Muenchen or Munchen, Vienna not Wien, Austria not Oesterreich.. This is for the heading not for the imprint. 43. But if both the English and the foreign forms are used by English writers, prefer the foreign form. Ex. Dauphine rather than Dauphiny. 44. Use the modern name of a city and refer to it from the ancient, provided its existence has been continuous and there is no doubt as to the identit3\ 2. Corporate. An article in the Library Journal (21:493-494) opposed the principle of Corporate authorship as a library superstition and recommended the practice of German libraries, who consider "all works issued by corporate bodies as anonymous, for purposes of entry", when they have no individual author. Part of my reply is here reprinted from the Library Journal (22:432-434): "I think the American practice of regarding bodies of men as the authors of their own journals, proceedings, etc., and as collecting-editors of the collections issued by them, is preferable to the German practice of dispersing these works throughout the alphabet under the noun which happens to be first in the title. 40 AUTHOR ENTRY. "The American way is preferable for two reasons: first, because as a matter of fact these bodies are the authors not only of their own proceedings but also of their collections regarded as a whole; secondly, because as a matter of convenience, both in the enlargement of the library and in the service of the public, it is better that all the books connected with the name of a society or government should be brought together in one place. It is true that in a dictionary catalog this may be accom- plished more or less inappropriately by entry under the name of the society as a subject; but in an author catalog it does not come about at all. If you want to find in Kayser's list of the books published in Germany in the last five years alt the pub- lications of a German learned body you must look under Abhandlungen, Almanach, Annalen, Arbeiten, Archiv, Aufsiitze, Beitriige, Bericht, Bibliothek, Bulletin, Cen- tralblatt, Correspondenzblatt, Ephemeriden, Erlaiiterungen, Jahrbuch, Jahresbericht, Journal, Kalender, Magazin, Memoiren, Mittheilungen, Monatsblatt, Nachrichten, Preisschrift, Programm, Publicationen, Repertorium, Resultate, Sammlung, Schriften, Sitzungsberichte, Studien, Tageblatt, Tagebuch, Uebersicht, Verzeichniss, Versamm- lungen, Vierteljahrschrift, Vorlesungen, and Zeitschrift, because the works may be under any one of these; and if by racking your brain you remember all of them and have patience to look them all up, you yet are not sure that there is not something important hidden away under some other word which you may think of when it is too late — Verhandlungen, for instance. "So much for societies. Government publications fall into two classes — onymous and anonymous. As to the first the Rules catalog all works which have an author under his name. But the Rules direct that if issued by the government they should also appear either in full or by a reference, according to circumstances, under the department of government which issues them. A small library may very well omit this; that is one of the many economies which are permissible to small libraries; but no large library is well cataloged unless it has lists (at least by reference) of all the works for which each department has made itself responsible. "As to the second class, the anonymous issues, I cannot see the advantage of enter- ing them under the first word. Either (1) they are the journals, reports, etc., of legislative bodies, of which even my objector allows that the government is the author and puts them (unlike the Germans) under the country, or (2) they relate to the country, in which case the objector puts them also under the country, but in a subject division and not under the department, or (3) they do not relate to the country. As to (1) we agree; as to {2) I have no objection whatever to full entry under a country -subject heading alone, provided there is entry by reference under the name of the department. When they come on the same page the reference is perhaps unnecessary. The best place for the full entry depends on the object of the catalog. "There remains only (3) the few anonymous works published by a department which do not relate to the country. Whether or not they ought to be entered under the first word like any other anonymous work, it seems to me that there should be an entry under the department, which, even more than in the case of works issued with their authors' names, must be supposed to adopt the opinions of the work and assume responsibility for it. "Before the 'Rules for a dictionary catalog' were made catalogs seemed to me to be chaotic collections of empirical entries. I tried to find a few simple principles around which all desirable practices could be grouped. One of those principles is corporate authorship and editorship. I have as yet seen nothing to convince me that it is not a good one, since it corresponds to fact, inasmuch as societies are the authors of their proceedings and the collectors of their series; it is convenient in practice for complete cataloging; and for incomplete cataloging it admits of economies which produce all the effects of the objector's rejection of the principle with none of the disadvantages of his method. CORPOEATE authorship: COUNTRIES, ETC. 41 "The German practice is to enter anonymous works under the first noun in the title. The practice advocated by my objector, however, was not this but title entry under the society's name, e. g. the writer enters, not under Proceedings of the Royal Society, as the Germans would do, but under Royal Society, Proceedings of, as a title entry. That is to say he takes the name of the society as it happens to appear on the title-page and inverts the title, so as to get at it first. If it appears as Academia Caesareo-Leopoldina, that work will be entered under Academia; if in another the same society appears as Kaiserliche-Konigliche Akad.d.Wissenschaften, that work will be entered under Kaiserlich.e. One German academy would neces- sarily appear under (1 ) Academie Royale for its early ' Memoires,' when the French influence prevailed in Germany, (2) Kanigliche Akademie for later works, and (3) Academia Litterarum Regia for one of its longest and most important publi- cations. Of course one can partly get over this objectionable dispersion of works that ought to be entered together by putting all societies first under the name of the place where their headquarters are, but even then in those cities where there are many societies there will be a certain amount of mixing up of different ones and tearing apart the works of those which have put their names in different languages or in dif- ^ ferent forms on the title-page; and if this is avoided by adopting one form for all, what is that but an abandonment of the title-entry idea and a return to author entry?" General principle. 45. Bodies of men are to be considered as authors of works published in their name or b}" their authorit3^ The chief diflSculty with regard to bodies of men is to determine (1) what their names are, and (2) whether the name or some other word shall be the heading. In regard to (2) the catalogs hitherto published may be regarded as a series of experi- ments. No satisfactory usage has as yet been established. Local names have always very strong claims to be headings; but to enter the publications of all bodies of men under the places with which the bodies are connected is to push a convenient prac- tice so far that it becomes inconvenient and leads to many rules entirely out of har- mony with the rest of the catalog. Details. 1. Countries and other places. 46. Enter under places (countries, or parts of countries, cities, towns, ecclesiastical, militar} , or judicial districts) the works published officiall}^ by their rulers (kings,^ governors, mayors, prelates, generals commanding, courts,^ etc.). Refer from the name of the ruler. ^Of course this does not affect works written privately by kings, etc., as K. James's "Counterblast." *The relation of courts to judicial districts is a little different from the others, but it is convenient to treat them alike. The opinion or decision of a single judge should have added entry or reference under his name. Digests of the opinions of a judge or court should have main entry under the digester and added entry under the judge or court. Ex. United States. Supreme Court. Opinions of the judges in the case of Smith vs. Turner, etc. Taney, Roger Brooke. Decision in the Merryman case. See XT. S. Supreme Court. A plea printed separately of course goes under the lawyer who makes it. 42 AUTHOR ENTRY. 47. Enter under the place the journals, minutes, acts, laws, etc., of Congress, Parliament, and other legislative bodies. Ex. France. Corps Legislatif. New York (City). Council. On the entry of committees of legislatures see § 90. i8. Enter under the place the reports of governmental departments, bureaus, offices, etc. , and the works published by them or under their control. On the arrangement of departments, bureaus, etc. , under a country see § 324. 49. Reports by a subordinate office to a department go under the office making the report. Ex. The report of the chief of the Bureau of Insular Affairs to the Secretary of War goes under United States. Bureau of Insular Affairs. 50. Laws on one or more particular subjects, whether digested or merely collected, must have author-entries both under the name of the collector or digester and (added entry) under the name of the country. Ex. Tilsley's "Digest of the stamp acts" would appear both under Great Britain and Tilsley. If only one entry is made it should be under the collector or digester. 51. Calendars of documents, regesta, etc., are to be entered under their maker, with a series-entry under the department which orders the publication. Ex. Green, ifrs. M., Anne Everett (Wood). Calendar of state papers, domestic, Charles ii. The series-entry is under Great Britain. Master of the Rolls. 52. Works written officially are to be entered under the name of the department of government or ecclesiastical district with a reference from the name of the official, if it is thought worth making, or an added entry under it. Some libraries may refer always; most will refer only when the work has excep- tional importance (1) from its subject, (2) from the treatment of its subject, (3) from its literary merits, (4) from the fame of its author, or (5) from having been separately published. Horace Mann's reports, for example, should be cataloged under Massa- chusetts. Board of Education, to which heading a reference should be made from Mann. Presidents' messages should appear under United. States. President. Proclama- tions and all other official writings of kings should appear under the name of the country (division Crown, which is better than King or Queen), arranged by reigns, as, Great Britain. Crown. Charles i. Charles ii. James ii. William and Mary. In a card catalog give the date of the proclamation or other writing after the word Crown or President, to facilitate the arrangement, as Great Britain. Crown. Victoina. 1851. United States. President. Buchanan. Lincoln. Johnson. Grant. CORPOEATE authorship: COUNTRIES, ETC. 43 53. In the entiy of Government publications, use for a suBDrv'isiON the name of- the office rather than the title of the officer, i. e., Ministere de la Marme^ not Ministre de la Marine, Registry of Deeds, not Register of Deeds} The individual name of the occupant of the office for the time being ma}" be added in curves to the name of the office;^ and it should be so added when the publication has an individual character. ^ There are cases, however, where the title of the officer is the only name of the office, as Illinois. Siate Entomologist. 2 United States. President. (Theodore Roosevelt.) 54. Messages of a superior executive officer (as President or Governor) TRANSMITTING to a legislative body or to a higher executive officer the report of an inferior officer should be entered as the report of the inferior officer, provided the message is merely introductory and contains no independent matter; provided, also, there are not three or more reports; if there are, the higher officer is to be regarded as the collector (§ 98), and an analj^t- ical is to be made to the superior officer's official title from all the inferior officers whose reports are so transmitted. 55. A REPORT made to a department, or anj^ work prepared for a department, but not by an official, is to be entered under the author, with an added entry under the department. When many persons make the report it may go under the department as the collector, with analyticals for the authors. Gould's "Mollusca and shells" andCassin's "Mammalogy and ornithology of the United States Exploring Expedition under Wilkes" are of this nature; so is "Memo- rial ceremonies at the graves of our soldiers, collected under authority of Congress, by Frank Moore." 56. "Articles to be inquired of" in ecclesiastical districts should go under the name of the district; but episcopal charges are not to go under the name of the bishopric unless they relate especially to its affairs, in which case they will have a subject- entry. Ex. York, Archdeaconry of. Articles to be enquired, of -ndthin the A. of Y. 57. Enter congresses of several nations under the name of the place of meeting (as that usually gives them their name), with refer- ences from the nations taking part in them and from any name by which they are popularly known. Ex. The Congress of London, of Paris, of Verona, International Peace Congress at the HagTie. 58. Enter treaties under the name of each of the contracting parties, with a reference from the name of the place of negotiation, when the treaty is commonly called by that name, and from any other usual appellation. Ex. Treaty of Versailles, Barrier treaty, Jay's treaty. In a card catalog make the main entry under the country name first appearing on the title-page. 44 AUTHOR ENTRY. 2. Bodies other than countries or smaller j}laces. Parties and sects. 69. Enter the official publications of any political partj'^ or reli- gious denomination or order,^ under the name of the party, or denomination, or order."' 'Platforms, manifestoes, addresses, etc., niidt-r Democratic Party, Republican Party, etc. ^Confessions of faith, creeds, catechisms, litm-gies, breviaries, missals, hours, offices, prayer books, etc., under Baptists, Benedictines, Catholic Church, Church of England, Friends, etc. *That part of a body which belongs to any place should be entered under the name of the body, not the place; e. g., Congreg-ationalists in Ne-w England, Congn:'e- g-ationalists in Massachusetts, not New England Congregationalists, Massa- chusetts Congregationalists. But references must be made from the place (indeed in cases like Massachusetts Convention, Essex Conference, it may be doubted whether th.ose well-known names should not be the headings). It is to be noticed that this rule is just the reverse of the one given under Subjects, § 163. 60. Societies are authors of their journals, memoirs, proceedings, transactions, and other publications. (On publishing-societies, see § 107.) "Where to enter societies is the most difficult problem in cataloging, so difficult that the Germans evade it, not entering them at all, and the British Museum solves it by putting them in a separate catalog. GENERAL RULE. 61. Enter corporations and quasi corporations both English and for- eign under their names as they read, neglecting an initial article or serial number when there is one. Refer from any other name by which a society is known, especially from the name of the place where its headquarters are, if it is often called by that name. SPECIFICATION. This includes associations, societies, clubs, guilds (§ 72), business firms (§ 74), institutes, private schools (§ 87), colleges and universities (§§ 65, 75, 76, 80), libra- ries (§ 77), galleries, (§ 77), museums (§ 77), ecclesiastical organizations, churches (§ 81), convents, monasteries (§ 83), and all similar bodies, provided they have an individual name. INTERPRETATION. A. (Language.) 62. Societies extending through many lands or having authorized names in several languages go under the English form of the name; (Ex. International Conference.) {d) but if no publications have appeared in English enter under the name in the language in which most of the publications have appeared; {Ex. Comity International des Poids et M^sures; Congres International des Am^r- icanistes; Internationale Erdmessung), COEPORATE authorship: SUBORDINATION. 45 (5) if publications have appeared successively in various foreign languages, but not in English, use the best known name, (c) if there is no difference in this regard take the name used in the first publication. 63. Enter international meetings, conferences, congresses of private persons (i. e., other than of nations (§ 57) or of societies (§ 93)) under their English name, with the same exceptions as in § 62. £'j-. International Conference of Libraries, London, 1897. For Expositions see § 79. Q4:. Enter orders of knighthood, both those of medieval times and their honorary modern equivalents, under the significant word of the English title. E.r. Garter, Order of the; Malta, Knights of; Templars, Knights; Teutonic Order; Freemasons. But the American Knights Templars, being merely a division of the Freemasons, belong under Freemasons; so of other regular masonic bodies. B. (Subordination.) 65. The colleges of an English university and the unnamed profes- sional schools of an American university go under the univer- sity's name. Such professional schools if they have a distinctive name, particularly if at a distance from the university or for any other reason less closely connected with it, go under their own name. Ex. Oxford University. Magdalen College; Harvard University. Veterinary School; but Barnard College, Columbia University; Radcliffe College, Harvard University; Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University. 66. College libraries go under the name of the college. Ex. Harvard College. University Librai'y. But the Bodleian Library maybe put under Bodleian. 67. Local college societies go under the name of the college; intercol- legiate societies and Greek letter fraternities under their own names. Ex. $BK A, of Harvard. 68. Alumni and Alumnae associations go under thQ name of the school or college. Ex. Harvard Alumni Association of New York. 69. Schools supported by public taxation go under the name of the city or town maintaining them, whether they have an individual name or not. On committees and sections of societies, see § 90. c. (Individual Name.) 70. An indimdual name is generally one taken from the name of a person. Universities, galleries, etc. , called merely Imperial, Royal, National and the like are not to be considered as having individual names, except the National Gallery in London. (See § 77.) 46 AUTHOR ENTRY. exceptions to the kikst-word kule. 1. Inversion of Name. general principle. 71. When a corporation is much less known bj^ the first words of its name than b}^ a later part enter under the later part. Ex. Cliristian Endeavor, Young People's Society of. 72. Enter guilds under the name of the trade. E. g. " Stationers Company," not " Master and Keepers or Wardens and Com- monality of the Mystery and Art of Stationers of the City of London," which is the corporate title. This exception is adopted because (1) it gives a heading easier to remember, and (2) it is not always easy to ascertain the real name of the London companies. The A. IG. A. puts guilds under the name of the city, with subhead- ing for the name of the trade. 73. Enter bodies whose legal name begins with such words as Board, Corporation, Trustees under that part of the name by which they are usually known. Ex. Trustees of the Eastern Dispensary; President and Fellows of Harvard College; Proprietors of the Boston Athenaeum; Contributors to the Asylum for the Belief of Persons deprived of their Reason. Eefer from the first word of the legal name. 74. Enter the name of a firm under the family name rather than the forename and do not fill out the forenames. Ex. Friedlander und Sohn, Eaphael, not under Raphael; Appleton, D., & Co., not Appleton, Daniel, & Co. The consul ter is much more likely to remember the family than the Christian name. Whether the Christian name is written at the end or thus, Town (John) and Bowers (Henry), all firms should be arranged after all the other entries of the first family name, i. e., Friedlander und Sohn after ail the Friedlanders. This rule might be extended to include corporations, colleges, libraries, etc., whose legal names include forenames. Entry under a forename, as Silas Bronson Library, and especially under initials, as T. B. Scott Public Library, is very awkward. But the public habit is not yet sufficiently settled to justify an exception. I have never heard the Reuben Hoar Library called the Hoar Library nor the Johns Hopkins University called the Hopkins University, though the John Crerar Library is usually called Crerar Library. On the inversion of orders of Knighthood, see § 64. 2. Place Preferred. Note that the entries under place in § § 46-58 are very different from those in § § 76-84. The former are made because the place (country, city, or town) is the author of the work; in the latter the place is not the author but is taken for heading that the entry may be more easily found. 75. Enter the academies and universities of the European continent and Central and South America under the name of the place. CORPORATE authorship: PLACE PREFERRED. 47 Refer from the word in theii- names that follows the article or the prefixed Kaiser- liche, Konigliche, HerzogUche, etc., which should be abridged (Herzogl., I. K., K. K., E. ) and disregarded in arrangement, except when these adjectives are the distinguishing parts of the name, as Berlin, Konigliche bibliothek; Stockliolin, Kong- liga hiblioteket. X. B. — Other foreign societies, following the general rule go under the first word of their name, disregarding the article and K. , K. K. , etc. In English societies Royal, Imperial, etc., are not abridged nor disregarded, as Royal Geographical Society. (ALTERXATIVE.) 76. Enter the universities of the European continent and of Central and South America under the name of the place; all other soci- eties under Konigliche, Herzogliche, etc. Refer from the first word in the university names and from the place of societies. N. B. — A few learned academies, commonly called by the names of the cities where they are estabUshed may be entered under the place with a reference from the name. These are Berlin, Gotting'en, Leipzig, Lisbon, Madrid, Munich, St. Peters- biirg, "Vienna. 77. Enter national libraries, museums, and galleries, as well as libra- ries, museums, and galleries instituted or supported by a city, under the place provided th&y have not a distinctive name. Ex. of place. Paris Bibliotheque Nationale. Boston Public Library. E.V. of name. Berkshire Athenaeum; Boston Athenaeum; British Museum; Forbes Library; Marucceliana, Biblioteca; Reuben Hoar Public Library. (See note under § 70.) A distinctive name is usually one beginning with a proper noun or adjective. Private libraries go under the owner's name even after incorporation in a pubUc library (§88). 78. Enter observatories under the name of the place, except that Ex. Greenwich. Observatory, Pulkowa. Stern-w^arte. {a) university observatories go under the university. Ex. Harvard College. Astronomical Observatory, at Cambridge. (Refer from Cambridge. ) (h) any observatory having an individual name may go under that. Ex. Lick Observatory, Yerkes Observatory. 79. Enter expositions under the place where they were held. £'a:. Buffalo. Pan-American Exposition, 1901; Chicago. World's Columbian Expo- sition, 1893; New Orleans. World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exhibition, 1884-85: Philadelphia. Centennial Exhibition, 1876. Refer from an indiAidual name. 80. Enter American State universities and state historical, agri- cultural and medical societies whether supported by the state or not under the name of the state; unless they are better known by a distinctive name. The state's name usually enters into the name of these societies and they are known outside of the state by its name. Refer when necessary. 48 AUTHOR ENTRY. 81. Enter churches under the name of the place. Single churches have usually been entered under the place, a practice which arose in American catalogs from our way of naming churches "The First Church in ," "The Second Church of ," etc., and applies very well to a majority of English churches, whose name generally includes the name of the parish. It is more in accordance with dictionary principles to limit the local entry of churches to First Church, etc., and those which have only the name of the town or parish, and to put all others (as St. Sepulchre's, St. Mary Aldermansbury) under their names, as they read, and to treat convents and monasteries in the same way; but the convenience of having a single definite rule has been held to outweigh in this case the claims of consistency. Of course the parishes of London (as Kensington, Marylebone, Southwark), like the parts of Boston (Dorchester, Roxbury, etc. ), or of any other composite city, will be put under their own names, not under the name of the city. 82. A few cathedrals generally known by some other name may be entered under it: St. Paul's, London; Notre Dame, Paris; St. Peter's, Rome; St. Sophia, Constantinople. 83. Put monasteries and convents, like churches, under the place, unless better known by the name. 84. National banks designated merely by number (as First National Bank of Northampton) go under the name of the place. NOT EXCEPTED. 85. Purely local benevolent or moral or similar societies are to be entered under their own names. It has been usual to enter these under the name of the place, but this is objection- able, because (a) it is an exception to the rule, (b) such societies are known in their home by their own names * and outside of the place they are seldom known at all. The few cases of local benevolent societies having an outside fame should not be allowed to make the rule. Bt^^ The A. SI. A. rules enjoin entry under the place. 86. Young men's Christian associations, mercantile library associa- tions and the like are not to have local entry. The reasons are the same as in § 85, but it should be noted (a) that there is a gen- eral Y. M. C. A. which binds the local societies together and assimilates their case to that of Freemasons, etc., furnishing an additional reason for the name entry; (b) that on the other hand mercantile libraries are known outside of their cities by their place name so that their case is nearer that of state historical societies, from which, however, they differ in not being supported by the city. 87. Private schools having no distinctive name go under the name of the proprietor. 88. Private libraries, galleries and museums go under the name of the proprietor. 89. Buildings are for the most part provided for in the above rules as museums, galleries, libraries, churches, etc. Any others should be entered under their names, with a reference from the city. *No one in Northampton, for instance, wotdd ever think of looking for the Smith Charities or the Home Culture Club under Northampton. CORPORATE authorship: COMMITTEES, ETC. 49 3. Committees and other subordinates. 90. Enter reports of cosoiittees or sections under the name of the body to which they belong. Ex. TJ. S. Senate. Committee on the Conduct of the War. American Medical Association. Ophthalmological Section. American Library Association. Publishing Section. 91. Reports of "a committee of citizens," etc., not belonging to any named bodj" should be put under the name of the place. Use the form Boston. Citizens. Report of a committee, etc. Refer from the name of the tvriter, if known, if not, of the chairman or equivalent officer, or if that is not given, of the first signer. As the French rapporteur. 92. Put the anonymous publications of any cl,ass {not organized) of CITIZENS of a place under the place. Ex. "AppUcation to Parhament by the merchants of London" should go under London. Merchants. 93. Enter reports, journals, minutes, etc. , of conventions, conferences, etc., under the names of the bodies^ holding the conferences, etc. When the body has no exact name ^ enter under the name of the place of meeting.^ When the name is changed enter under the best known form. (On these names see §§ 60-88.) ^Parties, religious bodies, societies. "Some conventions are held by bodies which have no existence beyond the conven- tion. If, however, they have a definite name, use that; ex., 4th National Quaran- tine and Sanitary Convention. This holds even if only one convention is held. Often the name is given in different forms. Select that which appears to be the most authentic, and make references from the others. When the name is changed enter under the best known form. ^In any case it is well to refer from the name of the place, and in the case of Presi- dential conventions it is indispensable. Put the convention of a county or other named district under the name of the dis- trict, with a reference from the town in which it is held, when it is named in the title-page. 94. Enter ecclesiastical councils of the Catholic Church, both gen- eral and special, under the name of the place of meeting. (The Vatican Council under Vatican, not Rome.) Councils of other churches are treated by § 93. 95. liefer (1) from all the varying forms of the society's name. (2) from important words in the society's name, when the first word is unlikely to be thought of. (3) from the name of the city where the societ}'^ is situated. (4) from the motto in the names of Dutch societies. (5) from the names of the royal societies of Berlin, etc. (6) from colleges to college societies. (7) from such words as G-allery, Museum, etc. , to all the galleries, museums, etc., contained in the catalog. 31425—04 4 50 AUTHOR ENTRY. B. Substitutes. Substitutes for the author's name (to be chosen in the following order) are — 9Q. Part of the author's name when only a part is known. Ex. rorabook"byJ.B. Far...,"or"byL.M.P.,"or"byDdg.,"or"by— Isd— ," the entry is to be made nnder Far , J. B., P., L. M., Ddg. , — Isd — . The initials are to be used whether they are in the title or only signed to a preface or to the text or are otherwise known. If the last initials are plainly, from the style of printing or from other evidence furnished by the book, those of a title, the entry will be under the initial preceding them; thus for books " by B. F., D. D.," or "by M. P. K., Gent.," or "by X. Y. Z., D.D.," the entry is to be made mider F., B., D.D., and B.., M. P., Gent., and Z., Y. Y., D.D. In such case it is safest to have also a reference from the last initial to the one chosen, as D., X. Y. Z. D. See Z., X. Y., D.D. It is often well to make a reference from the first word (title-reference). In a printed-card catalog one would always make an added entry under the title by simply erasing the initials from the heading and inserting them in the title if they are not already there. ^ This mode of entry ensures the easy finding of a particular book, brings together all of an author's works in which the same letters are used, and sometimes leads to the discovery of a real name. Even mere printer's marks, as *** or . . . , or !I! , unaccompanied by any letters, though they can not be considered as names, may be used as headings for a reference for the sake of bringing together all the works of an author using them; but each work should also have title entry as if anonymous. 97. A PSEUDONYM, when (a) the real name is unknown, (b) the false name is generally used by the writer or is much better known by the public. A. IC. A. 1 f. "exclusively used by the writer and." When both names are known and entry is made under the pseu- donym put both names in the heading (§§ 204-205). Refer from the name chosen as a heading to the other. For a discussion of pseudonymous entry see § 7. A pseudonym is a false name; a phrase — "One who loves his country," "A friend to peace" — or even a shorter appellation — "A lawyer" — is not a name. References might be made from these to the word under which the book is entered, but they would swell the catalog and rarely be of use. Appellatives beginning with the definite article, like "The Prig," "The Old Shekarry," "The Duchess," are not vague like "A lover of justice," and when constantly used should be treated as names in the way either of entry or reference. Latin phrases, like "Amator patrije," should be treated as names and the entry made under the last word; as. Patriae, Amator. But entry should not be made under patronymic adjectives, or certain words like junior, senior, evidently intended to qualify the name, not to be taken as the name; ;. e., the heading for a book " by Phileleutherus Lipsiensis " would not be Lipsiensis, Phileleutherus, but Phileleutherus Lipsiensis; Vanity Fair Album by Jehu Junior would go under Jehu junior, not Junior, Jehu. In such cases a reference from the word which is not taken as the heading will be an additional safeguard. Pseudonyms like Aunt Jane, Cousin Mary, Uncle John, should be entered under the second word, although it is evidently not a family name but a forename; it is all the name that we have. SUBSTITUTES FOR AUTHOES: COLLECTORS. 51 The word Anonymous may be considered as a pseudonym when used as follows: 'Anonymi introductio in," etc. A foreign article beginning a pseudonym used in an English work is considered as i part of the name; as El-Mukattem, pseud. 98. Collector, collecting editor. That is, the one who is responsible for the existence of a collection. A collection is made by putting together, with a collective title, three or more works by different authors, so as to make one work. Ex. Buchon's "Collection des memoires." 99. Several works published together without a collective title are to be put under that author's name which appears first on the title- page, even though the collector's name is also there; in other words, he is then to be considered merely as the editor. 100. For the convenience of the public it is better that the catalog's recognition of the collector should in certain cases take the form of reference or added entry rather than of main entry. Therefore entry is made under title not under collector for: 101. Anonymous collections., unless the collector's name is well known and the collection is usually called by it. 102. Periodicals. Because periodicals are much better known by their names than by their editors' names and change their edi- tors much of tener than the}^ change their titles. Periodicals include almanacs and other annuals. 103. Collections intended to be indefinitely continued. Ex. Some "university studies." The same reason applies here as in the case of Periodicals, — the editor is likely to change. The editor's name should be used for heading only in limited collections, like Thwaites' Jesuit relations. 101. Collections known chiefl}" b}- their titles. The older collections, like Greevius's Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum, Gronovius's Thesaurus Grsecarum antiquitatum, are known and referred to by their collectors' names, but of late years a swarm of series (American statesmen series, etc.) has arisen which are known wholly by their titles, under which they should be entered in full, with contents, to save the time of the searcher. The entry under the editor is necessary because he is really the author of the series, but it may be brief, with a reference for the "Contents" to the title'-entry. (For subject entry see § 181.) Much depends on whether the editor's name or the title is most likely to attract attention and be remembered. A common title, like Collection des memoires, is most likely to be known by the editor's name. A striking title, like Little classics, or The Briton and the Boer, or the Cambridge modern history, will catch the eye and the memory. "Examples of collections which are usually to be entered under the title are: encyclopedias, almanacs, series, the various collections of Monumenta, Scriptores, Collectanea, and Anecdota. Under the collector are entered anthologies, chresto- mathies, collections of legends, tales, proverbs, etc." — A. IC. A. rules. 105. When collections are entered under the title refer from the col- lector (from the editor-in-chief where there are several editors). 106. Enter the separate works forming the collection under their respective authors. (See Analysis, § 194.) 52 AUTHOK ENTEY. 107. PuhlisMng societies (like the Camdeu, Chetham, Hakluyt) are collectors of the series of works published by them, of which a list should be given under their names. But every such work filling one or more volumes should be entered separately under its author or title as if it were published independently, and should have its proper subject-entry. (See § 181.) Works that fill part of a volume are to be entered analyt- ically. (See § 194. ) A volume consisting of three or more treatises, put together with a collective title by the society, should be entered under it as collector, if no collector's name is given, or under the title if that is memorable. 108. Festschriften, i. e.^ collections of dissertations published in honor of a man, may be entered under his name with the addition of subject, or testimonial^ or a similar word. 109. Put manuscripts and facsimiles of mss. of one author ^nder his name; put anonymous mss. and the mss. and facsimiles of mss. of several-authors-together under the usual name of the collection. If there are two names choose the most usual with a reference from the other or an added entry. Ex. Ada-handschrift. Breviario Grimani. Codex Borbonicus (Mexican). Codex Borgianus (Mexican). Codex Cortesianus (Yucatan). Codex Cospianus. Codex Ferndnder Leal. Codex Fejervdry-Mayer. Codex Nuttall. Codex Rios. Codex Telleriano-Remensis. Bringing many together under Codex has this great practical merit that if one does not know the exact name one can find the desired ms. by looking through all the entries under Codex. TWO PROBLEMS. By § 21. "The fraternitye of vacabondes, by J. Awdeley; A caueat for common cursetors, by T. Harman; A sermon in praise of thieves, by Parson Haben or Hyber- dyne; those parts of The groundworke of conny-catching that differ from Harman's Caueat; ed. by E. Vilesand F. J. Furnivall," should be entered not under Viles, E., and Furnivall, F. J., but under Awdeley. This was reissued in 1890 by the New Shakspere Society with the old title-page preceded by a new title-page: "The rogues and vagabonds of Shakspere' s youth described by Jn. Awdeley [etc.], edited by E: Viles and F. J. Furnivall." This ed. would of course be cataloged as a new issue of the edition of 1869; but there should be a reference from Viles and Fiirnivall, because the work would be cataloged under their names if the new title-page were the only or the first one. The ' ' Special consular reports issued from the Bureau of Statistics, Department of State" may be put under U. S. Bur. of Stat., DepH of State, as the collecting editor or under U. S. Consuls on the ground that the body of Consuls is the author of the reports and that the Bureau is not so much the collecting as the issuing editor. I prefer the heading U. S. Consuls both on the theoretical and on practical grounds. For anonymous works, see Title-entry, §§ 120-132. For trials, see § 116, REFEEENCES. 53 c. References, 110. Make references (§ 2.) From the first word of titles of anonymous works, when entered under the author, and sometimes from other impor- tant words. (§ 3.) From joint authors (after the first) to the first. (§ 6.) From the praeses to the respondent or defendant of a thesis, or vice versa. (§ 7.) From pseudonyms, initials, and part of names to the author when known; but if the entry is left under the pseudonym refer to it from the author. (§§ 8-10.) From important illustrators when not important enough for an entry. (§ 11.) From authors of a text to musical composers or vice versa, unless entry is made under both. (§ 14.) From commentators who are not entitled to an entry, if the commentary preponderates or for any reason is likely to be looked for under the commentator's name. Where the line of omission shall be drawn depends on the fullness of the catalog. (§ 16.) From the authors of continuations, indexes, and of intro- ductions of some length, also in some cases, of epitomes, revisions, and excerpts. (§ 21.) From the names of reporters, translators, and editors of anonymous works and of works not anon^^mous which are commonly known by the name of their editors or translators. Ex. Some translations from the German by Mre. Wister are wrongly lettered as if she were the author, and are therefore asked for by her name. (§ 23 a.) From the English form of the names of sovereigns, when- ever thev are likely to be looked for under that form. (§ 23 5, c.) From the family name of persons canonized, and of friars who drop the family name on entering their order. (§ 23 e.) From such parts of Oriental names as require it. (§ 21 5.) From the names of English sees and deaneries. (§ 24 G.) From the maiden names or unused married names of wives to the one used in the catalog, provided they have written under the names not used or for any other reason are likely to be looked for under them. (§ 25.) From the family names of British noblemen to the titles, or vice versa, if the entry is made under the family name. From the family names of foreign noblemen, when they are known by them wholly or in part. From any other title by which a man may be better known than by his real name. As "Claimant, The." The Diary of the Shah of Persia, cataloged under Nassr- ad-Din, requires a reference from Shah. 54 AUTHOR ENTRY. (§ 40.) From the earlier forms of names that are changed. (§ 28.) From the part of compound names which is not used for entry to the part which is, whenever it seems necessary. (§ 29.) From the prefixes of foreign names when they have been commonly used in combination with the last part. Ex. From Vandyck to Dyck, A. van, from Degerando to Gerando, and De CandoUe to Candolle. (§ 30.) From the alternative part of Latin names. (§§ 32-41.) From any alternative, incomplete, inaccurate, or foreign form of a name and indeed from all forms var3'ing either by spelling, translation, or transliteration that do not come into immediate juxtaposition with the one chosen. This should 1)6 done whether the rejected form occurs in the title of a book in the library or not. The object of a reference is to enable the reader to find the works of an author, not merely a particular book, and the reader may have seen the author referred to under the rejected form whether the library has a book with that form or not. (§§ 46-58.) From the authors of official writings (with discretion). (§ 57.) From nations taking part in a congress to the place of meeting. (§§ 63,93.) From the places where conventions are held to the names of the bodies holding them. (§§ 93-94.) From the name of an ecclesiastical body to the head- ings under which the councils of the body are entered. (§ 96.) From part of the author's name appearing on the title-page to the whole name if discovered. From the last initial given on a title-page to the one chosen for the entry. (§ 97.) From a pseudonj^m to the real name when discovered. From some phraseological pseudonyms, especiallj^ if brief. Ex. From La^wyer, when an anonymous w'ork is said to be "by a lawyer." For Full only. 111. Refer from editors and translators. If it is thought worth while to give a complete view of the literary and artistic activity of every author so far as it is represented in the library, of course references from editors, translators, illustrators, cartographers, engravers, etc., must be made. But this completeness is not usually sought even in large libraries. Such references are also undeniably a help in finding books. But they increase the bulk and the cost of a catalog so much and are comparatively of so little use that ordinary libraries must content themselves with a selection, though the best-made selection is certain to occasion complaints that the really useful ones have been omitted and the least important made. The chief classes of necessary references of this sort are — (1.) From the editors of periodicals to the title-entry, when the periodical is com- monly called by the editor's name, as Poggendorff's Annalen, Silliman's Journal. (2.) From the names of editors and translators which are habitually mentioned in connection with a work, so that it is as likely to be looked for under the editor's name as under the author's name. When the form is a combination of author's and editor's name, as Conington's Virgil, Bryant's Iliad, the reference, though conven- REFERENCES — ECONOMIES. 55 ient, is certainly not necessary, inasmuch as a person of ordinary intelligence could hardly fail, not finding what he wanted under one name, to try the other. (3.) From the names of those who have made poetical versions, on the ground that their work is something more than mere translation. (4.) From the translators of anonymous works, because the title of the original will generally be unknown to the searcher. This is less necessary for famous works and for translations by obscure persons; J. Scott's version of the Arabian Nights would be looked for under Arabian nights rather than under Scott, but for some years at least Burton's and Payne's versions will be associated with their names. In such cases referring makes assurance doubly sure. (5.) From the names of translators, editors, etc., of Oriental works, because Occi- dental readers are much more likely to remember these names than those of the authors. It may be thought that an excessive number of references is recommended, but it is plain that wherever there can be a reasonable doubt among catalogers under what head a book ought to be entered, it should have at least a reference under each head. The object of an author-catalog is to enable one to find the book; if that object is not attained the book might as well not be cataloged at all. 112. Make explanatory notes under such words as Congress, Parliament, Academies, Societies, "Universities, Museums, Galleries, Libraries, and others in regard to whose entr}" there is a diverse usage, stating what is the rule of the catalog. D. Economies. 113. In the title-a-liners references are not an economy; they occupy as much room as an entry, and therefore the imprint may as well be given whenever the reference does not take the place of several titles. 114. In printed-card catalogs a reference for a particular book is made by inserting the whole card with suitable heading and with underlining of such parts of the title or notes as will show why the reference is made. 115. Directories published periodically may be treated as periodicals and entered under the first word, which is often the name of the place. Non-periodical directories must go under the name of the editor, with subject entry under the place name. Mr. Perkins would catalog directories, state registers, and loc^l gazetteers under the name of the place, omitting the author-entry. This is for Short alone, and should never be done by Medium or Full. 116. Enter trials of crown, state, and criminal cases under the name of the defendant; trials of civil actions under the name of the party to the suit which stands first on the title-page with added entry for the other parties and admiralty proceedings relating to vessels under the name of the vessel (subject-entries of course). Full and perhaps Medium should make author-entries under the reporter. It may be doubted, however, whether a stenographic reporter is entitled to be considered an author anj'^ more than a type-setter. 56 TITLE ENTKY. Collected reports of trials -will of course (§98) go under the collector; for subject- entry they come under the place over which the court has jurisdiction, and if they relate to a single crime (as murder), under that also. 117. Often in analyses it may be worth while to make a subject-entry and not an author-entry, or vice versa. 118. An econoni}^ once in some favor was to omit the entry under the author's name when the library contains only one work by him. By this practice many famous authors, of whom no small library is likely to con- tain more than one work (such as Boswell, Dante, Gibbon, Lamb, Macaulay, Milton, indeed almost any of the English poets), would not appear in the cata,log; while the man who had written both a First class reader and a Second class reader, or a Mental arithmetic and a Written arithmetic, or two Sunday-school books, was included. It is not necessary to say more to show the absurdity of the rule. If some authors must be omitted, let it be those who the librarian knows are never called for, whether they have written one or fifty works. 119. Another objectionable economy is to put biographies under the name of the subject alone, omitting author-entr}^, so that there is no means of ascertaining whether the library possesses all the works of a given author. II. TITLE-ENTRY. First- word entry. (Anonymous works, 120-132; Periodicals, 133, 134; Fiction, 135; What is a first word, 136-143.) Changed titles, 144-147. First- word reference. (Plays and poems, 148; other works, 149.) Catch-word reference. (Anonymous works, 150a; other works, 1505.) Subject- word entry. (Anonymous biographies, 151.) Subject-word reference. (Anonymous works, 152«/ other works, 152J.) Title-reference to corporate entries, 153. Title-reference from subtitles, 154. Title-references for art works, 156. Double title-pages, 150-159. Lost title-pages, 160. 120. Make a first-word entry for alP anonymous works. (If the author's name can be ascertained insert it within brackets, and make the main entry under the author^.) ^Of course there are exceptions to this rule. There are works which are always known by certain names, under which they should be entered, although the title- pages of different editions may not begin with this name, or may not even contain it. The most noteworthy example is the Bible. See § 123. ^A catalog of authors alone finds the entry of its anonymous books a source of incongruity. The dictionary catalog has no such trouble. It does not attempt to enter them in the author-catalog until the author's name is known. ANONYMOUS WORKS. 57 121. For ANONY1IOU8 BIOGRAPHIES, if the title mentions the subject of the life, omit the title entry, leaving only the subject entry. E.i\ The life of the Hon. James Buchanan. Lancaster, 1856. The word subject in itahcs should be added to the heading to show why the entry- is made under it. 122. But if the title is remarkable it should have a reference or added title entry. And if the title does not mention the subject of the life, entry should be made under the title. _ Ex. Our martyr President. Voices from the Pulpit. N. Y., [c. 1865]. The A. 21. A. rules do not except anonymous biographies from first word entry. On the other hand small catalogs have been in the habit of excepting "anonymous works relating to a person, city, or other subject distinctly mentioned in the title, which are to be put under the name of the person, city, or subject." In the cata- log of a larger library where more exactness ("red tape," "pedantry") is indispen- sable, biography should be the only exception, the place of entry under subjects and under large cities being too doubtful. And in planning a manuscript catalog, it should be remembered that a small library may grow into a large one, and that if the catalog is made in the best way at first there will be no need of alteration, 123. Enter the Beble or any part of it (including the Apocrypha) under the word Bible. This is the best heading — in an Enghsh catalog — for the Bible and for any of its parts in whatever language written and under whatever title published. This is the British Museum rule. It is of a piece with putting all periodicals under the heading Periodicals and all publications of learned societies under the head Academies. It would be much more in accordance with dictionary principles, but much less con- venient, to put the separate books of the Bible each under its own name as given in the revised English version (Matthew, Gospel of, not Gospel of Matthew), with all necessary references. References should be made to Bible from Testament, Old Testam.ent, New Testament, Gospels, Apocrypha, Psalms, Pentateuch, the names of the single books, and from such well-known names as Breeches Bible, Speaker's commentary. 124. Other sacred books, also national and popular anonymous epics, should be treated in the same way. Ex. Talmud, Avesta, Veda, and perhaps even the Koran, (with a reference from its author Mohammed) and the Adi Granth (with a reference from its com- piler Arjun Mai); and for the epics Edda, Nibelung'enlied, Reynard the fox, etc. 125. In cataloging the anonymous books of the Middle Ages, " Incipit" or " Here begyns," or " Book the first of," and similar phrases are not to be considered as first words. Thus the history of the Seven Sages appears under the following variety of title: 1. Incipit historia septem sapientu Rome. [Cir. 1475.] 2. In hoc opusculo sunt subtilitates septe sapientu rome valde perutiles. [Later. ] 3. Historia septem sapientuni Romge. 1490. 4. Historia calumnie nouercahs que septem sapientu inscribitur. 1490. 5. Ludus septem sapientuni. [Cir. 1560.] And the titles of the versions are equally various: 1. Li romans des sept sages. 2. Li romans de Dolopathos. 58 TITLE ENTRY. 3. Les sept sages de Rortie. 4. Les sept saiges de romme. 5. Los siete sabios de Roma. 6. Hienach volget ein gar schijne Cronick vn hystori auss denn Geschichten der Romern. 7. Die hystorie uan die seuen wise mannen van Romen. 8. Hystory of the seuen maysters of Rome. 9. The Hystorie of the seven wise maisters of Rome. 10. The sevin seages. 11. De siu sive mestere. Of course it will not do to catalog these severally under Incipit, Hoc, Historia, Ludus, Romans, Sept, Siete, Hienach, Hystorie, Hystory, Sevin, and Siu. In this and other prose and poetical romances of the Middle Ages the heading must be taken in general from the subject of the romance; the name appearing of course in the original language, with all necessary references from other forms. In the present case all the editions would be collected under Septem sapientes,* with references from Ludus, Sept sages, Siete sabios, Hienach, and Seven, provided the librarj' has so many editions. 126. Medieval romances whose title begins with Sir go under the word following. Ex. Sir Cleges, Sir Gawain. 127. Collections of papers known by the name of a principal contribu- tor or a previous owner or of the house where they were found should be entered under such name, or, if they must be entered under the name of an editor, should have a reference from such name; ex., Dudley papers, Winthrop papers, etc. This entry in some cases resembles entry under a collector (§98); in some it is like subject entry; in all it is useful. A title like "The Modern Plutarch" does not imply that the work is written by Plutarchus; such a book should l^e treated as anonymous, unless it had an editor. 128. Anonymous works "6y the author of^ should be cataloged as usual under the first word of each, but it is convenient to make a list of what the librarj^ has of an}'^ author under the best known title. If there may be doubt which is the best known work give the list under each or refer from each of the others. Ex. IVCiss Toosey's mission. L., 1878. Other works by the same author are: Liaddie, Pomona, Tip Cat. Ex. Tip Cat. L., 1886. For others by the same author see Miss Toosey's mission. 129. A single inscrijption by an unknown author needs no title entry, but should have subject-entry under the subject of which it treats, or the name of the place where it is found, or both. 130. When the author's name is known, it will be enough for Medium to make not an entry under the first word, but a reference from it to the author. *Even if these should be entered under Sandabad (Lat. Syntipas), the reputed author of the orig- inal Indian romance, the example will still serve to show the great variety in mediaeval titles, and the inconvenience of following a strict first-word rule. ANONYMOUS WORKS PERIODICALS. 59 The shelf-mark or class-mark should always be given with this reference, that the man who merely wishes to get the book need not have to look in two places for the mark. If there are several editions all the marks should be given, which is not sat- isfactory unless the imprints are also given, that is, unless an entry is made and not merely a reference. The entry (or reference) for an anonymous work should be made, even if the author's name is given in another edition, or is given in the later volumes of a work of which the first is anonymous. 131. An anonymous work which forms a part of a larger ivhole is to be entered in the place where the whole would be, with a refer- ence from its own title. Ex. New testament. See Bible. Die Klage. See Nibeliingenlied. 132. Translation-'^ of anonymous works should be entered under the same headmg- as the original, whether the library" possesses the original or not. Kr. Gisli's saga. Story of Gisli the outlaw, from the Icelandic, by G. W. Dasent. So Perron's translation, called by him " Glaive descouronnes," would appear under Saif-al-tidjan; and the Arabian nights' entertainments under Alif laila. CrUicisms of anonjnnous works must be put under the heading of the work criti- cised (subject-entry). 133. Periodicals are to be treated as anonymous and entered under the first word, not an article or serial number. JSx. Popular science monthly, Liittell's living age. When a periodical changes its title the whole may be cataloged under the original title, with an explanatory' note there and a reference from the new title to the old; or each part may be cataloged under its own title, with references, "For a continua- tion, see ," "For the pre\'ious volumes, see ." Treat almanacs and other annuals as periodicals. Do not confound periodicals with serials. The four characteristics of a periodical are: (1) that it be published at intervals usually but not necessarily regular; (2) in general that the publication be intended to continue indefinitely; (3) that it be written by a number of contributors under the supervision of one or more editors; (4) that it consist of articles on various sub- jects, so that a set of the work does not form an organic whole. The 2d, 3d, and 4th criteria exclude works like Trollope's "The way we live now" (first published seri- ally)," and the Encyclopaedia Britannica." There are some exceptions to the 3d, as Brownson's quarterly review; and to the 4th, as Masters in art, Boston, 1900, etc., and the present Portfolio, London, which may be considered either as a peri- odical or as a serial. Make a reference from the name of the editor when the periodical is commonly called by his name, as in the case of Silliman's Journal of science. The Memoirs, Proceedings, Transactions oi 2i society are periodicals in point of (1) occasional publication, (2) indefinite continuance, and — so far as they contain any- thing beyond the record of the society's meetings— of (4) variety of subject; but they lack the 3d characteristic, variety of authorship, inasmuch as the memoirs or other papers given in addition to " proceedings " proper may be considered as the work of the society acting through its members; the society, therefore, is the author, and the Transactions, etc., need not have title-entry. There are, however, some "Jour- nals" pubUshed by or "under the auspices of " societies which are really periodicals, and should be so treated in entry, the society being not the author but the editor. 60 TITLE ENTRY Again, there are works "vrhich occupy a borderland between the two classes, in regard to which the puzzled cataloger should remember that it is not of much importance which way he decides, provided he is careful to make all necessary references. Examples of such doubtful cases are ' 'Alpine journal : a record of mountain adventure and scientific observation. By members of the Alpine Club; " which contains nothing of or about the Club itself; — "Journal of the American Institute, a monthly publica- tion devoted to the interest of agriculture, commerce, etc. Edited by a committee, members of the Institute," and "Journal of the Society of Arts and of The Institu- tions in Union," both of which are journals both in the sense of record of proceed- ings and of periodical pubhcation. Xeicspaper titles are troublesome. It is not uncommon for the name of the place to be included in the name on the first page (as The Boston ^Egis), but to be dropped over the editorial column, or ^-ice versa, or to be used for some years and afterwards dropped, or A-ice versa. The searcher can not always remember whether it is used or not. It would be well, therefore, to give under each name of a city the title of every newspaper published there which the librarj' has. 134. Collections of extracts from a periodical named in the title should go under the name of the periodical. Ex. Xiife, Verses from. Punch, A bowl of. If the periodical is not named in the title, make only a reference under the peri- odical. The work of a single author republished from a periodical \\-ill not in general need even a reference from the periodical's name. 135. Make a first-word entry or reference for all works of prose FICTION. (Include the author's name in the entry.) Ex. Daughter of Heth; novel, by W. Black. London, 187-1. 3 v. 0. The reason is that novels are known more by their titles than by their authors' names. Whether to make an entry or a reference depends on the space at command. An entry means giving the book-marks for every edition. With a reference this may be done; but a reference without them obliges the reader to turn to the author- entry for such details, which is objectionable. It is better to give all the book-marks with the title. If the name of the hero or heroine enters into the title the entry should be made Tinder that, as it reads; ex., David Copperfield, Life and adventures of, by C. Dickens. 136. When a title begins with an article, the heading of a first-word entry or reference is the word following the article. Ex. The Centaur not fabulous or Centaur, The, not fabulous, not The centaur not fabulous. The entry has commonly been made under the first word "not an article or preposition." But it is found to work badly to except the preposition in the titles of novels and plays, and it is awkward to omit or transpose it in any case. One reason for excepting the article — that there would be an immense accumulation of titles under the unimportant words A, The, Le, Der, Uno, etc. — is not so strong in the case of prepositions; the other — that it is difficult to remember with what article a given title begins — hardly applies at all to prepositions. The preposition is full as likely to fasten itself in the memory as the word that follows it. The strongest argument in favor of confining preposition-entry to fiction and the drama is that in other cases the word following the preposition will probably be a subject- word, so that one entry will do the work of two. This will occasionally be true, but not often enough, I think, to make much difference. WHAT IS THE FIRST WORD. 61 137. When a foreign phrase is used as an English title, refer from the article as well as from the following word. Ex. El Fureidis should have references to Cummins both under E and F; li'arrabiata both under L' and A to Heyse. 138. When a title begins with a word expressive of the number which the work holds in a series the first- word entry or reference is to be made under the next word. Ex. Collection of papers, 8th, not Eighth, collection. Letter, 1st and 2d, to the Ministry, not First letter, etc., under F, and Second, letter under S. When the numeral comes after a word like Book or Part (as frequently in Latin after Liber, Pars, Tomus, Volumen) both are to be neglected and the word following put into the nominative and used as a heading; e.g., "Pars prima epistolarum " is to be entered under Epistolse. Similarly Evening, Morning, Daily, and Weekly should be disregarded in titles of newspapers when prefixed to the proper title of the paper, otherwise we should have the morning edition at one end of the catalog and the evening at the other. But in such titles as The quarterly review, The monthly magazine, Quarterly and Monthly are the entry words. So "Appendix to," "Continuation of," " Supplement to " (but not "Reply to"), are to be disregarded when they are followed by the title of the work continued. "Reply to " and similar beginnings are to be put under Reply, etc., with a subject-entry under the author of the work replied to. This rule does not apply to cardinal numbers, as "Four Oxford lectures." 139. A motto beginning a title may be neglected and the entry made under the first word of the real title following. 140. When the first word of a title is spelled unusually, all the edi- tions should be entered under the word spelled in the modern or correct way, with a reference from the form adopted in the title. Ex. The hystorie of the saints would be entered — History. ] The hystorie of the saints. We enter mider the common spelling ( 1 ) in order to get all editions of a work together, (2) because the reader can not be expected to know exactly how the word is misspelled in the title, and will generally look first under the correct spelling. Of two spelHngs equally correct, choose one and refer from the other. Only one bracket is necessary when the word bracketed begins the entry or begins a title after a dash. 141. When German usage differs as in the use of k, z, and c, and t and th prefer k and z to c and t to th. Ex. Katalog not catalog, prozess not process, mitteilung not mittheilung. This relates to headings not to titles; the spelling of the latter is to be copied. 142. When the first word of a title is in an oblique case, use the nominative as a heading. Ex. Put Monumentorum antiquse sculpturse quae supersunt under Monumenta. 143. If the title has various forms in different volumes make entry under the first, stating the variations in a note or in contents and referring from any that differ enough to affect the alpha- betical order. This does not apply to periodicals. 62 TITLE ENTRY. 144. Works whose titles are changed iu different editions may be entered under the first, with a reference under the later; but the most satisfactory method is to enter in full in both places. 145. A periodical which changes its name is to be entered under each title. Each entry Avill have the imiirint that belongs to that title and a note "Preceded by" or ''Continued as" or both, as required. Or the periodical may be cataloged in full under the first title with a note of the changes. Ex. Tilton's journal of horticulture. Vol. 1. 1867-71. 9 v. 0. Vols. 2-9 entitled American journal of horticulture. American journal of horticulture. Vol. 2-9. 9 v. O. Vol. 1 was issued as Tilton's journal of horticulture. The latter form is the best when the volume numbers are continued through two or more sets. For the class-mark the most practical rule (though it is one that makes some trouble to classifiers and catalogers) is: ' 146. Take the class -mark of a periodical that changes its title from the best known title, which is usuallj^ the last after it has been running a year or two. 147. Anonymous works that change their titles in successive volumes are to be entered under the first title, with a reference from the later, unless the greater part of the work has the later title, or the whole is much better known by the later title, in which case entrj" should be made under that. 148. Make a f i r s t - w o r d r e f e r e n c e to the author for all plays, and for POEMS of some length or importance or notoriety. Ex. All's well that "fends well. See Shakespeare, W. Nothing' to wear. See Butler, W. A. Of course entries are better than references for the reader; the latter are recom- mended here merely for economy, which will be found to be considerable when there are many editions of a play. It is much better to distribute these like any other title-references, through the alphabet, than, as some have done, to collect the titles of novels together in one place and of plays in another. A man not unfre- quently wishes to find a book whose title he has heard of without learning whether it was a novel, a play, a poem, or a book of travels If the catch-word of the title of a novel, poem, or play is the name of a real person who is its subject, it is optional to make a reference, as in § 150, or a biographical entry under the family name, or both. ( See § 208. ) Ex. Paul Eevere's ride. .See liOngfellow, H. W. or Revere, Paul. Longfellow, H. W. {In his Tales of a way-side inn.) 149. Make a first-word reference to the author for other works which are likely to be inquired for under the first word of the title, whether because the author-entr}' of the work is not obvi- ous from the title, ^ because the title does not indicate the sub- ject,^ or because it is of a striking form,^ or because the book is common!}' known by its title,* or for any other good reason. ^ Codex Sinaiticus; ed. Tischendorf (entered under Bible). ^Cuppe's "Heaven open to all men" needs a tUle-reierence, because for its subject it would be put under TTniversal salvation or Futvire punishment, Duration of. CATCH-WOED EEFEJRENCE SUBJECT-WORD ENTRT. 63 Hutton'a "Plays and players" is merely an account of the New York stage. Keary's "Nations around" does not suggest any subject at all. ' Border and bastille. * Divina commedia. In a majority of cases, when a subject-word entry is made, no first-word reference is needed; but, if the title is striking, there should be a first-word reference, or a reference from that part of the title which is striking. Title-references should not generally be made from certain common titles, as "Sermons on various subjects," "Essays, historical and literary," and should be made from less common collective words, as ' ' Century of painters, " " Century of praise, ' ' etc. References should be liberally made to the works of such authors as Brown, Jones, Schmidt, Smith, Wil- son; if one has forgotten the Christian name, it is a work of too much time to find the book under the author, and one looks at once for a subject- or a title-entry or reference. And a reference will facilitate the finding of many collections entered properly under the editor; for it is easy to forget an editor's name, and often difficult to determine the subject-entry of a collection. I^^To sum up, then, make a title- reference when the author's name is common, the title memorable, or the subject obscure. 150. Make a catch -word reference or references — a. For all anonymous works which admit of it, if their subject does not appear distinctly from the title. To be made to the author if known, otherwise to the first word. Ex. Scarlet gowns. True and exact account of the. -S'ee True. Here Cardinals is the subject, but the word does not occur in the title; True is the first word and is therefore taken for the heading; but Scarlet gowns is a phrase very likely to remain in the memory of anyone who had seen the title, and therefore the reference is made. Books published under a comparatively unknown pseudonym should have either a first-word or a catch-word reference, unless their subject-entry can be easily inferred from the title. h. For OTHER WORKS which are likely to be inquired for not under the first word but under the catch-word of the title. To be made to the author. Ex. The fac-simile of' the Laurentian ms. of Sophocles might be spoken of or referred to as "The Laurentian ms." simply. It is not easy to decide when to make such entries nor how many to make. "An account of the baronial mansions of England in the olden time" may be asked for as ' ' Baronial halls " or as " English baronial halls ' ' or perhaps as ,' ' Mansions of the olden time." If references are made from all possible headings which might occur to an inaccurate memory, there will be no end to the catalog. 151. Make a subject-word entry for all anonymous biogra- phies and works of a biographical character. (See §§ 121, 122.) Add subject. Ex. Cromwell, Oliver, subject. Perfect politician. The; life of Cromwell. Lon- don, 1681. 8°. — Treason's masterpiece; or. Conference between Oliver and a Committee of Parliament. London, 1860. 8». For greater security this latter ought to have also a first-word reference. Among works of a biographical nature may be reckoned (a) "Specimens from the collections" of a man; (b) catalogs of his library or of other property of his (§ 13); (c) anonymous collections of letters written to him, or of papers owned by him (§ 127). 64 TITLE ENTKY. 152. Make a subject- word referenc e — a. For all anonymous works which admit of it, to the author if known, otherwise to the first word. When the subject-word is the same as the heading of the subject-entry this refer- ence need not be made; but it ■will not do to omit an important title-entry when there are many titles under the subject-heading or they are much subdivided, so that it would be difficult to find the title-entry there. Thus an anonymous book, "France and the Pope," would no doubt have a subject-entry under some subdivision of France, but as this in a large catalog would be little help towards finding the book, it should also have a reference among the titles which follow the subject France. Of course if there were only a dozen titles under France one entry would l>e enough. h. For OTHER WORKS, whcn the subject-word is not the same as the name of the subject selected b}^ the cataloger. In this case, however, a cross-reference, which will answer for all titles, is to be preferred to a collection of subject-word references, being more economical and nearly as convenient to the inquirer. Suppose, for instance, that Insects is preferred as a subject-name to Entomology. It will be better and more sparing of space to say once for all " Entomolog'y. See Insects," referring a man to a part of the catalog where he will find not only the book he seeks but many similar ones, than to make number of references like these: Entomologie, Cours de. See liatreille, P. A. Entomolog'ique, Bibliographie. See Percheron, A. Entomolog'y, Dialogues on. See Dialogues. Entomology, Elements of. See Dallas, W. S.; Ruschenberger, W. S. W.; Entomology, Introduction to. See Duncan, J. ; Kirby, W. which will serve his turn only for the particular book he has in mind, and serve it very little better than the general reference. 153. Make title references (first-word, catch-word, or subject-word) for works which are entered under the names of societies or of GOVERNMENTS. Ex. Consular reports. See TJ. S. Consular Service. The reason for this is that the inquirer might not think of looking for such works imder those headings or might be unable to find them in the mass of titles under the larger countries, France, Great Britain, United States. But in view of the room which such references would fill, if made from all governmental titles, it seems best to state the rule for the entry of governmental and society publications very dis- tinctly in the preface and then to require and presuppose a certain acquaintance with the plan of the catalog on the part of those who use it, and omit all reference for ordinary official reports, making them only for series like the Consular reports, or for works which have become part of literature, and are likely to be much inquired for; as, the "Astronomical exploring expedition," " Connaissance des temps," "Descrip- tion de I'Egypte," "Documents inedits," "Philosophical transactions," etc. Of course absolute uniformity can not be secured in this way, but absolute uniformity is not very important. Even if occasionally a reference of this kind fails to be made which might reasonably be required, those which are made will be useful. It is easy to add the reference wanted in a manuscript catalog or in the inevitable sup- plement of a printed catalog. TITLE BEFERENCE TITLE PAGES. 65 154. Title references must sometimes be made from subtitles and HALF-TITLES. Because some books are known and referred to bj' them rather than by the full title. For the same reason the binder's title, used on the original binding, may deserve a reference ( never an entry); and also titles commonly given to books though not appearing anywhere in them, as Breeches Bible, Speaker's commentary. 155. Title references may be made for art works: engravings, paint- ings, sculptures, photographs, photoprints, music. For anony- mous art works the reference will become an entry. These are usually also subject references. If there is a separate catalog of paint- ings, etc., the references would be included in that. How far the practice shall be carried depends on the extent and use of the collection. A library which circulates many photographs will find it necessary to refer from the more common titles, such as Angelus, Baby Stuart, Sistine Madonna. 156. If a book has several title-pages use the most general, giv ing the others, if necessary, in a note or as contents. This occurs especially in German books. The rule should be followed even when the library has only one of the parts. But under the subject-heading the subtitle which corresponds to that subject maj- be used, the general title being given in curves after the imprint, so as to preserve the connection of the subject- and title- entries. Ex. Saxony, House of. Vehse, E. Geschichte der Hofe des Hauses Sacbsen. Hamburg, 1854. 7 v. 8". (Vol. 28-34 o/" /u'.s Gesch. d. dent. Hofe.) The rule above applies only when the title-pages come under the same heading. If the several title-pages require separate entry (as when one is the title of a series, the other of a work in that series) each title will be used under its own heading. 157. Of an engraved and a printed title-page the latter is usuall}' to be preferred and always when its date is later. 158. If the title-pages are equally general take the first when they succeed one another and the second when the}^ face one another. 159. Of titles and title-pages in different languages^ use the one that alone is in English or German characters. When both or neither are in English or German use the one in the original language. If neither language is the original follow §§ 214- 248. Mention in a note the unused title. The Library of Congress suggests an exception: When Greek classics have two titles on one title-page, one being in Greek, give both. For ordinary cataloging a word or two of the Greek is enough to identify the book. 160. If a book's title-page is lost^ and it is impossible to ascertain what it was from other copies or other editions, or from catalogs or bibliographies, use the half-title or the running title, stating the fact; if it has neither, manufacture a title, within brackets. Such an entry may require many references. t.-p. 7i).= title-page wanting. 31425—04 5 66 SUBJECT ENTRY. III. SUBJECTS. A. Entries consideked separately. 1. Choice hktwek.v different suaiEcTs. Between general and specific, 161; Between person and country, 162; Between event and countr}^ 163; Between subject and country, 16-1, 165; Between subjects that overlap, 166. 2. Choice between different names. Language, 167; S3monyms, 168-171; Subject-word and subject, 172; Homonyms, 173; Compound headings, 17-1, 175. 3. The number of subject entries. Mviltiple entr}^, 176; Entries combined, 177, 178; Editions referred to, 179; Books without subject entry, 180. 4. Miscellaneous rules and examples. Collections and series, 181; Subject entry as a substitute for title- entry, 182; Vessels, 183; Civil actions, 184; Reviews, etc., 185; Subject entry of works of fiction, 186. B. Entries considered as parts of a whole. Cross-references, 187, 188. A. Entries considered separately. Some questions in regard to the place of entry are common to the author- and the subject-catalog; because individuals (persons, corporations, countries, cities, towns, etc.) may be at once authors and subjects. For these questions consult Part I, and also § 162 of the present part. The importance of deciding aright where any given subject shall be entered is in inverse proportion to the difficulty of decision. If there is no obvious principle to guide the cataloger, it is plain there will be no reason why the public should expect to find the entry under one heading rather than another, and therefore in regard to the public it matters not which is chosen. But it is better that such decisions should be made to conform when possible to some general system, as there is then more like- lihood that they will be decided alike by different catalogers, and that a usage will grow up which the public will finally learn and profit by, as a usage has grown up in regard to the author-entry of French names containing De, Du, La, etc. 1. Choice between different sub.iects. a. Between general and specifir. 161. Enter a work under its subject-heading, not under the heading of a class which includes that .subject. Ex. Put Lady Gust's book on "The cat" under Cat, not under Zodlogy or Mam- mals, or Domestic animals; and {nxt Ciarnier's "Le fer" under Iron, not under Metals or Metallurgy. CHOICE BETWEEN DIFFERENT SUBJECTS. 67 This rule of "specific entry" is the main distinction between the dictionary- catalog and the alphabetico-classed. Some subjects have no name; they are spoken of only by a phrase or by several phrases not definite enough to be used as a heading. A book may be written on the movements of fluids in plants, a very definite object of investigation, but as yet nameless; it must be put under Botany (Physiological). But if several works were written on it and it was called, let us say, Phythydraulics, it would be seen that, under this rule, it no more ought to be under Botany than Circulation of the blood under ZoOlogy. Thirty years ago "Fertilization of flowers" could hardly have been used as a heading; but late writings have raised it to the status of a subject. There are thousands of possible matters of investigation, some of which are from time to time discussed, but before the catalog can profitably follow its "specific" rule in regard to them they must attain a certain individuality as objects of inquiry, and be given some sort of name, otherwise we must assign them class-entry. And it is not always easy to decide what is a distinct subject. Many catalogs have a heading Preaching. Is Extempore preaching a sufficiently distinct matter to have a heading of its own? There are a number of books on this branch of the subject. In this particular case the difficulty can be avoided h\ making the heading "Preaching- without notes. " Many such questions may be similarly solved, with perhaps more satisfaction to the maker of the catalog than to its users; but many questions will remain. Then, mixed with this, and sometimes hardly distinguishable from it, is the case of subjects whose names begin with an unimportant adjective or noun, — Arc of the meridian. Capture of property at sea, Segment of a circle. Quadrature of the circle. All that can be said in such cases is that, if the subject be commonly recognized and the name accepted or likely to be accepted by usage, the entry must be made under it. For the fuller discussion of compound headings, see §§ 174, 175. On the other hand, difficulty arises from the public, or a part of it, being accus- tomed to think of certain subjects in connection with their including classes, which especially happens to those persons who have used classed catalogs or the dictionary catalogs in which specification is only partially carried out; so that there is a temp- tation to enter certain books doubly, once under the specific heading to satisfy the rule, and once under the class to satisfy the public. The dictionary principle does not forbid this. If room can be spared, the cataloger may put what he pleases under an extensive subject (a class), provided he puts the less comprehensive works also under their respective specific headings. The objection to this is that, if all the spe- cifics are thus entered, the bulk of the catalog is enormously increased; and that, if a selection is made, it must depend entirely upon the "judgment," ;. e., the prepos- sessions and accidental associations, of the cataloger, and .there will be an end to all uniformity, and probably the public will not be better satisfied, not understanding why they do not find class-entry in all cases. h. Choice betiveen person and country. 162. Put under the name of a king or other ruler all his biographies, and works purporting to be histories of his reign; but enter under the country all histories which include more than his reign and accounts of events which happened during the reign, and all political pamphlets not directly criticising his conduct. The first part of this rule ^is analogous to that by which the works of a king of a private nature are put under his name, and all his public writings under the country; putting histories of the reign under the king is partly subject- and partly title-entry. Books of this sort have really two subjects and ought to be entered twice (e. g., Bou- taric's "La France sous Philippe le bel") ; the rule above is simply an economical 68 SUBJECT ENTRY. device to save room at the expense of convenience. Perhaps a Ijetter practice would be to enter all lives of kings as well as histories of their reigns under the country only, with a reference from the king. Similarly there are some biographies and autobiographies which have such a very large proportion of history that they ought to appear both under the man and the country. In general we merely refer from the country, but occasionally nothing but double entry will sufhce. AVhether they shall appear by way of entry or merely be mentioned in a note, must be determined by circumstances. c. Choice between event and country. 163. Events^ or periods^ in the hif^tory of a countiy which have a proper name may be entered under that name with a reference from the country; those whose name is common to many coun- tries ^ should be entered under the country. ^ St. Bartholomew's day. ^ War of the Roses; Thirty Years' War; Fronde. ^Revolution; Restoration; Civil war. d. Choice between subject {or form) and coUutry. 164. The only satisfactory method is double entry under the local and the scientific subject — to put, for instance, a work on the geology of California under both California and Geology, and to carry out this practice through the catalog, so that the geographical student shall not be obliged to search for works on California under Botany, Geology, Natural history. Palaeontology, Zoology, and a dozen similar headings, and the scientist shall not be sent to California, England, Russia, and a score of other places to find the various treatises on geolog3\ But as this profusion of entry would make the catalog very long, we are generally obliged to choose between countr}' and scientific subject. 165. A work treating of a general subject with special reference to a place is to be entered under the place, with merel}" a reference from the subject. Ex. Put Flagg's "Birds and seasons of New England" under New England, and under Ornithology say See aha New England. As New England ornithology and Ornithology of New England are merely different names of the same specific subject, it may be asked why we prefer the first. Because entry under Ornithology of New England, though by itself specific entry, is when taken in connection with the entries that would be grouped around it (Ornithology, Ornithology of Amer- ica, Ornithology of Scotland, etc.), in effect class-entry; whereas the similar grouping under New England does not make that a class, inasmuch as New England botany, New England history. New England ornithology are not parts of New England, but simply the individual New England considered in various aspects. Of course the dictionary catalog in choosing between a class and an individual prefers the latter. Its object is to show at one view all the sides of each object; the classed catalog shows togetlier the same side of many objects. There is not as yet much uniformity in catalogs, nor does any carry out this prin- ciple so absolutely as the more obvious "specific" rule is obeyed. The Boston Public Library Supplement of 1866, for instance, has under the country Antiquities, Coinage, Description and History, Language, Religion (subjects), and JMerature, and CHOICE BETWEEi^ D1FFERE]!^T NAMES. 69 even Elocution and Poetry (forms), but not Ballads nor PeriodicaU, which appear under those words. Yet when Ballads are called Volkslieder they appear under the country, Germany, — an instance of the independence of the title produced by foreign languages, the English title being entered by form-word, the foreign works having national classification, regardless of the title. There are many other classes that in most existing catalogs, instead of being confined to general works, absorb books which should rather have local entry, as Vases, Gems, Sculpture, Painting, and other branches of the fine arts. Ballads, Epigrams, Plays, and other forms of literature. In catalogs of merely English libraries this is perhaps as well, but the multiplication of books and the accession of foreign literatures render more system necessary. To show the procedure under this rule, suppose we have a collection of books on coins. Let the general works go under Numismatics ; let works on any particular coin, as a Pine-tree shilling or a Q,ueen Anne's farthing, go under the name of the coin; let works on the coins of a country be put under its name; refer from the country to all the particular coins on which you have monographs, and from Nvimis- matics both to all the separate coins and to all the countries on whose coinage you have treatises. e. Betiveen subjects that overlap. 166. Among subjects that overlap the one that preponderates, with a reference from the other. Ex. Any complete treatise on domestic animals will cover a large part of the ground of veterinary mei\ (1) every separate article or treatise over ^ pages in length; (2) treatises of noted authors; (3) noted works even if by authors otherwise obscure. ^ This limit must be determined by each library for itself, with the understanding that there may be occasional exceptions. d. Under subject treatises important either (1) as containing the . origin of a science or a controversy or developing new views, or (2) as treating the subject ablv or giving important informa- tion, or (3) for length. Absolute uniformity is unattainable; probably no one will be able to draw the line always at the same height. It is most desirable — and fortunately easiest — to make analysis when the subject is well marked, as of biographies or histories of towns, or monographs on any subject. General treatises or vague essays are much harder to classify and much less valuable for analysis. In analyzing collections of essays original articles should be brought out in preference to reviews, which are commonly not worth touching (except in a very full catalog) either under the author of the work reviewed or under its subject. Of course exception may be made for famous reviews or for good reviews of famous works. A work giving a careful literary esti- mate of an author may be an exception to this remark; reviews of the "Works" of any author are most likely to contain such an estimate. Many reviews, like Macau- lay's, are important for their treatment of the subject and not worth noticing under the book reviewed, which is merely a pretext for the article. Mr. Fletcher's excellent Essay index, if it is continued, will make analysis of this sort less necessary. e. Make analytical ^iYZd-references for .stories in a collection when they are likely to be inquired for separately. 195. Make analyticals for the second and subsequent authors of a book written (but not coyijointly) by several authors. (See § 4.) Sometimes it is better to give full entry under two headings than to make the second analytical. Ex. A "Short account of the application to Parliament by the merchants of London, with th^ substance of the evidence as summed up by Mr. Glover," is to be entered under London. Merchants, as first author, but as Glover's part is two-thirds of the whole, it should also be entered under him, the entry in each case being made full enough not to mislead. 196. In analyticals it is well to give the date of the book referred to and also, though less necessary, to state tho, pages which contain the article. These details will not be noticed b}^ many readers, but they will do no one any harm and will assist the careful student. 84 style: how to enter. B.— STYLE: HOW TO ENTER. 1. Headings. Type, 197-202. Italics, 19S. Anon., 203. Pseud., 204, 205. Coll. or cd., 206. Cartographer, illustrator, composer, 207. Subject, 208. Owner, 209. Famil}^ name, 210. Forename, 211, 212. To distinguish authors of the same name, 213. Titles, 211-216. To distinguish sub- ject headings, 217. Joint authors, 218. Dashes, 219. References, 220. 2. Titles. Order, 221, 222. Abridgement, 223. Articles, 224, 225. Unnec- essaiy words, 226, 227. Dates, 228. Initials, 229. Abbreviations, 230. Numbers, 231. Position, 232. "Same," 233. Words to be retained, 23^239. Omissions, 224-227, 232, 238. Form of title entiy, 240. Analytical, 241. Exact copying, 242. Lost title, 243. Lan- guage, 244. Translations, 245-248. Transliteration, 248. Transpo- sition of the article, 249. Anon., 249-252. Lord, Gen., ed., 253. ' 3. Editions, 254-256. 4. Imprints. The parts of an imprint and their order, 257. Transliteration, 258. Abbreviations, 259. Two or more places, 260. Place ditfering in different volumes, 261. Publisher's name, 262. Privately printed, 263. Place and date, 264-275. 5. Collation. Nvimber of volumes, 276. Number of pages, 277. Illustrations, etc., 278. Size, 279. Size of maps, 280. 6. Contents, 281-283, and Notes, 284. 7. References, 285-286. 8. Language, 287. 9. Capitals, 288-291. 10. Punctuation, Accents, Brackets and Parentheses, Italics, etc., 291-297. 11. Arrangement. Order of the English alphabet, 298. A, o, ii, 299. Headings, 300-325. Person, place, subject, form, title, 300. Forenames, 301, 302, 305-307. Classification of forenames, 302. Family names nearly alike, 303. Family names the same, 304. Forenames the same, 305. HEADINGS. 85 Forenames not generally used, 306, 307. Titles, sees, 308. Possessive case, 309. Greek and Latin names, 310. Compound names, 311-318. Prefixes, 311. M\ etc., 312. Places, 314. Societies, 315. Com- pound words printed as one, 316. Hj^phened words, 317. Pseudo- nyms, 318. Incomplete names, 319. Signs, 320. Ever}^ word regarded, 321. Figures as first words, 322. Abbreviations, 323. Sub-headings, 324, 325. Titles, 326-337. Under an author, 326-336. Initial articles, 327. Editions, 328, 329. Initial numerals, 330. Translations, 331. Poh'glots, 332. Biographies, etc., 333. Criticisms, 334. Analj^ticals, 335, 336. Under countries, 337. Con- tents, 338. Subjects, 339-343. Homonyms, 339. Topical arrangement, 340. Chronological arrangement, 341. Classify cross-references, 342. Divisions, 343. S^mopses, 344. 12. Etcetera. Supplement, 345. An economy, 346. Imperfections, 347. Rubber stamps, 348. Guides, 349, 350. Incunabula and other rare books, 351. STYLE. Uniformity for its own sake is of ver}^ little account; for the sake of intelligibilit}', to prevent perplexity and misunderstanding, it is worth something. And it is well to be uniform, merely to avoid the question, "Why were you not consistent?" 1. Headings. 197. Print headings in some marked type. Either heavy-faced (best, if it can be had not too black), small capitals (hand- some), or italics (least pleasing); never CAPITALS (staring and hard to read). Christian names should be in ordinary type; to make them like the heading is con- fusing, to have a special type for them would be extravagant. The underlinings used in preparing catalogs for the printer are: Three lines for capitals, two lines for small capitals, one line for italics, and a wavy line or a red line for heavy-faced type. 198. Italicize titles of honor and similar distinguishing words. Earl, Mrs., Rev., of Paris, Alexandrinus, etc.; also originally, previously, subsequently, afterivards, uife of, consort of, in full, i. e., king or queen of; also the subdivisions in sub- ject headings, as France, History, England, Politics; also the name of a country or state following the name of a town, as Wilton, N. H., Cambridge, Eng. g^^These words are to be italicized only in the headings and not in the title. They are italicized in the heading to distinguish the name and bring it out clearly; there is no need of such distinction in titles. Do not print Badeau, Gen. A. Life, of Gen. Grant. Do not bracket these words. If the heading is italicized, the words Mrs., Earl, etc., must be distinguished from it in some other way, as by parentheses. 199. Print the headings of all the four kinds of entry (author, title, subject, form) in the same kind of type. 86 style: how to enter. In some indexes a distinction is made between persons and places or between authors and subjects, but in a catalog varieties of type must be reserved for more important distinctions. The Catalogue of the Library of the Interior Department of 1877 uses a heavy-faced title type for authors and a light-faced antique for other entries, with very satisfactory effect; but such typographical luxuries are not within general reach. 200. Print the whole of an author-, title-, or form-heading in the special type; also an alternative family name and the family name of the second of joint authors, if both authors are put into the heading (§§ 3-4), and the family names of British noblemen. Ex. Cervantes Saavedra,'en von Ense, Cape of Good Hope, Bick- nell & Goodhue, Araerican Antiquarian Society, Comparative anatomy, Political economy; Chasteillon {Lat. Castalio or Castellio), S. ; Craik, G: L., and Knight, C:; Manchester, W: Drogo Montag:u, 7th Buke of. 201. In corporate entry print in the special type the name of a body entered under the place where it is situated (§§75, 76-81, 83, 84). 202. Print the first word of a title-entry in the special type. Ex. Roug'h diamond. But compound words, whether hyphened or not, should be printed wholly in the heading type; as. Out of door amusements. London, 1864. 8". This is merely for looks; the kind of type has nothing to do with the arrangement. 203. In a card catalog enclose the name of the author of an anony- mous book in brackets. In a printed book catalog where several titles, some of anonymous, some of ony- mous books may be grouped under a single heading, a different mark must be used. It is not well to enclose the dash in [ ] nor to prefix * or t to the title. It is better to insert \^Anon.'\ after the title. The A. 1C. A. rules require in addition to the [ ] a note " Published anonymously " or " Anonymous edition," when it is desirable to emphasize the fact. 204. Kdi(\. 2)seud. to the heading for all sorts of false names of what- ever origin. So much is necessary to prevent mistake on the part of the public; but it is a waste of time for the cataloger to rack his brains to discover which of the ingenious names invented by Pierquin de Gembloux (cryptonym, geonym, phrenonym, etc.) is appli- cable to each case; for the only result is that readers are puzzled. A list of these terms may be found in the Notice of Qu6rard by Olphar Hamst [i.e., Ralph Thomas], London, 1867. Appellations like "A Qlobe Trotter" may be marked as here by quotation-marks. The unauthorized assumption of any name should be indicated by such phrases as called, calling himself. It is better to use those than the foreign equivalents, dit, soi disant, se dicente or che si dice, que se dice or se dicendiose, genannt, genoemd, etc. 205. When an author uses a single pseudonym add it to his name, unless the entry is made under the pseudonym; when various pseudonyms are used in his works, include each, followed by \^j[)seud.\ in its respective title. Ex. Clemens, S. L. {pseud. Mark Twain). Twain, Mark, pseud, of S. L. Clemens. Godwin, Wm. The looking-glass; by T. Marcliffe [p.s^r/d.]. HEADIlirGS. 87 206. Add coU. (or ed.) to the heading when it is needed to show that a book is merely put together, not written, by the author in hand. 207. Add cartographer^ illustrator^ composer when entry or reference is made under the names of such persons, unless the title gives this information (S§ 9-11). 208. Add sxihject to the heading when the reason for putting a Dook under a man's name is not that he wrote it but that it relates to him (§§ 121-1:22). This applies especially to anonymous biogra- phies entered under the biographee. 209. Add oicner to the heading of anonymous catalogs of books or other things which are entered under the name of the owner (§ 13). 210. Repeat the family name for each person. Re. Smith, Caleb. Sermon. 1 [ Smith., Caleb. Sermon. Smith, Charles. Address. \ not \ , Charles. Address. Smith, Conrad. Xarrative. J [ . Conrad. Narrative. 211. Distinguish authors whose famil}^ name is the same bt giving the forename in full or by initials. In a card catalog the names should always be given in full; in printing, initials are often used to save room; but the saving is small, and the advantages of full names are so considerable that any cataloger who is relieved from the necessity of the greatest possible compression ought to give them. For the more common fore- names fullness can be combined with economy by the use of the colon abbre^-iations (C: ^Charles, etc. See Appendix III.) Under subjects it is rare that two persons of even the same family name come together and initials are sufficient ; but here also the colon initials should be used. An exception may well be made m the case of men always known by a double name; as, Sydney Smith or Bayard Taylor. Nobody- talks of Smith or Taylor. Taylor, B., conveys no idea whatever to most readers; Taylor, Bayard, they know. When one name alone is usual, as Gladstone, Shake- speare, and when both forms are used, as Dickens and Charles Dickens, initials will suffice. Of course there can be no uniformity in such practice, but there will be utility, which is better. Forenames used by the author in a diminutive or otherwise varied form should be given in that form. Ex. Carleton, "Will; McLean, Sally; Renter, Fritz. 212. Mark in some way those forenames which are usually omitted by the author, and neglect them in the arrangement. The best form is Dickens, Charles {in full Charles John Huff am) or (in full C: J: Huffam) or, in the form adopted by the Library of Congress (i. e. C: J: Huffam). This is of practical use. The consulter running over the Collinses is puzzled by the unusual name unless some generally accepted sign shows him that it is unusual. He does not quickly recognize Charles Dickens in Dickens, Charles John Huffam; or Leigh Hunt in Himt, James Henry Leigh; or Max Miiller in Miiller, Friedrich Max. Besides, the eye finds the well-known name more quickly if the others are, as it were, pushed aside. Inclosure in parentheses and spacing have been used also: Giiizot, (Frang'ois Pierre) Guillaume, or Giiizot, Frangois Pierre Guillaume. The latter is objectionable as unusual, as taking too much room, and as making 88 style: how to enter. emphatic the very part of the name which one wants to hide. Bnt in those catalogs in which all Christian names are inclosed in parentheses, some other sign must of course be used to mark the less usual names. Other such names are: Agassiz, Louis {in full Jean L: Kodolphe). Allen, Grant {in full C: Grant Blairfindie). Caine, Hall {in full T: H: Hall). Cleveland, Grover {in full Stephen Grover). Collins, Wilkie {in full W: Wilkie). Cook, Joseph {orig. Flavius Josephus). Dobson, Austin {in full H: Austin). Do re, Gustave {in full L: A: Gustave). Haggard, Rider {in full H: Rider). • Hall, Newman {in full Christopher Newman). Harte, Bret {in full Francis Bret). Hunt, Holman {in full W: Holman). Lamb, Mary (Ann). Matthews, Brander {in full James Brander). Moulton, Mrs. L.. Chandler {in full Ellen L.. Chandler). Nye, Bill {in full Edgar W:). to which might V)e added most modern French authors. 213. Distinguish authors whose family and forenames are the same BY the DATES of their birth and death, or, if these are not known, by some other label. Ex. Bp., C. E., Capt., Col., D. D., F. R. S., etc., always to be printed in italics. In a manuscript catalog, in preparing which of course one never knows how many new names may be added, such distinguishers should be given to every name. In printing, if room is an object, they may be omitted except when needed for the dis- tinction of synonymous authors. Note, however, that many jsersons are commonly known and spoken of by a title-of-honor rather than by their first name, and it is a convenience for the man who is looking, for instance, for the life of Gen. Greene, whose Christian name he does not know, to see at once, as he runs his eye over the list of Greenes, which are generals, without having to read all the titles of books written by or about the Greenes in order to identify him. For the same reason senior and junior or their abbreviations may be given if habit- ually used by the author as part of his name. They are, however, often useless, because a man who had been junior may drop the epithet after a time or even use senior in his later years. But when a man is always known as the younger or iJie elder these terms or their foreign equivalents (as in Palnia vecchio) must be used, and Mrs. be given with the name of a married woman, whether the forename which follows is her own or her husband's; even when the following form is adopted, "Hall, Mrs. Anna Maria (Fielding), wife of S. C," which is always to be done when in her book titles she uses her husband's initials. In this case a reference should be made from Hall, Mrs. S. C, to Hall, Mrs. A. M., and so in similar cases. But it is not necessary to hunt up the husband's name when it is not used in the title, except to distinguish two persons of the same name. Under subjects, if forenames are represented by their initials, it is well to give Miss or Mrs. with the names of female authors. The reader who would like to read a book by Miss Cobbe on a certain subject may not feel sure that Cobbe, F. P., is Miss Cobbe. As late as 1760 unmarried women were usually styled Mrs.; as, Mrs. Lepel, Mrs. Woffington, Mrs. Blount, and among writers Mrs. Hannah More. There is no objec- HEADIITGS. 89 tioii to following this practice in cataloging, as the object of the cataloger is not to furnish biographical information but to identify the people whose works are cataloged. Giving dates of birth and death is the surest method of distinguishing persons. They should be added to every personal heading when the information can be found easily in looking up the full name. It is not worth while to spend much time hunt- ing up difficult or deciding doubtful cases, except when two persons of exactly the same name are to be distinguished. When authorities differ give one date with ? or if there are only two give both. When the exact dates are unknown give at least the decade or the century, as fl. lOth cent., fl. ab. 1370 {i. e., flourished about 1370). Englishwomen's titles-of -honor are to be treated by the following rules: * 214. In the matter of titles an Englishwoman in marry-ing has every- thiug to gain and nothing to lose. If she marries above her own rank she takes her husband's title in exchange for her own, if below her own rank she keeps her own title. Titles of 7narried u'omen. a. The wife of a peer takes her husband's style. That is, she is Baroness, Viscountess, Marchioness, etc. In cataloging, say Brassey, Annie (Allnutt), Baroness; not Brassey, Annie (Allnut), Lady. h. The wife of a knight or baronet is Lady. Whether this title pre- cedes or follows her forename depends upon whether she had a title before her marriage. That is, if Lady Mary Smith marries Sir John Brown (either knight or baronet), she is Lady Mary Brown, also if Hon. Mary Smith marries Sir John Brown (knight or baronet) she is Lady Mary Brown; Ijut if Miss Mary Smith marries Sir John Brown (knight or baronet), she becomes Mary, Lady Brown. c. A maid of honor retains her Hon. after marriage, unless, of course, it is merged into a higher title. Thus, if she marries a baronet she is the Hon*'''^ Lady Brown, if a peer the Lady So and So, in either case as though she had been a peer's daughter. d. The wife of an earl's (or higher peer's) younger son is never the Hon''''' Lady; if she used the Lady before marriage in her own right she does not, of course, add anything by such marriage, but the wife of a younger son of a lower peer than an earl is Hon'''® Mrs. (not Lady) — the younger children of all peers using, of course, the family name, with or without their forenames, accord- ing to their rank. €. If the lady to whom the title Hon. belongs in virtue of her father's rank marries a commoner, she retains her title, becoming Hon. Lady, if she marries a knight or baronet, and Hon. Mrs., if her hasband has no title. None of these courtesy titles are inherited by the children of those who bear them, the third generation of even the highest peer being simply commoners unless raised in rank by marriage or merit. ♦Prepared by Miss May Seymour and Mr. F. Wells Williams (Lib. Jul., 13: 321, 364). 90 style: how to ekter. Tlflea of unmarried women. y. The title Lady belongs to daughters of all noblemen not lower than earl. g. The title Hon. belongs to daughters of viscounts and barons; also to an untitled woman who becomes a maid of honor to the Queen, and this title is retained after she leaves the service. If a woman who has the title Lad}^ becomes maid of honor she does not acquire the title Hon. 215. Distinctive epithets are to be in the same language as the name. Ex. Kniaz,furst ran, Freiherr zu, due de Magenta, Bishop of Lincoln, heque de Meattx; but Emperor of Germany, King of France, not kaiser and roi, when names of sovereign princes are given in English. Treat in the same way patronymics habitually joined with a person's name; as, Clemens Alexandrinus. 216. Prefixes (/. e., titles which in speaking come before the name), as, Hon.^ Mrs..^ Rev.., etc., should in the heading be placed before the Christian name (as Smith, Capt. John), and suffixes as Jr.^ D. D., ZL.D., after it (as Channing, James EUer}^, 7>. D.). Hereditary titles generally follow the Christian name, as Derby, Thomas Stanley, 1st earl of; but British courtesy titles ((. e., those given to the younger sons of dukea and marquesses) precede, as Wellesley, Lord Charles (2d son of the Duke of Wel- lington). In other languages than English, French, and German the title usually precedes the forename; as, Alfieri, Conte Vittorio. Occasionally a French nobleman uniformly places his title before his forenames; as, Gasparin, Comte Agenor de. Lord should be replaced by the exact title in the names of English noblemen, e. g., Lord Macaulay should be entered as Macaulay, 1st haron. Lord in the title of Scotch judges follows the family name; as, Karnes, H. Home, afterwards Lord. The title Baronet is given in the form Scott, Sir Walter, hart. Patronymic phrases, as of Dedham, follow all the names; but they must immedi- ately follow the family name when they are always used in close connection with it, as Girault de St. Farjeau, Eusebe; similarly atne, fils, jeiine, as Dumas fils, Alexandre; "Didotfls, Ambroise. Latin appellatives should not in general be separated from their nouns by a comma; as, Caesar Heisterbacensis. The name of a king's wife should be written thus: Charlotte, Queen, consort o/ George III of England. Anne Boleyn, Queen, 2d consort of Henry VIII of England. 217. Distinguish two subject-headings which are spelled alike by ital- icized phrases in curves. Ex. Calculus {in mathematics). Calculus {in medicine). 218. The heading for a joint author entry (§ 3) shoidd be the name of the fii'st author only. The names of the others may be given in the title when there are only three; if there are more it is better to give them in a note, unless they appear in the Contents; if they are very numerous they need not be given at all; but the fact that there are others should be stated either in the title or in a note. HEADINGS. 91 Many catalogs adopt the form of heading and reference Schiller, J: Christoph F: v., and HTimboldt, K: W:, Freiherr v. Briefwechsel. Stuttg., 1830. S. Humboldt, K: W:, Freiherr \. Briefwechsel. See Schiller, J: C. F: v., and Humboldt, K: W: v. Doe, John, and Roe, Richard, and for three or more, BrcwTi, Benjamin, and others. Other catalogs use with instead of and for a correspondence and for other cases use a longer form. Grayley, Alfred A., joint author with King'sbury, H. Happy hours. 1886. I much prefer the form given in the rule, especially in a printed catalog, because it leads to a better arrangement. Even those catalogs that use the double heading will do well to make an exception for countries. If civil suits are to have a double heading it will be in the forms Smith, J:, rs. "Wilson, C. B. "Wilson, C. B., defendant, is. Smith, J: 219. Mediuiu avoid.s the repetition of the heading with all titles after the first by using a dash. A second dash takes the place of a subordinate heading or of a title. For the title the word Sa/ne msLY be used instead of a dash. Ex. Corbett, "Wm. Emigrant's guide. Atheism. Beecher, L. Lectures, etc. — A little plain English. London. — Bextley, R. Confutation of A. 1795. 8°. Folly of A. and deism. ■ Same. Phila., 1795. ■ Matter and motion. 8". — FoTHERBY, M. Atheomastix. — Porcupine's works. I Short usually employs indention, which takes as much room as the dash and is much less clear. There should always be at least a hair-space between the end of the dash and the next letter; indeed that is the rule of all good printing.* 220. Print in the special type a heading occurring in other parts of the catalog, when a reference is intended After See or In, or when in a note some book contained in the catalog is referred to; as, "For a discussion of the authorship, see Graesse's Lehrbuch." * After trying several experiments I have settled upon the following as producing the best effect: Put before the second and follo'iving lines of a title 3 em quads, before and after the em dash that denotes repetition an en quad. before and after the double dash (an em dash followed by an en dash) an en quad, between the parts of the double dash a 5-em space, before Sarne, in addition to the regular en quad a 5-em space, before the first line of Xoteg and Contents an em quad. (Do not indent the other lines of Notes and Contents at all.) before the place of publication an em quad, between the date and the size-mark an en quad and a 5-em space. 92 style: how to enter. 2. Titles. 1. Order. 221. Preserve the order of words of the title. Short will depart from the order whenever it can not otherwise abridge the title; Medium and Full will do the same, but they will bracket all words introduced out of their original place as much as if they did not occur in the title at all. 222. When the title-page begins with the indication of the series to which the book belongs, followed by the title of the book, trans- pose the series name to a parenthesis after the collation, includ- ing the series number, if the series is numbered. Ex. American commonwealths. Virginia; a history of the people, by John Esten Cooke, would be entered Cooke, J: Esten. Virginia; a history of the people. Boston, 1883. D. (Amer. commonwealths.) 2. Abridgment. 223. The more careful and student-like the probable use of the library the fuller the title should be, — fuller, that is, of information, not of words. Many a title a yard long does not convey as nmch meaning as two well-chosen words. No precise rule can be given for abridgment. The title must not be so uuich shortened that the book shall be confounded with any other l)ook of the same author or an}^ other edition of the same book, or that it shall fail to be recognized by those who know it or have been referred to it b}^ title, or that it shall convey a false or insufficient idea of the nature of the work and (under the subject) of its theme and its method of treating its theme.* On the other hand, it must not retain anything which could reasonably be inferred from the rest of the title or from its position under a given heading, f A. E. A. rule 54 is more rigorous, especially in requiring dots for all omissions. It must be remembered that the A. L. A. rules are expressly intended for Full and not at all for Medium or Short. The title proper is to be an e^-act transcript of the title-page, neither amended, trans- lated, nor in any way altered, except that mottoes, repetitions, and matter of any kind nut essential may be omitted and the omissions indicated by three dots (...) The titles of books especially valuable for antiquity or rarity are to be given in full, ♦This clause be very differently interpreted according to the character of the catalog. It expresses rather the object to be aimed at than the point which an ordinary catalog can expect to reach. To fully describe and characterize every book is impossible for most catalogers. Still by a little management much may be briefly done. The words drama, play, novel, historical novel, poem, retained from or inserted in the title tell a great deal in a little space. fit must make these omissions not merely that the catalog may be short but that consulting it may be easy. Other things being equal, that title is best which can be taken in at a glance. What has been .said in defence of full titles may be true, that "it takes longer to abridge a title than to copy it in full," but it is also true that it takes longer for the printer to set the unabridged title, and longer for the reader to ascertain its meaning, and a long-title catalog, besides being more expensive, is more bulky and therefore less convenient. titles: abridgment. 93 with all practicable precision. The phraseology and spelling, but not necessarily the punctuation, of the title are to be exactly copied. The Library of Congress usually gives the title in full, including the author's name, the punctuation of the title-page being generally followed. 22-i. Omit the prelimiuary article when it can be done without altering the sense or too much offending the ear. It will not do even for Short to catalog "On the true, the beautiful, and the good" thus: Cousin, V. True, beautiful, good; but a list of Buckstone's plays may as well be printed — Breach of promise, corned}-. — Christening, farce. — Dead shot, farce. — Dream at sea. — Kiss in the dark, farce. — Lesson for ladies, com.. though the meaning of "Christening" and " The christening" is slightly different, and "Kiss in the dark" might be taken for an injunction, whereas "A kiss in the dark" is evidently only a title. Still neither Short nor Medium should hesitate to omit even in these cases. Besides the economy, the alphabetical order is brought out more clearly by this omission. That can also be done awkwardly by transposing the article; as, — Breach of promise. The; com. I — Dead shot, The; farce. — Christening, The; farce. | — Dream at sea. The. and better by capitalizing the noun which follows the article; as, — The Breach of promise; com. I The Dead shot; farce. ^ — The Christening; farce. | The Dream at sea. 225. Short omits articles in the title. Ex. " Observations upon an alteration of the charter of the Bank of England " is abridged: "Alteration of charter of Bank of England," which is certainly not eupho- nious, but is as intelligible as if it were. Medium usually indulges in the luxury of good English. Perhaps in time a catalog style will be adopted in which these elisions shall be not merely allowed, but required. It may be possible to increase the num- ber of cataloging signs. We have now 8" where we once had octavo, then 8vo. Why not insist upon N. Y. for New York, L. for London, P. for Paris, etc., as a few adven- turous libraries have done? Why not make free substitution of commas for words, and leave out articles and prepositions in titles wherever the sense will still remain gleanable? 226. Omit puffs * and mam' descriptive words whicn are implied either by the rest of the title t or by the custom of books of the class under treatment.]; and those descriptive phrases which, though they add to the significance of the title, do not give enough information to pay for their retention. § 227. Omit all other unnecessary words. In the following examples I use the double ( ( ) ) to indicate what every catalog ought to omit, the single ( ) to indicate what may well be omitted. Ed. alt. (priore emendatior). 2* ed. (augmentee). *Ex. A (plain) treatise on; an (exact and full) account. fin " Compendious pocket dictionary," either compendious or pocket is superfluous. X Ex. Nekrolog, 1790-1800 (enthaltend Nachrichten von dem Leben merkwiirdiger in diesera Jahxe ■verstorbener Personen). § "by an American not by birth but by the love of liberty." 94 - style: how to enter. 2d ed. (with additions and improvements). with ((an appendix containing)) problems. ((a collection of)) papers relating to the war in India. ((a series of)) letters. ( (On the) ) brick architecture of the north of Italy. (debate) on ((the subject of)) the impressment bill. on ( (the question of) ) a financial agent. ( (being some) ) account of his travels. in ((the year)) 1875. Sermons ((on various subjects)). N. B. Must occasionally be retained to distin- guish different collections of sermons by the same author. The grounds of infant damnation ((considered in)) (a) sermon ((preached)) Nov. 5, (1717). Boston, 1717. O. Sermon (the Lord's day after the) interment of. Opera ((qu£e extant)) (omnia). Geology ( (of thp State) ) of Maine. Tables for ((the use of) ) civil engineers. Reflections ((suggested by a perusal of))* J. H. Palmer's ((pamphlet on the)) "Causes (and consequences) of the war." Occasioned by his ((book entitled)) "True narrative." defended against ( (the cavils of) ) G. Martin. Howe during his command (of the King's troops) in North America. So a "Discourse in Albany, Feb. 27, 1848, occasioned by the death of John Quincy Adams, etc. Albany, 1848. O.," would become Disc, Albany, Feb. 27, death of J. Q. Adams. Albany, 1848. O., in Medium; and Short would probably omit "Albany, Feb. 27." 228. For chronological phrases use dates (in arable numerals). Ex. For "from the accession of Edward in. to the death of Henry viii.," say [1327-1547]. 229. In Short and Medium use initials for all Christian names intro- duced in titles, notes, and contents, and omit the initials alto- gether for famous men unless there are two of the same name. Ex. Write " Life of C: J. Brown," "ed. by F. J. Furnivall," but "Lives of Cicero, Milton, Tell, Washington;" and distinguish by initials the Bachs, Grimms, Hum- boldts, Schlegels. Short may as Avell omit the initials of editors, translators, etc. E. g., Dante. Divine comedy; tr. by Cayley. London, 1851-54. 4 v. S. — Same. Tr. by Wright. London, Bohn, 1854. O. — Same. Tr. by Longfellow. Boston, 1867. 3 v. O. The Cutter colon abbreviations given on p. 157 may be used here; they will assist those who understand them and will not harm those who do not. 230. Abbreviate certain common words always, and less common words in a long title which can not be shortened in any other way. Abbreviations should suggest the word for which they are used, and should not, if it can be avoided, suggest any other. When one abbreviation is used for two words, if the context does not determine the sense the abbreviation must be lengthened. The most common and useful are Abp. (Archbishop), a. d. Lat. (aus dem Latein- ischen), add. (additions), all pub. (all that has been published), Amer. or Am. (Amer- ican), anon, (anonymous), app. (appendix), Aufl., Ausg.,or even A. (Auflage, Aus- gabe), bibl. (biblical, bibliographical, bibliotheca, etc.), Inog. (biographical, biog- raphy), Bp. (Bishop), B. S. L., etc. (Bohn's scientific library, etc.), Chr. (Chris- * Substitute [on.] titles: abeidgment. 95 tian), cLiss. (classical), col. or coll. (collections, college), com. (commerce, commit- tee), comp. (compiled, compiler), cone, (concerning), dept. (department), dom. (domestic), ed. (edited, edition, editor), encyc. (encyclopaedia), ff. (folios or leaves), geog., geol., geom. (geology, geography, geometry), ges. (gesammelte), Ges. or Gesch. (Geschichte), Gr. (Great, Greek), H. F. L. (Harper's family library), hrsg. (herausgegeben), imp. (imperfect), incl. (including), int. (intorno), lib. (library), mem. (memoir), mis. or miscel. (miscellaneous), nat. (natural), n. d. (no date of publication), n. p. (no place), n. s. (new series), n. t.-p. (no title-page), nouv. (nouvelle), obi. (oblong), p. pp. (page, pages), priv. pr. (privately printed), pseud, (pseudonym, pseudonymous) , pt. (part) , pub. (published), rec. (recensuit), rel. (relat- ing, relative), rept. (report), rev. (review, revised), s. orser. (series), stimm. (sammt- lich), sm. (small), soc. (society), t.-p. mut., t.-p. w. (title-page mutilated, wanting), tr. (translated, traduit, tradotto, etc.), trans, (transactions), u. (und), ubers. (uber- setzt), V. (volume), v. (von, but give van in full), w. (wanting). For others see Appendix III. 231. Express numbers by Arabic jigure^'< instead of words. Ex. With 30,000 (not thirty thousand) men; but Charles ii., in place of King Charles the Second. 232. In Short omit all that can be expressed hx j^osition. Ex. In a title-entry How to observe. H. Martineau 9287 and in a subject-entrj- Horse. Carvek, J. Age of the. Phila., 1818. 12" 9077 Murray, W. H. The perfect. Bost., 1873. 8° 1694 If this is thought too disagreeable, use an initial for the heading when it is repeated in the title; as: Horse. Carver, J. Age of the H. Phila., 1818. 12° 9077 MrRRAT, W. H. The perfect H. Bost., 1873. 8V.. 1694 SiMPSOX, H. H. portraiture. X. Y., 1868. 12« 7407 233. In cataloging different editions of a book avoid the repetition of the title by using " are used for purposes of distinction." *The intercalation of English words in a foreign title is extremely awkward. *Ex. The begirming end [sic] end of drinking. In a card catalog this may be indicated by . . . under the word. 31425—04 7 98 style: how to enter. 243. If the TITLE-PAGE is lost and the title can not be ascertained, use the half-title or the running title, stating that fact; if the book has neither, manufacture a title, putting it in brackets. 244. State in what language the book is printed unless it is evident from the title. Ex. Aelianus. De natura animalium [Gr. et Lat.]. Aeschines. Orations on the crown [Gr.], with Eng. notes. 245. Retain in or add to the title of a translation words stating from what language it was made, unless that is evident from the author's name or is shown by its position after the original title. Ex. Beckford, Wm. Vathek; [tr. fr. the French]. Lessing, Gotthold Ephraini. Laocoon; tr. by E. Frothingham. Euripides. 'ItcttoXvto'; 6Te have been used instead of ( ) in analytical references to mean "contained in." They are more conspicuous, — unnecessarily so. References are frequently printed in smaller type than the rest of the catalog. This is well when there are enough not to be overlooked; but a single reference from one form of a name to another, or from one subject-name to its synonym, should be in the title type, not in the note type, e. g. Bell, Acton, pseud. See Bronte, Aime. Gardening. See Horticulture. Similarly notes explaining the practice of the catalog (§§ 112, 284 no. 5) should be made typographically conspicuous. 8. Language. 287. The language of the compiler's part of an English catalog should be English. Therefore all notes, explanations, and such words as in, see, see also, note, contents, called, calling himself, and (between joint authors), and others, n. p., n. d., should be English; however, etc., i. e., q. v., and sic may be used. For sic the Library of Con- gress uses [!]. For the language of headings, see §§ 32, 42, 167. In the entry of Government publications the namB of the country or city will have the English form (§§42, 43), but the name of the department should usually be in the language of the country, e. g. Italy. Ministero di Agricoltura. But for countries like Russia, Turkey, Japan, where the vernacular name could not easily be ascertained, an English form may be used. If the vernacular form is used give also a translation unless the name can be conjectured by a person acquainted only with languages usually known. For TITLES see §§ 159, 244-248; put the specifications of the edition in the language of the title, also the imprint (§ 258), contents, notes, and references. - 9. Capitals. 288. Capitals are to be avoided, because in the short sentences of a catalog they confuse rather than help the eye. For this reason it is better not to capitalize names in natural history whether English or Latin (bee, rana pipiens, liliacese, etc*). It is com- CAPITALS. 107 - mon now not to use capitals for German nouns. The Boston Public Library formerly went to an extreme in its avoidance of capitals, not using them for such proper names as methodists, protestant episcopal church, royal society, etc., but now con- forms to ordinar}^ usage. 289. In English use an initial capital 1. for the first word a. of every sentence and so of every title. Ex. The first edition was prepared, etc. The first word after an article in the title of a periodical is to be capitalized. Ex. The Times, The Nation. When an article beginning a title is retained for clearness or for euphony the word following may also have a capital initial. Ex. The Cloister and the hearth, A "Woman beyond compare. The object is to make the arrangement of titles under an author and of title entries of a card catalog more easy to the arranger and more comprehensible to the public both in printed and card catalogs. h. of every title quoted Ex. Women of the Bible, Index to the Times. The word following the initial article of the title quoted is capitalized but not the initial article. Ex. Reply to the Essay on the discovery of America. c. of every alternative title Ex. Institutio legalis; or, Introduction to the laws of England. 2. for all proper names (each separate word not an article or preposition) a. of persons and places Ex. John Smith, Cape May, Charles River, the Bight of Benin. This will include North, South, etc., when commencing the name of a section, but not when meaning the compass-points, e. g. North America, the South, but not the south part of the town. h. of bodies Note. — This includes religious denominations and political parties, whether the name is used as noun or adjective (see § 59). Ex. Society for Promoting the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, Third Congrega- tional Church, Democrat, Jew. Also the abbreviation of such names used when the. full name has already been mentioned or is well known, as the Bureau, the College, the Synod. c. of noted events and periods Ex. Boston Massacre, French Revolution, Gunpowder Plot, Middle Ages. d. of months, days, holidays, and holj^ periods and ceremonies Ex. February, Friday, Fourth of July (in titles better written 4th of July), Advent, Halloween, Holy "Week, Lent, Lord's Supper, Thanksgiving. e. but not of genera, species, etc., in the animal and vegetable kingdoms Ex. digitalis purpurea, raia batis, the horse. In an ordinary catalog these should not be capitalized. 108 style: how to enter. 3. for adjectives and other derivatives from proper names. Ex. French, Oriental, Australian, Homeric. But not when they have become common nouns or adjectives, as calico, cashmere, champaign, quixotic, Utopian. There is a borderland of doubt. 4. for epithets a. used as substitutes for proper names Ej: The Pretender, the Defender. h. for epithets affixed to a name Ex. Richard the Lion-hearted, Alexander the Great, Henry the Second (better Henry ii). 5. for personal titles Ex. Mr., Mrs., Miss, Sir, Dr., Lord, Lady. 6. for titles of honor standing instead of a proper name Ex. The Queen of England, the Bishop of Ripon, the Earl of Derby (but John Stanley, earl of Derby), the Doctor, the Colonel, the Speaker. 7. for titles of honor or distinction immediately prefixed to the name of a person or used in direct address Ex. The country seat of Earl Eussell, Prof. Strong, Mrs. Richards, Mr. President. In English hyphened titles capitalize both words. Ex. Lieutenant-Colonel, Major-General. 290. In Jbreig7i languages use initial capitals 1. for la, lb, Ic (the first word of each sentence, each title quoted, and each alternative title) 2. for proper names a and h (persons and places, bodies) In the Danish names of bodies and of events and periods only the nouns are capitalized and adjectives when they begin the name. Ex. Soci6t4 de I'Histoire de France. c. Events and periods may be capitalized for the sake of uni- formity with the English or not capitalized after the prevail- ing custom in foreign languages. d. Months, days, holidays, holy periods and ceremonies are not to be capitalized. 3. for adjectives and other derivatives from names of persons a. in Danish, Dutch, German, and Latin Ex. Die Homerische Frage h. but not in Greek, the Romance languages (Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese) and Swedish Ex, Les Frangais, but le peuple fran5aia. In Italian names of institutions the adjective is to be capitalized when used alone for the complete name CAPITALS PUNCTUATION". 109 Ex. La Vaticana (biblioteca), La Marucelliana, La Laurenziana. 4. but not for those taken from names of places, e. g. Die griechisehen Scholien, a. however, German indeclinable adjectives formed from place names by adding er are capitalized Ex. Berliner, Pariser. h. personal names formed from place and other proper names are capitalized Ex. Gregorius Turonensis, Basaano Montavano. 5. for epithets affixed Ex. Alexandre le Grand, Friedrich der Grosse, Sixte-Quint. 6. for personal titles prefixed Ex. Monsieur, Madame, Mademoiselle (M., Mme., Mile.), Signor (Sig.), Signora, Signorina, Don, Dona, Herr, Frau, Fraulein, Fru, etc. 7. but not for titles of honor standing instead of a proper name Ex. le roi de France, der konig von Preussen. 8. nor for titles of honor or distinction prefixed to the name of a person Ex. graf Hammerstein, la comtesse Greuze. 9. nor for names of languages in the Romance languages Ex. Traduit de 1' anglais, in francese. 291. In appearance small capitals are much to be preferred to capitals for numbers after the names of sovereigns, princes, and popes (Charles xiii, Henry iv, rather than Charles XIII, Henry IV) and for single-letter abbreviations (a. d., b. c, h. m. s., f. r. s. e. rather than A. D., B. C, H. M. S., F. R. S. E.). Both are sufficiently justified hy usage. But n. p. no place, n. t. p. no title-page, may be in lower-case letters or small capitals, and b. born, d. died, ms. manuscript, mss. manuscripts, should be in lower case. 10. Punctuation, etc. 292. Let each entry consist of four (or five) sentences: 1. the heading, Cicero, Marcus Tullius. 2. the title, including editors ) Brutus de claris oratoribus; erkl. and translators, f von O. Jahn. 3. the edition, 2e aufl. 4. the imprint, as given by ) Berlin, 1856. (On the publisher's the book, ) name see § 262.) 5. the part of the imprint ) ^ added bv the catalosfer, ) 110 style: how to enter. Which, if not the first title under Cicero, would read: — Brutus de claris oratoribus; erkl. von O. Jahn. 2e aufl. Berlin, 1856. O. Separate by a ; the title proper from the phrase relating to the editor, translator, etc. This requires a minimum of capitals. It will occasionally happen that the title can not be thrown into one sentence, but that should always be done when possible. It is usual to separate 4 and 5; the French, however, make one sentence of them ( Paris, 1864, in-12 ) . This has the advantage of agreeing with the best form of quoting a title {"see his Memoirs, London, 1874, O, in which," etc.). It is useless for one who abridges titles to make any attempt to follow the punctuation. The spelling should be retained, but it is hardly worth while for Short or Medium to imitate the old printers in their indiscriminate use of i and j, u and v. A library may have a collection of books or a few volumes which from their rarity deserve to be cataloged with every bibliographical nicety, with the most exact copy- ing of punctuation, spelling, and forms of letters, and even with marks to show where the lines of the title end. Such collections are the Prince and the Ticknor books in the Boston Public Library, such single books are fifteeners or the rarest Americana. Yet it may be questioned whether a library does well to redescribe books already fully described by Hain, Coppinger, Harrisse, Thiele, Trommel, Stevens, or Sabin. A simple reference to these works will generally suflBce. 293. Supply the proper accents if they are not given in the title. In French and Greek titles printed in capitals the accents are often omitted. In the titles of rare books, copied exactly, accents should not be suppUed. 294. Use [ ] only for words added to the title, and ( ) to express inclu- sion. Ex. Talbot, E. A. Five years' residence in Canada, [1818-23]. Mag^re, J. F. Canada. {In his Irish in America. 1868. ) Bale, J. Kinge John, a play; ed. by J. P. Collier. Westm., 1838. 4». (Camden Soc, v. 2.) 295. If any title contains [ ] or ( ) Medium and Short may omit them, using commas instead. One sign should never be used to express two things, if that can be avoided; each should have one definite meaning. Also alter — into , or ; or . as the context may require. The Library of Congress use < > for [ ] occurring in a title. 296. Use italics for the words See or See also in references, In and In his in analyticals, for Sa?ne, JVbte, Contents, and JVamely, and for etc. when used to indicate omission of part of the title, also for subdivisions of subjects (as France, History), and for departments, bureaus, etc., under countries (as United States. DejpartTTient of State; M.%. Bureau of Education)', also for titles- of -honor in headings (not in titles), and for other distinguishing words. 297. In long Contents make the division of the volumes plain either by heavy-faced volume-numbers or by giving each volume a sepa- rate paragraph. Anyone will recoil from the labor of looking through a long undivided mass of small type; moreover the reader ought to be able to determine at once in what vol- ume any article whose title he is reading is contained. AERANGEMENT HEADIlSrGS. Ill 11. Akrangement.* 298. Arrange entries according to the English alphabet, whatever the order of the alphabet in which a foreign name might have to be entered in its original language. Treat I and J, TJ and V, as separate letters; ij, at least in the older Dutch names, should be arranged as y; do not put Spanish names beginning with Ch, LI, N, after all other names beginning with C, L, and N, as is done in the dictionary of the Spanish Academy, nor a, S., sb, 0, ^ at the end of the alphabet, as is done by the Swedes and Danes. 299. Arrange German names spelled with the vowels a, o, 1i, as if they were spelled ae, oe, ue, but spell them as they are spelled by their owners, using ae, ce,ue, when the owners use both spellings. In previous editions I advocated, chiefly on philological grounds, arranging the German a, 0, and ii as a, o, and u. The two forms are used interchangeably by the Germans, but the increasing emigration of Germans and their habit of spelling their names with the e when carried to a foreign country make it expedient to arrange the German names also as if they contained the e. For the sake of uniformity the Swedish, Danish, Hungarian, and Finnish names may be treated in the same way. "When there are several such names together u, card catalog should have guide cards giving the two names together, as Mueller and Miiller. In a printed-card catalog notes should be made to prevent mistakes, thus Miiller is arranged as Mueller. Often this treatment of the umlaut will not affect the order at all; when it does if the guide card or note is not used the matter should be made clear to the eye thus, — NQldeke (=Noeldeke), Emil. If there are several such names it is enough to do this with the first or the first and last. a. Headings. 300. When the same word serves for several kinds of heading let the order be the following: person, place, followed by subject (except person or place), form, and title. Arrangement must be arbitrary. This order is easy to rernember, because it fol- lows the course of cataloging; we put down first the author, then the title. The subject and form, expressed sometimes in more than one word, and the title, almost always having more than one word, must be arranged among themselves by the usual rules. Of course, the person considered as a subject can not be separated from the person as author. As the place may be either author or subject or both, it may come between the two. Ex. "Wasliiiigtcn, George, (person) "Washington, D. C. (place) Homes, H. A. (person) Homes family. (persons) Homes. (subject) Homes and shrines, (title) *0n this subject consult p. 46 of Linderfelt's Eclectic card catalog rules, based on Dziatzko's "In- ^ruction." 112 style: how to enter. 301. Forenames used as headings precede surnames. Ex. Cliristian ii. Christian, James. Chxistian art. Francis ii. Francis, Abraham. Francis and Jane. 302. Headings like Charles, George, Henry, when very numerous, must be divided into classes, in this order: Saints, Popes, Emper- ors, Kings, Princes and Noblemen, others. The Saints are sub- arranged by their usual appellatives, the Popes by their number, Sovereigns and Sovereign princes in alphabetical order of coun- tries, and under countries numerically. Other persons are subar- ranged b}" their usual appellatives, neglecting the prepositions.^ Ex. Peter, Saint. Peter, Pope. Peter //i^? Great, Emperor of Russia, Peter ii. of Aragon. Peter iii. of Aragon. Peter i. of Portugal. Peter, BuJce of Newcastle. Peter, of (Shroningen, enthusiast. See Pieter. Peter, John Henry. Peter, Lake. Peter, Mt. Peter-Hansen, Erik. Peter Lewis, a true tale. ^ So that Thomas de Insula and Thomas Insulanus may not be separated. When there are two appellatives coming in different parts of the alphabet, refer from the rejected one, as Thomas Cantuariensis. See Thomas Becket. 303. Arrange in two alphabets names that differ slightly in spelling and come close together in the alphabet. Ex. Brown and Browne, and the French names beginning with Saint and Sainte. As readers may not always know the spelling of the authors name references should be made. Ex. Brown. See also Browne. 304. Arrange by the forename headings in which the family name is the same. No attention is to be paid to prefixes, as Bp., Capt., Dr., Hon., Sir, Frdulein, Miss, Mile. , Mine. , Mrs. , or to suffixes, as D. D. , F. R. S. , LL. D. , etc. In regard to Hun- garian names, observe that the name appears on the title-page as it does in a catalog, the family name first, followed by the Christian name; as, "Elbeszelesek; irta bdro EOtvOs Jozsef. 305. When the forenames are the same arrange chronologically. Again, no attention is to be paid to the titles Sir, etc.; to arrange alphabetically by them could be of no use here because no one can know beforehand which of many possible titles we have taken to arrange by, whereas some one may know when the author whom he is seeking lived. Of course Bart, T. L., comes before Bart, Thomas, for the same reason that Bart comes before Barta. 306. Forenames not generally used should be neglected in the arrange- ment. ARRANGEMENT HEADINGS. 113 When an author is generally known by one of several forenames he will be looked for by that alone, and that alone should determine the arrangement, at least in a card catalog. The form should be Harte, Bret {in full Francis Bret), or Harte, Bret (i. e. Francis Bret). Make references whenever the omission of a name will change the alphabetical ar- rangement, as from Miiller, F: ]\Iax, to Miiller, Max. But if they are counted in arranging they should be spaced or put into curves, because when there are several j^ersons with the same family name the spacing or the curves assist the eye in picking out the right one. Thus if we have Franklin, John, d. 1759, Franklin, Sir John, d. 1863, . Franklin, John Andrew, Franklin, John Charles, Franklin, John David, the reader not knowing of the name David would expect to find the last among the simple Johns, but seeing the David spaced would understand that it was a rarely used name. This supposes that he knows the system, but one can not have a con- densed catalog without obliging the reader to learn how to use it. 307. If an author uses both the shorter and the longer forms in differ- ent works and jet is decidedly better knovrn by the shorter, arrange by that. A. £. A. "Note." When in such cases it is deemed safer to retain the full name the following form of entry may be adopted, e. g., Levasseur, Emile i. e. Pierre Emile. 308. Arrange a nobleman's title, under which entry is made, and the name of a bishop's see, from which reference is made to the family name, among the personal names, not with the places. Danby, John. Danby, Thomas Osborne, earl of. Danby, Wm. Danby, Eng. Holland, C. Holland, 3d baron (H:K. Vassal Fox) . Holland, 4th baron (H: E. Vassal Fox). Holland, [the country'\. Ex. London, Alfred. London, David, hp. of. London, John. London, Conn. London, Eng. not London, John. London, David, bp. of. London, Conn. nor London, John. London, Conn. London, David, hp. of. London, Eng. 309. The possessive case singular should be arranged with the plural. The alphabet demands this, and I see no reason to make an exception which can not be made in foreign languages. Boys' and girls' book. Boy's King Arthm-. Boys of '76. Bride of Lammermoor. Brides and bridals. Bride's choice. 31425—04- 114 style; how to enter. 310. Arrange Greek and Latin personal names by their patronymics or other appellatives. Ex. Dionysius. Dionysius Areopagita. Dionysius Chalcidensis. Dionysius Genuensis. 311. Arrange English personal and place names compounded with prefixes as single words; also those foreign names in which the prefix is not transposed (see § 29). Other such names are Ap Thomas, Des Barres, I)u ChaiUu, Fitz Allen, La Motte Foiique, Le Sage, Mac Fingal, O'Neal, Saint-Real, Sainte-Beuve, Van Buren. Ex. Demonstration. De Montfort. Demophilus. De Morgan. Demosthenes. This is the imiversal custom, founded on the fact that the prefixes are often not separated in printing from the following part of the name. It would, of course, be wrong to have Demorgan in one place and De Morgan in another. 312. Arrange proper names beginning with M', Mc, St., Ste. as if spelled Mac, Saint, Sainte. Because they are so pronounced. But L' is not arranged as La or Le, nor O' as if it stood for Of, because they are not so pronounced. 313. Arrange personal names compounded of tiao names with or with- out a hyphen after the first name but before the next longer word. Ex. Fonte, Bart. de. Fonte Resbecq, Auguste. Fontenay, Louis. Fontenay Mareuil, Francois. 311. Arrange compound names of places as separate words, except those beginning with prefixes. Ex. New, John. not New, John. New Hampshire. New legion of Satan. New legion of Satan. Newark. New Sydenham Society. Newfoundland. New York. New Hampshire. Newark. Newspapers. Newfoundland. New Sydenham Society. Newspapers. New York. 315. Arrange names of societies as separate words. See New Sydenham Society in the list above. 316. Arrange as single words compound words which Bxe printed as one. Ex. Bookseller, Bookplates. Sometimes such words are printed on title-pages as two words; in such case do the same in copying the title, but if the word is used as a heading follow the authority of a dictionary; each library should select some one dictionary as its standard. ARRANGEMENT HEADINGS. 115 317. Arrange hyphened words as if separate. Ex. Happy home. Happy-Tliought Hall. Happy thoughts. Home and hearth. Home rule. Homely traits. Sing, pseud. Sing, James. Sing, James, pseud. Sing-Sing Prison. Singapore. Singing. Grave and Reverend Club. Grave County. Grave Creek. Grave-digger. Grave-mounds. Grave objections. Grave de Mezeray, Antoine. Gravel. Gravestone. Graveyard. Out and about. Out in the cold, a song. Out-of-door Parliament. Outer darkness. The. Follow some standard dictionary in determining when hyphen is to be used. 318. Arrange pseudonyms after the corresponding real name. Ex. Andrew, Andrew, St. Andrew, St. , Andrew. John. Andrevr, John, pseud. Andrew, John Albion. 319. Arrange incomplete names by the letters. When the same letters are followed by different signs, if there are no forenames, arrange in the order of the complexity of signs; but if there are forenames arrange by them. I. e.., put a dot before a line, a line before a star (three lines crossing), etc. Ex. Far from the world. Far. . . Far*** Far***, B. F. Far. . ., J. B. Farr, John. 320. If signs without any letters are used as headings (§ 96) (as . . . or Iff) put them all before the first entries under the letter A. 321. The arrangement of title-entries is first by the heading words; if they are the same, then by the next word; if that is the same, by the next; and so on. Every word, articles and prepositions included, is to be regarded; but not a transposed article. Ex. TJncovenanted mercies. Under a cloud. TJnder the ban. TJnder the greenwood tree; a novel. TJnder the greenwood tree; a poem. Under which king. Undone task. The. Undone task done. Here the transposed The is non-existent for the arranger. 116 style: how to etttek. It makes no difference whether the words are connected with one another in sense or not; the searcher should not be compelled to think of that. Let the arrangement be by woi'ds as ordinarily printed. Thus Home rule is one idea but it is two words, and its place must be determined primarily by its first word Home, which brings it before Homeless. If it were printed Homerule it would come after Homeless. Similarly Art amateur is one phrase, but as the first word Art is followed by a word beginning with am, it must come before Art and artists, although its parts are more closely connected than the parts of the latter phrase. The French d' and 1' are not to be treated as part of the following word: Ex. Art d'^conomiser. not Art de faire. Art d'etre grandpSre. Art de linguistique. Art d'instruire. Art de 1' instruction. Art de faire. Art d'economiser. Art de 1' instruction. Art des mines. Art de linguistique. Art d'etre grandpdre. Art des mines. Art digne. Art digne. Art d'instruire. 322. Arrange titles beginning with numeral figures (not expressing the number of the work in a series, § 330) as if the figures were written out in the language of the rest of the title. Ex. 100 deutscher Manner = Ein hundert deutsche Manner; 1812 = Mil huit cent douze. 323. Arrange abbreviations as if spelled in full; but elisions as they are printed. Ex. Dr., M., Mile., Mme., Mr., Mrs., as Doctor, Monsieur, Mademoiselle, Madame, Mister, Mistress. But Who'd he a king? Wlio killed Cock Robin? Who's to blame? 8^-The arrangement recommended in §§ 311-319 suits the eye best and requires as little knowledge or thought as any to use. The exception made in § 311 is required by universal practice and by the fact that a very large part of the personal names beginning with prefixes are commonly printed as one word. Names of places begin- ning with New, Old, Red, Blue, Green, etc. (which might be likened to the prefixes De, Des, Du, etc., and made the ground of a similar exception), are much less fre- quently printed as one, and when they are the accent is often different. Moreover, the words New, Old, etc., have an independent meaning and occur as personal names, first words of titles, or of the names of societies, as in the examples in § 314, which can not be said of the prefixes. The reason for separating New Hampshire and Newark in the first example is patent to every consul ter at a glance; the reason for the difEerent positions of New legion and New York in the second example would not be clear and would have to be thought out; and it is not well to demand thought from those who use the catalog if it can be avoided. h. Subheadings. 324. In arranging government publications make all necessary divisions but avoid subdivision. It is much clearer — and it is the dictionary plan — to make the parts of a division themtselves independent divisions, referring from the including division to the sub- ordinate one. E. g. (to take part of the headings under United. States) : ARRANGEMENT SUBHEADINGS. 117 Subordination (not recommended). CTnited States. Department of the Interior. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Indian Affairs. Department of the Interior. Patent Office. Department of the Interior. Pension Office. Department of the Interior. Public Land Office. Department of the Navy. Department of the Xavy. Department of the Navy. Department of the Navy. Department of the Navy. Department of the Navy. Department of the Xavy. Department of War. Department of War. Department of War. Department of War. Department of War. Department of War. Department of War. Bureau of Naviga- tion. Bureau of Naviga- Hydrographic Office, tion. Bureau of Naviga- Naval Academy, tion. Bureau of Naviga- Naval Observatory, tion. Bureau of Navy- Yards and Docks. Bureau of Xavy- Naval Asylum. Yards and Docks. Adjutant- Gen- eraVs Office. Bureau of Engi- neers. Bureau of Topo- graphical Engi- neers. Com missary -Gen- eral's Office. Freedmen' s Bureau. Military Academy. Better order. United States. Adjutant-General. Commissary- General. Engineers, Bureau of. Freedmen's Bureau. Hydrographic Office. Indian Affairs, Bureau of. Interior, Dep't of. Military Academy. Naval Academy. Naval Asylum. Naval Observatory. Navigation, Bureau of. Navy, Dep't of. Nai-y Yards and Docks, Bureau of. Patent Office. Pension Office. Public Lands. or instead of inversion the distinctive word of the title may be distinctively printed, aa 118 style: HOW to enter. United states. A dj tit ant -General . Bureau of Engineers. Mi litary Academy. Bureau of Navigation. or United States. Naval Observatory. Bureau of Navigation. Navy Department. Bureau of Navy Yards and Docks. This system should be adopted for all countries. There are, however, certain divisions or sections which have no independent exist- ence and should be subordinated, as Division of Statistics under several departments or bureaus, and the various divisions of the Library of Congress (as Catalog division, Order division). The subordination of bureaus and offices to departments is adopted simply for con- venience, and is changed from time to time as the exigencies of the public service demand. There is no corresponding convenience in preserving such an order in a catalog, but inconvenience, especially in the case of the above-mentioned changes. The alphabetical arrangement has here all its usual advantages without its usual disadvantage of wide separation. When there are many sub-headings, as under United States, there should be a guide card for each, even if there are only single cards under some. These cards should include the name of the department to which the bureau is subordinate, as: U. S. Freedmen's Bureau ( War Dep't). In a printed catalog the same information should be given in the heading. 325. Similarly subdivisions are to be avoided in subject sub-headings under countries. Ex. Not France. Description and Travel. — Gazetteers. France. Description and Travel. — Guide books. France. Description and Travel. — Maps. but France. Description and Travel. France. Gazetteers. France. Guide books. France. History. France. Maps. c. Titles. 326. Under an author's name adopt either the order: (1) Complete (or nearly complete) collections of his works. (2, 3) His other works whether by him alone or written in con- junction with another author including selections, (4) Works about him; or (1) Complete (or nearly complete) collections, (2) Extracts from the complete collections, (3) Single works, whether by him alone or written in conjunction with another author, (4) Works about him. Nos. 1-3 come first as belonging to the author-catalog; 4 comes last as belonging to the subject-catalog. It is better to let the smaller collections come in their alphabetical place with the single works. aekangement: titles. 119 The single works of a voluminous autlior (as Aristotle, Cicero, Homer, Shakespere) should be so printed that the different titles will strike the eye readily. If the "contents" of the collecteo.rts, He who knows needs not to be instructed that the pianoforte part offers advantages similar to the real score, and he who does not know very probably will never disturb the tranquillity of his mind by pondering over the difference between scores and parts. Examples. Cha. ^^u^^lfr-i^ SUJU^ /y>f^^jfe^ ^ frv.'^Uuf^m.^^^ /MO-/. nMo/ r'^^""^^ - ^ ^ T a A 33 4i; ^ / J a^Jii^'^u^t T f i f \ T ■^ •^ 3=^ ?f R ld»hi;> I 3- -A u- C cA J i< ?t 3, ^> iZ \ 5r 31 C T 7 7 i 4 DT L^f^yJi % ^ A. I r S- "N •q A. t It- IhMh l\ ^ \ 0 ^ 1 £*. tr ^ ^ u -R iMU^f il f f< 4r H *n ilmjtui/^ Attn*- f^Ur n^- AktA' a ' eft »X*^*%ayf>, 2r 5? / mre4 impijr \ 4 152 SEMITIC TRANSLITERATION. GaaIh»<< H«Ww %^ t^ Lj*v 1 « ) A V s» 9 t\ *• •• ^ i. •f t c. 4 • r ^4 ...t^^ Z ()) i la> ^^B > ''^V J J^Oaa^ tl^ti^W 2L 4^ i t n wu t i > 1 f 4 4. » ~ w ) 9 ) f 1 N « iT lif • sT u> ^ iC»*^) X> <30 ^ >» s/> s*(X) ^ a -» ^ ' 9 f h 19 4 m • )b • t y u 0 r • «> o P IV J ^PjJ f v^ t J > ^ 4 Z r «(q> y» A iH 0 XV V i It s n 0t V 4 9 1 o « vr J « s» £ ^ X RUSSIAN TRANSLITEEATION. 153 y « , '^^^ t9 try ev ( ^e^A, ^7j^S^'^*^\. 154 APPENDIX I. B.— REPORT OF A. L. A. COMMITTEE OX TRANSLITERATION OF SLAVIC LANGUAGES.* The committee appointed by the American Library Association to propose a scheme for the transliteration of the Slavic alphabets, after having examined the systems in use in the principal libraries and scientific periodicals, offers the following as the result of its labors. It seems at present impossible to offer a strictly scientific scheme; recognition must be made of custom prevalent in the large libraries of this country and Europe. The committee has taken for a base the Latin alphabet of the Croa- tians with some variations, and the substitution of i for j. Alternatives are suggested for use in any libraries which deem it inadvisable to employ special accented char- acters. S. A. Chevalier, Chairman, Archibald Gary Coolidge, [Committee. A. Y. Babixe, '1,1 Table for transliteration of Slavic alphabets. Serbo-Croatian A = A J = J, I T = T B =: B U = Dz, Dzh y ^ U B = V !l = C $ = F r = G* tJ - Dj, Di X = Ht, Kh A = D .T> = Lj, Li ^ = Ct, Ts E = E H. ' = Nj, Ni 1 = Ct, Teh at 3 Zt, Zh Z m m = St, Sh = Set, Shtch = Old Bulgarian H = I after L e s k i e n , T> = Disregard I = I Handbuch . . . w = Y n = I 2. Auflage, 1886, al- b = ' or • or K = K lowing variants ac- disregard A = L cord'ing to the pre- ■B == le, E M = M ceding scheme, and 9 = E H = N 8ul)Stituting i for K) = lu, U 0 = 0 German j. H = la n = P 0 = F, Th p = R V ='Y c = S In foreign names, in- stead of G for r, follow the original spelling. t The characters Z, H, C, C and S represent the Serbo-Croatian method of transliterating /K, X, II, q, and m. For English- speaking people we should undoubtedly prefer Zh, Kh, Ts, Teh and Sh. * This report was presented at the Montreal meeting of the American Library Association, June 11, 1900. APPENDIX II. REPORT ON BOOK SIZES. A Special Cominittee on Book Sizes of the American Library Association reported {Library journal, 3: 19, 20) the following rule: Give the outside lieight in centimeters, using fractions (decimals) where extreme accuracy is desired. For books of special forms, prefix sq., ob., or nar., to indicate square, oblong, or narrow, or else give the actual width after the height. Add a small " •"' to the figures giving the height, except when followed by the width. In the latter case con- nect height and width with the ordinary symbol X , always giving the height first. If fractions are not used, give the first centimeter above, e. g., all books between 18 and 19 mark 19*^, because they fall in the 19th centimeter. For the width, measure the board from the hinge to the edge, not including the round. If desirable to give the size of the paper or letter-press, prefix the measurement with p(aper) or t(ype), including in the type neither folio nor signature lines. For those preferring to use the common designations, the following rule was unanimously recommended: Designate each size by its initial letter or letters (followed, if pre- ferred by the cataloger, by its final letter " o," superior " <"') assign- ing the size by the following table, and prefixing sq. , ob. , nar. , if the books be square, oblong, or narrow. Give the exact measurement of all size-curiosities, whether very large or very small. Limit of out- side height, centimeters. 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 etc. Any cataloger desiring to use the term E (18°) may do so by calling the smaller S (16°). This causes no confusion, for either E or S is be- tween 15 and 17i cm. in height. Books from 20 to 40 cm. high may 155 Numerical symbol formerly used. Abbreviation to be used. 48» Fe 32° Tt 24° T 16° S 12° D 8° 0 40 Q f» F (( F5 (< F« it F^ K etc. 156 REPORT ON BOOK SIZES. be called sm. Q, Q, and 1. Q when of the square form, but 0, 1. O, and F, or sm. F, when of the ordinary form. Books smaller than 20 cm., and of the quarto form, are marked sq. D, etc. * * * The plan of giving the height in centimeters has the advantage that, once stated, it will never be forgotton. By it the size is more easily determined, more quicklj^ recorded, much more definite in its descrip- tion, and, most important of all, is understood hy all users of catalogs after the first time, while the other systems are intelligible only to those familiar with books. The committee therefore recommends the plan of indicating the size hy gi/vim,g the size. APPENDIX III. ABBREVIATIONS. The list of abbreviations originally given on p. 57, § 116, of the first edition of this work, was enlarged in the report of the committee on catalog rules of the American Library Association {Library journal^ 3: 16-19). It there included the abbreviations for the most usual forenames formed by the initial followed by a colon for men and by two periods for women (as J:=John, M..=Mary), devised by C: A. Cutter and first published in the Library journal^ 1: 405 and 5: 176. It was republished, classified, but with many omissions and additions, by Melvil Dewey in Library notes^ 1: 206-211, and also on a con- venient card. It is here reprinted in full with his additions. A list of abbreviations used in describing bindings, prepared by E. H. Woodruff, was published in the Library journal for May, 1887. The shortest abbreviations may be used in library records (accession book, lost list, exchange and sale book, accounts, etc.) but on catalog cards give abbreviations in ordinary use (Jan. not Ja., Sat. not St.), avoiding what might puzzle or mislead. The colon abbreviations, however, may be employed even here if otherwise one would have only initials. FOR FORENAMES. Aaron Aar. Arnold Arn. Abraham Ab. Arthur Arth. Adam Ad. August, Augustus A: Adelbert Adlb. Augusta A: a Adolf Adf. Augustin A: in Adrian Adr. Augustinus A: inus Aegidius Aeg. Aureliua Aur. Albert Alb. Austin Aust. Albrecht Albr. Alexander, Alexandre Alex. Baldwin Bald. Alfonso Alf. Balthasar Bait. Alfred Alfr. Baptists Bapt. Alphonse Alph. Barbara Barb. Amadeus Amad. Barnard Barn. Ambrose, Ambrosius Amb. Bartholomaus, Bartholomew Bart. Tlnastasius Anast. Basilius Bas. Andreas, Andrew And. Beatrice B.. Anna A.. Beatrix Bx. Anselm Ans. Belinda Bel. Anthony, Antoine, Anton Ant. Benedict Bened. Archibald Arch. Benjamin B: 157 158 APPENI ►IX III. FOR FORENAMES — Continued. Bernard Bern. Elijah Elij. Bernhard Bernh. Elizabeth E.. Berthold Brth. Emanuel Em. Bertram Bert. Ephraim Eph. Boniface Boni. Erdmann Erdm. Bruno Bru. Erhard Erh. Burchard Bch. Eric, Erich Er. Ernest, Ernst Em. Cadwallader Cadwal. Eugen, Eugene Eug. Caleb Clb. Eusebius Eus. Calvin Calv. Eustace, Eustachius Eust. Camillus Cam. Evelina Evel. Camilla Cma. Ezechiel Ezech. Carl, Carlo, Charles C: Ezra Ez. Caroline Caro. Casimir Cas. Fanny F.. Caspar Catharine Csp. Cath. Felix Ferdinand Fel. Fd. Charlotte C. Fitz William Fitz W. Christian Chr. Flavius Flav. Christlieb Chli. Florence Flo. Christoph Cp. Francis Fs. Clarence Clar. Frances Fes. Claude CI. Frank Fk. Claudius Cls. Franz Fz. Clemens, Clement Clem. Frederic, Friedrich F: Conrad Conr. Fiirchtegott Fchtg. Constantin Const. Gabriel Gbr. Cordelia Cord. Gamaliel Gam. Cornelius Corn. Gasparo Gsp. Crispian, Crispin, Crispus Orsp. Gaston Gast. Gebhard Gbh. Daniel Dan. David D: Geoffrey Geof. Deborah Deb. Georg, George, Georges G: Gerald Ger. Detlev Dtl. Gerhard Gh. Delia D.. Gershom Gersh. Diana Di. Gertrude Gert. Dietrich Dt. Giacomo Giac. Dominicus Dom. Giam Battista Gi. bat. Donald Don. Gian Giacomo Gi. Giac Dorothy Duncan Dor. Dune. Gian Pietro Gi. P: Gideon Gid. Ebenezer Eb. Gilbert Gilb. Eberhard Ebh. Giovanni Gi. Edgar Edg. Giuseppe Giu. Edmund Edm. Godfrey Godf. Edouard, Eduard, Edward E: Gottfried Gf. Edwin Edn. Gotthard Gthd. Egbert Egb. Gotthelf Ghf. Ehrenfried Ehrfr. Gotthold Ghld. Elias El. Gottlieb Gli. I abbreviations: forenames. FOR FOREXAMEs — Continued. 159 Gottlob Glo. Joszef J6sz. Gottschalk Gk. Jules, Julius Jul. Grace G.. Julia Jla. Gregor, Gregory Greg. Juliet Jit. Guillaume Guil. Justin, Justus Just. Giinther Gth. Gustav, Gustavus Gst. Karl K: Hannah Hans Harold Ha. Hs. Har. Kaspar Katharine Konrad Ksp. K.. Konr. Harriet Ht. Hartmann Htm. Laurence Laur. Hartwig Htw. Lawrence Lawr. Hector Hect. Lazarus Laz. Hedwig Hedw. Leberecht, Lebrecht Lbr. Heinrich, Henri. Henry H: Lemuel Lem. Helen H.. Leonard Leon. Herbert Herb. Leonhanl Lh. Herrmann Hm. Leopold Lp. Hezekiah Hzk. Lewis Lew. Hieronymus Hi. Louis, Ludwig L: Hippolyte Horace Hip. Hor. Louise Lobegott L.. Lbg. Hubert Hub. Lorenz Lor. Hugh Hugo Humphrey Hu. Hg. Hum. Lothar Louisa Ludolf Lth. L.. Ldf. Ignatius, Ignaz Ign. Malachi Mai. Immanuel Im. 3Iarcus Mcs. Innocenz Inn. Margaret Marg. Isaac I: Maria Mar. Isabella I.. ^larc, Mark M: Israel Isr. Martin Mt. Mary M.. Jacob Jac. Mathaus, ^latthew Mat. Jakob Jak. Matilda Mta. James Ja. Maurice Maur. Jane J.. Max, Maximilian Mx. Jasper Jasp. Mehitabel Mehit Jedediah Jed. Melchior Mich. Jemima Jem. Michael Mich. Jeremiah, Jeremias, Jeremy Jer. Moriz Mor. Joachim Joac. Moses Mo8. Joel Jl. John, Johann, Jean, masc. J: Js^ancy N.. Johannes Js. Napoleon Nap. Jonathan Jona. Nathan Nat. Joseph Jos. Nathaniel Natl. Josepha Josa. Nehemiah Neh. Josephine Jose. Nepomuk Np. Joshua Josh. Nicodemus Nicod. 160 APPETS"DIX III. FOR FORENAMi s — continued. Nicolas, Nicolaus, Nicole N: Solomon Sol. Noah No. Sophia So. Norman Norm. Stanislas Stan. Stephen Ste. Obadiah Ob. Susan Su. Octaviug Oct. Octavia Octa. Tabitha Tab. Oliver 01. Temperance Temp. Olivia 0.. Thaddeus Thad. Orlando Orl. Theobald Thbd. Oscar Osc. Theodor Thdr. Oswald Osw. Theophilus Thph. Ottmar Ottm. Theresa T.. Otto 0: Thomas, Toinas, Tomaso T: Tiberius Tib. Patrick Pat. Timotheus, Timothy Tim. Paul PI. Titus Tit. Pauline P.. Tobias, Tobiah Tob. Peter, Pierre P: Traugott Trg. Philip Ph. Ulrich U: Phineas Phin. Ursula U.. Priscilla Pris. ^'alentine Val. Rachel Ra. Yeit Vt. Raimuud, Raymond Rmd. \'ictor Vet. Raphael Rapl. Victoria v.. Rebecca R.. Vincentius A'inc. Reginald Reg. Virginia Virg. Reinhard Rhd. Volkmar Volkm Reinhold Rhld. Waldemar Wald. Reuben Reub. Walther, AValter Wa. Richard R: Washington Wash. Robert Rob. Wenzel Wz. Rodolph Rod. "\A'erner Wr. Roger Rog. William, Willem, Wilhelm AY: Roland Rol. Wilhelmina W.. Rudolf Rud. Winfred Winf. Rufus Ruf. Winifred Winif. Rupert, Ruprecht Rup. Woldemar Wold. Salomon Sal. Wolfgang Wolfg. Salvator Salv. Xaver, Xavier X: Samuel Sarah S: S.. Xenophon Xerxes Xen. Xerx. Severen Sev. Sebastian Seb. Zacharias, Zachary Zach. Siegfried Siegf. Zebadiah, Zebedee Zeb. Sigismund Sgsm. Zechariah Zech. Sigmund Sigm. Zenobia Z.. Simeon, Simon Sim. Zephaniah Zeph. ABBEEVIATIOJSrS : FORENAMES, HEADINGS. 161 COLON ABBREVIATIONS FOR FORENAMES. (To be used when only initials would otherwise be used.) Augustus A: Anna A.. Benjamin B: Beatrice B.. Charles C: Charlotte C. David D: Delia D. Edward E: Elizabeth E. Frederick, Frederic F: Fanny, Fannie F.. George G: Grace G. Henry H: Helen H. Isaac I: Isabella L. John J: Jane J.. Karl K: Katharine, Kate K. Louis, Lewis L: Louise, Louisa L.. Matthew M: Mary M. Nicholas N: Nancy N. Otto 0: Olivia 0.. Peter P: Pauline P.. Eichard R: Rebecca R. Samuel S: Sarah S.. Thomas. T: Theresa. T.. Uriah. U: Ursula. U. Victor. V: Victoria. V. "William. W: Wilhelmina. W. Xavier. Zachary. X: Z: Zenobia. Z.. Here C: is used both for Charles and Carlo, H: for Henry, Henri, and Heinrich, and so on. Mr. Dewey for greater distinctness advises the following: Where : and . . is used in English names, use ; and . , for the German form, and ; and , . for the French. abridger* afterwards annotator* born collector* company commentator* compiler* continuer* died department editor Great Britain FOR HEADINGS. abr. pseudonym pseud. aftw. publisher pub. annot. subject* subj. b. superintendent supt. col. translator tr. CO. United States U. S. comment. veuve we. comp. wittwe wwe. contin. include maiden name of d. married woman. ( ) dept. include words or parts of ed. words supplied. [] Gr. Br. probably, perhaps ? after a word * These are better unabridged. 31425—04- -11 162 APPENDIX III. Use also the common abbreviations for political, military, professional, and honorary titles. FOR IMPRINTS AND NOTES. Auflage, Ausgabe Aufl., Ausg. photographs phot. all that has been pub portrait of group por. of gr. lished all pub. portrait, portraits por. Band Bd. privately printed priv. pr. Bohn's scientific library B. S. L. Roxburgh rxb. copyright c. square sq. e. g., 1882 [c'80]. tables tab. edited, -ion, -or ed. title-page t.-p. fac-similes fac-sim. title-page mutilated, want- folios f. ing t. p. m., t. p. w. group of portraits gr. of por. unbound unbd. Harper's family library H. F. L. unpaged unp. illustrated, -ions il. volume, volumes V. (in the im- leaves 1. print), Vol. mutilated mut. (in the ti- no date of pub. n. d. tle).* no place of pub. n. p. various dates V. d. no title-page n. t. p. various places of pub. V. p. page, pages P- with (before words) w. pamphlet, pamphlets pam. wanting (after words) w. In notes the abbreviations in all these li sts may be used. FOR BINDINGS. bazil, red sheep baz. half morocco hf. mor. bound bd. morocco mor. boards bds. paper pap. calf cf. parchment parchm. calf, extra cf. extr. parts pts. cloth, muslin cl. roan ro. duck dk. Roxburghe style of binding Roxb. forel, parchment for. russia russ. gilt edges g. e. sewed sd. gilt git. sheep sh. half hf. unboimd unbd. half bound hf. bd. uncut unct. half calf hf. cf. vellum vel. FOR BOO] S. TITLES. abridged abr. aus dem Lateinischen a. d. Lat. abbreviations abbr. born b. account acct. biblical, bibliographical. additional, -ons add. bibliotheca, etc. bibl. American Amer. or Am. biographical, -phy biog. analysis, -tical anal. book bk. anonymous anon. Christian Chr. appended, -ix app. chronological chron. */. e., Vol I, but 2 V. abbreviations: book titles. 163 FOR BOOK TITLES — Continued. classical class. medical, -ine med. collected, -ions, college, memoir mem. colored col. miscellaneous misc. commerce, -ial, committee com. manuscript, -ts ms., mss compiled, -er comp. national, natural nat. concerning cone. new series n. s. containing, contents, con- nouvelle nouv. tinued cont. number, -s no., nos. copy, copyrighted cop. oblong obi. corrected cor. preface, -ed, prefixed pref. crown, size of book cr. pseudonym, -ous ps. cyclopaedia eye. part pt. Danish Dan. published, -er pub. died d. recensuit, record rec. department dept. relating, relative rel. domestic dom. report rept. elementary, -ts elem. review, revised, -ion rev. encyclopaedia encyc. Roman Rom. English Eng. Russian Rus. engraved, -er, -ings eng. sammtlich samm. enlarged enl. science, scientific sci. fiction fict. selected, -ions sel. folios, i. e., leaves ff. separate sep. from fr. series s. or ser. French Fr. small sm. geography geog. society soc. geology geol. supplement, -ary, -ing sup. geometrj- geom. Swedish Swed. German Germ. theology theol. gesammelte, gesammt ges. transactions trans. Geschichte Ges. or Gesch. translated, -or, traduit, tra- grammar, -tical gram. dotto, etc. tr. great gr- ubersetzt iibers. Greek Gr. und u. half hf. vocabulary vocab. historical, -y hist. von V. homoeopathic homceop. van to be given in full. herausgegeben hrsg. in, contained in ( ) illustrated, -ions il. imperfect, imp. words added to the title [] improved impr. to and included in, or con - including incl. tinued — increased incr. matter omitted ... intorno int. probably, perhaps ? introduction, -ory introd. end of line on title-page 1 Italian Ital. transition to another title - juvenile juv. page II Latin Lat. vo, mo, to, in octavo, duo library Ub. decimo, quarto 0 literary, -ture Ut 164 APPENDIX III. FOR PLACES OF PUBLICATION. Use first form on cards. In accession and all official records use shortest form. Albany Alb. London L. or liond. Amsterdam Amst. Leyden Ley. Baltimore Bait. Leipzix Lpz. Berlin Bar. Lugduni Batavorum Lug'. Bat. Boston B. or Bost. Milano Mil. Braunschweig Brns. Miinchen Miin, Cambridge Camb. or Cb. New Orleans N. 0. Chicago Chic, or Ch. New York N. Y. Cincinnati Cin, Oxford Oxf. Copenhagen Copng:. Paris P. or Par. Edinburgh Edin. or Ed. Philadelphia Ph. or Phil. England Eng. St. Louis St. L. Firenze Fir. St. Petersburg St. Pet. or St. P France Fr. San Francisco San Fran, or S.F Germany Germ. Stuttgart Stut. Glasgow Glasg. or Gl. Torino Tor. Gotinga Got. United States XT. S. Gottingen Get. Venice Ven. or V. Kjobenhavn KjOb. Washington W. or Wash. Also the common abbreviations for the States, equivalent name contains these letters. TITLES, STATES, ETC. Use for all languages when the bachelor of arts A. B. baronet bart. archbishop abp. before Christ B. C. year of our Lord A. D. bishop bp. adjutant adjt. brigadier general brig'. gen admiral adm. California Cal. Alabama Ala. captain capt. Master of Arts A. M. Colorado Col. American Am. or Amer. Confederate States oi associate of the Royal America or C. S army C. S. A. Academy A. R. A. C. S. navy C. s. N. attorney atty. Connecticut ct. bachelor of arts B. A. On catalog cards use the usual abbreviations for months and days; in official rec- ords use the following which are unmistakable and more compact. MONTHS. Ja. F. Mr. A p. My. Je. Jl. Ag. S. O. N. D. DAYS. Su. M. Tu. W. Th. F. St. SIZE NOTATION. 165 SIZE NOTATION. Fold symbol. Size letter. Outside height. Never use for size. N« 3ver use for fold. In centimeters. 48° Fe Up to 10 32° Tt 10 " 12.5 24« T 12.5 " 15 16» S 15 " 17.5 12° D 17.5" 20 8° 0 20 " 25 4° Q 25 " 30 f° F F* 30 " 35 35 " 40 40 " 50 Prefix nar. if width is less than f height. " sq. (1 more " f " " ob. '« more than height. For all books < over So""' ' high the superior figures show in which 10™ of height the book falls, e. g. , F® is between ' 70 and 80'=" high. Actual size method. Give all sizes in cm (for greater accuracy adding decimals), leaving the old symbols and names, 8° and Octavo to indicate fold onh-. Give height first, followed by h, or by X and width, e. g., 23'> or 23 x 14. 23'' means between 22 and 23, i. e., in 23'* cm. All measures are taken outside the cover. Width is from hinge to edge not including the round. To measure paper or letter-press, prefix p(aper) or t(ype) to figures, in- cluding in type neither folio nor signature lines. INDEX A', Ap., sec. 29. Abbeys, sec. 81. Abbreviations, appendix 3, p. 157. arrangement, sec. 323. colon, defined, p. 18. in titles, arrangement, sec. 323. use of, in titles, sec. 230. Abridgment of titles, sees. 223-239. Academies, European, sees. 75-76. Accents, sec. 293. Accession, defined, p. 13. book, defined, p. 13. substitute for, sec. 853. catalog, sec. 353. number, defined, p. 13. stamp, p. 13. Actions, civil, subject entry, sec. 184. Acts, sec. 47. Adaptations. See Epitomes. Added editions defined, p. 13. Added entry, pp. 13, 19. Admiralty proceedings, sec. 116. African names, p. 148. Agricultural societies, State, sec. 80. Almanacs, sees. 102, 176. Alphabetical subject catalog, p. 13. classed catalog, p. 13. Alternative titles, sec. 235. Alumni associations, sec. 68. Ana, author entry, sec. 22. Analysis, defined, p. 13. rules for, sees. 193-196. Analytical, defined, p. 22. Analyticals, arrangement, sec. 335. date of work analyzed, sec. 275. first word of title given, sec. 241. Annuals, sec. 102. Anonymous, defined, p. 13. art v^orks, subject entry, sec. 182b. title entry, sec. 155. author, brackets used, sec. 203. biographies, subject entry, sec. 182a. subject-word entry, sec. 151. title-entry, sees. 121, 122. collections, sec. 101. manuscripts, sec. 109. works, sec. 2. author known, sec. 130. author's name bracketed, sec. 2.51. "by the author of," sec. 128. catch-word reference, sec. 150. change of title, sec. 147. distinguished from onymous, sec. 250. Anonymous — Continued. works— continued. initial article, sec. 249. Middle Ages, sec. 125. part of larger works, sec. 131. subject-word reference, sec. 152. title entry, sees. 126-132. author's name inserted, sec. 252. translations, sec. 132. uncertain author, sec. 2. Arabic authors, sec. 23e. names, transliteration, sec. 37, p. 150, note. Architect, sec. 9. Arrangement, sees. 298-344. of ii, 6, u, sec. 37. synopses of, sec. 344. .\rt works, title-reference, sec. 155. anonymous, sees. 155, 182b. Article, initial, sec. 224. omitted in titles, sec. 225. title beginning with, sec. 136. Articles to be inquired of, sec. 56. As.sociations, sec. 60. Asyndetic catalog, p. 13. Atlases, sec. 368. Auctioneers, sees. 12, 13. Author, p. 14. card, p. 14. catalog, p. 14. conjoint. See Joint author. corporate, sees. 45-95. Author entry, sees. 1-119. ana, sec. 22. anonymous books, sec. 2. calendars, sec. 50. chrestomathies, sec. 19. colleges of university, sec. 65. commentaries, sec. 14. compound names, sec. 28. concordances, sec. 20. congresses of nations, sec. 57. continuations, sec. 16. corporate, sees. 46-95. references, sec. 95. decisions, sec. 46. defined, p. 14. digests of laws, sec. 50. of opinions, sec. 46. dissertations, sec. 6. ecclesiastics, sees. 24b, 27. epitomes, sec. 17. excerpts, sec. 19. form of name, sees. 32-44. 167 168 INDEX. Author entry — Continued. friars, sec. 23e. illustrator, sec. 8. indexes, sec. 16. joint authors, sees. 3, 4. Latiu authors, sec. 30. married women, sec. 24c. music, sec. 11. names with prefixes, sec. 29. object of, p. 31. official publications, sec. 46. orders of knighthood, sec. 64. oriental authors, sec. 23e. part of name used, sees. 23-31. photographs, sec. 10. pleas, sec. 46. political parties, sec. 59. pseudonymous works, sec. 7. public schools, sec. 69. religious denominations, sec. 59. reporter, sec. 21. revisions, sec. 18. saints, sec. 23b. selections, sec. 19. sovereigns, sec. 23a. substitutes for name, sees. 96-109. table talk, sec. 22. theses, sec. 6. treaties, sec. 58. under Christian name, sec. 23. place, sees. 46-58, 75-84. surname, sec. 24. title of honor, sees. 15-26. vernacular used, sec. 32. where made, sees. 1-119. works bound together, sec. 5. name of, change in form, sec. 40. form used, sees. 32-44. in various languages, sec. 33. masculine and feminine form, sec. 34. only partly known, sec. 96. part used, sees. 23-31. substitutes, sees. 96-109. transliteration, sees. 37-39. to distinguish, sees. 211-213. various spellings, sees. 35-36. vernacular, sec. 32. Autographs, books with, see. 363. Avesta, sec. 124. Banks, national, sec. 84. Baronet, title, sec. 216. Bastard title, defined, p. 23. Benevolent societies, sec. 85. Bible, title entry, sec. 123. arrangement of entries, sec. 326. Bibliographee, defined, p. 14. Bibliography, sec. 186. Binders title, defined, p. 14. Bindings, noteworthy, list of, sec. 362. Biographee, defined, p. 14. Biographies, anonymous, subject entry, sec. 182a. subject-word entry, sec. 151. title entry, sees. 121, 122. arrangement, sec. 333. Bodleian library, sec. 66. Book collation, defined, p. 18. number, defined, p. 14. Books with autographs, sec. 363. Booksellers, sec. 12. Brackets, defined, p. 14. omitted, sec. 295. use, sees. 203, 294. British noblemen, sec. 25. Broadside, defined, sec. 14. Buildings, sec. 89. Bureaus, reports of, sees. 48, 49, 52. Calendars of documents, sec. 51. Call-mark, defined, p. 14. Capes, sec. 31. Capitals, sees. 288-291. in English, sec. 289. in foreign languages, sec. 290. small, when preferred, sec. 291. Caption, defined, p. 14. Card, author, defined, p. 14. guide, defined, p. 20. catalog, defined, p. 14. collation on, p. IS. Cards, printed. Library of Congress, p. 5. cartographer, use in heading, sec. 207. Catalog, defined, p. 15. alphabetical subject, defined, p. 13. alphabetico-classed, defined, p. 13. asyndetic, defined, p. 13. author, defined, p. 14. bookseller's, author entry, sec. 12. card, defined, p. 14. collation in, p. 18. classed, defined, p. 17. dictionary, defined, p. 19. compo-sition, p. 24. distinguished from bibliography, p. 15. "full," p. 11. language of, sec. 287. " medium," p. 11. name, defined, p. 21. objects of, p. 12. ' of engravings, author entry, .sec. 9. personal, defined, p. 21. printed card, references in, p. 21. rules, other, p. 3. "short," defined, p. 23. varieties of, p. 15. tabulation, p. 17. Catch-word-entry, defined, p. 19. Catch-word-reference, defined, p. 22. when made, sec. 1.50. Cathedrals, sees. 81-82. Charges, episcopal, sec. 56. Check, defined, p. 15. Chrestomathies, sec. 19. Christian name, author entry under, sec. 28. form used, sec. 41. Chronograms, sec. 268. Churches, sec. 81. Cities as authors, sees. 46-58. Citizens, class of, sec. 92. committee of, sec. 91. City galleries, see. 77. libraries, sec. 77. museums, see. 77. Civil actions, subject entry, .^ec. 184. Class, defined, p. 15. compared with subject, p. 16. INDEX. 169 Class — Continued. of citizens, author entry, sec. 92. entry, defined, p. 17. mark, defined, p. 17. Classed catalogs, defined, p. 17. Classification by language, p. 15. by size, p. 15. by subjects, degree of, p. 16. and form, distinguished, p. 16. discussion, p. 15. mixed, p. 16. treatises on, p. 3. coll., use in heading. Collation, defined, p. 18. rules, sees. 276-280. of book, defined, p. 18. Collections, analysis, sec. 106. anonymous, title entry, sec. 101. continued indefinitely, sec. 103. form entry, sec. 189. known by title, sec. 104. of extracts from periodical, sec. 134. of laws, sec. 50. of papers, title entry, sec. 127. reference from collector, sec. 105. subject entry, sec. 181. title entry preferable, sees. 101-104. Collector, defined, p. 18. author entry, sec. 98. reference preferable, sec. 100. College libraries, sec. 66. societies, sec. 67. of university, sec. 65. Colon abbreviations, defined, p. 18. list of, p. 161. Colophon, defined, p. 18. Commentaries, sees. 14, 15. Comments on, subject entry, sec. 185. Committee, report of, sec. 90. of citizens, sec. 91. Composer, sec. 11. composer, use in heading, sec. 207. Compoimd names, arrangement, sees. 313-316. author entry, sec. 28. Concordances, sec. 20. Conference of bodies, sec. 93. Confessions of faith, sec. 59. Congress, U. S., sec. 47. of nations, sec. 57. of private persons, sec. 63. Conjoint authors. See Joint author. Contents, sees. 281-283. arrangement, sec. 338. under author, sec. 282. under subject, sec. 283. Continuation, defined, p. 18. Continuations, sec. 16. Conventions, sec. 93. Convents, author entry, sec. 83. Corporate entry, sees. 45-95. notes explaining, sec. 112. references, sec. 95. type for heading, sec. 201. under name, sec. 61. Corporate name, part used, sec. 71. Correspondents, joint, sec. 3, note. Councils, Catholic ecclesiastical, sec. 94. other ecclesiastical, sec. 93. Country as author, sees. 46-58. joint author, sec. 3, note. and event, 163. and person, sec. 162. and subject, sees. 164, 165. Courts, sec. 46. Creeds, sec. 59. Criticisms, arrangement, sec. 334. of anonymous works, sec. 132. Cross-reference, defined, p. 22. reference to, sees. 186, 187, 188, 342. Curves, use of, p. 18. D', De, see. 29. Danish names, transliteration, sec. 37. Dash, for heading, sec. 219. meaning of, p. 18. Date, birth and death, sec. 213. false, sec. 269. given without century, sec. 266. in figures, sec. 272. in reprints, sec. 274. in titles, sec. 278. lacking, sec. 270. on title, sees. 265-270. masonic, sec. 267. varying, sees. 264-273. Days, abbreviations, p. 164. De, de la, sec. 29. Debates, joint author, sec. 3, note. Definitions, pp. 13-24. Departments, reports of, sees. 48, 49, 52. Des, sec. 29. Designer, sees. 8, 9. Dictionaries, form entry, see. 191. Dictionary catalog, definition, p. 19. of what composed, p. 24. Digests of laws, sec. 50. of opinions, sec. 46. Directories, sec. 115. Dissertations, sec. 6. Districts, military, sec. 46. Documents, sees. 46-95. calendars of, see. 51. Dramas, subject entry, sec. 186. Du, sec. 29. Duplicate, defined, p. 19. list, sec. 359. Dutch names, transliteration, sec. 37. East Didian names, sec. 23e. Ecclesiastical councils. Catholic, sec. 94. other, sec. 93, Ecclesiastical districts, sees. 46, 56. Ecclesiastics, sees. 24b, 27. Economics, sees. 113-119. ed., use in heading, see. 206. Edda, sec. 124. Edition, defined, p. 19. added, defined, p. 13. part of title, sec. 254. Editions, sees. 254-256. arrangement, sees. 328, 329. changes in, noted, sec. 256. distinguished, sec. 255. numerous, sec. 346. Editor, sec. 21. reference, see. 111. of periodical, reference, sec. 133. Encyclopaedias, form entry, sec. 191. 170 INDEX. English compound names, sec. 28a. English women, titles of, sec. 214. Engraver, sees. 8, 9. engraver, use in heading, sec. 20". ISngravings, sec. 9. catalog of, sec. 365. Entry, defined, p. 19. For any kind of entry see the name, e. g: Author entry. Epics, national, sec. 124. Epitomes, sec. 17. Excerpts, sec. 19. Expo.sitions, sec. 79. Facsimiles of manuscripts, sec. 109. Family name, repetition of, sec. 210. Festschriften, sec. 108. Fiction, subject entry, sec. 186. title entry, sec. 135. Firm, name of, part used, sec. 74. First-word-entry, defined, p. 19. First-word-reference, defined, p. 22. First words of title, retained, sec. 236. Fixed location, defined, p. 20. Fold symbol, defined, p. 20. Foreign compound names, sec. 28b, c. Forename, author entry under, sec. 23. form used, sec, 41. omitted, indication of, sec. 212. use of, sees. 211-212. Forenames, arrangement, sees. 301-302 Form, defined, p. 20. entry defined, p. 20. rules, sees. 189-192. of name, author entry, sees. 32-44. Fraternities, Greek letter, sec. 67. Friars, sec. 23c. "Full" catalog, p. 11. Galleries, city, sec. 77. national, sec. 77. private, sec. 88. German names, arrangement, sec. 299. transliteration, sec. 37. Government publications, .sees. 49-65. Grammars, sec. 191. Greek authors, sec. 32. names, arrangement, sec. 310. form used, sec. 37. Guide card, defined. Guides, rules, sees. 319-350. Guilds, sec. 32. Half-title, defined, p. 23. title-reference, sec. 154. Hanging indention, p. 20. Heading, defined, p. 20. reference, p. 22. type for, sees. 197-202. Headings, arrangement, sees. 300-323. Hebrew names, p. 150, note. Hindu names, transliteration, sec. 37. Historical fiction, sec. 186. Historical societies. State, sec. 80. Homonyms, sec. 173. Hungarian names, transliteration, sec. 37. Hymns, sec. 176. Hj-phened words, arrangement, sec. 317. Illustrations, sec. 278. Illustrator, sec. 8. Imperfect books, list of, sec. 357. Imperfections, marks for, sec. 347. Imperial, Royal, sec. 70. Important-word-entry, defined, p. 19. Imprint, defined, p. 20. abbreviations, p. 162. composition, sec. 257. order of, see. 257. rules, sees. 2.57-275. Imprints, noteworthy, list of, sec. 360. Incomplete names, arrangement, sec. 319, Indention, p. 20, see. 219. Indexes, sees. 16,110,191. Indian names, p. 148. Individual entry, defined, p. 20. Initial, defined, p. 20. Initials, entry under, sees. 96, 110. for forenames, sec. 211. use of, in titles, sec. 229. for subject, sec. 232. Inscriptions, anonymous, sec. 129. Intercollegiate societies, sec. 67. International meetings, sec. 63. International societies, sec. 62. Introductions, sec. 110. Inversion of subject name, sec. 175. Italics, sec. 296. Jewish. See Hebrew. Joint author, defined, p. 20. author entry, sees. 3, 4, 218. arrangement, sec. 326. country, sec. 3, note. debates, sec. 3, note. heading, sec. 218. Journals, of legislative bodies, sec. 47. of conventions, sees. 59, 93. of societies, sec. 60. Judge, decisions of, sec. 46. Kings, sees. 23a, 46. biographies of, sec. 162. Knighthood, orders of, sec. 64. Koran, sec. 124. L', La, sec. 29. Lady, as title, sec. 214. Lakes, sec. 31. Language, classification by, p. 15. of catalog, sec. 287. of subject names, .sec. 167. of work, sec. 244. Latin authors, sec. 30. names, arrangement, sec. 310. of Greek deities, sec. 167. Laws, sees. 46, 47. collections, sec. 50. Le, sec. 29. Legal name, part used, sec. 73. Legislatures, sec. 47. Lexicons. See Dictionaries. Libraries, college, sec. 66. mercantile, sec. 86. national, sec. 77. private, sec. 88. Library of Congress catalog, p. 5. Liturgies, sec. 59. Local societies, sec. 85. Location, fixed, defined, p. 20. relative, defined, p. 22. INDEX. 171 London parishes, sec. 81. Lord, as title, sec. 216. Lower case letter, defined, p. 20. M', Mc, etc., arrangement, sec. 312. Main entry, defined, pp. 19, 21. on printed cards, p. 21. Manifestoes, sec. 59. Manuscripts, sees. 109, 366. Maps, sees. 9, 368. mentioned in imprint, sec. 257. size, sees. 280, 368. Married women, sec. 24e. titles of, sec. 214. Masonic dates, sec. 267. Medical societies, State, sec. 80. Medieval works, sec. 125. " Medium " catalog, p. 11. Memoirs of societies, sees. 60, 133. Mercantile libraries, sec. 86. Messages transmitting, sec. 51. Methods, choice of, p. 12. Military districts, sec. 46. Monasteries, sec. 83. Months, abbreviations, p. 164. Motto at beginning of title, see. 139. Mountains, sec. 31. Museums, city, sec. 77. national, sec. 77. private, sec. 88. Music, sees. 11, 367. ?i. d., to be avoided, sec. 271. Name, form of, sees. 32-44. part only known, sec. 96. part used, sees. 23-31. reference, defined, p. 21. substitutes, sees. 96-109. Name catalog, p. 21, sec. 355. Names differing in .spelling, sec. 303. foreign, sees. 28 b, c, 29. medieval see. 32. naturalized, sec. 29d. pseudonyms, sees. 7, 97, 318. National banks, see. 84. galleries, see. 77. Gallery, London, sec. 70. libraries, sec. 77. museums, sec. 77. Naturalized names, sec. 29d. Newspapers, sec. 133. Nibelungenlied, sec. 124. Noblemen, sees. 25, 26, 216. Notes, sec. 284. abbreviations for, p. 162. Novels. See Fiction. Number of rules, reason for, p. 11. Numbers, beginning title, arrangement, sec. 322. in title, sec. 231. O', sec. 29. Objects of catalog, p. 12. Oblique eases in titles, sec. 142. Observatories, sec. 78. Office, author entry, sec. 53. report of, sees. 48, 49, 52. Official publications, author entry, sees. 49-65. author's name, p. 13. title reference, sec. 153. Omission, indicated, sec. 238. in title sec. 242. Order, military, sec. 59. religious, sec. 59. Order of knighthood, see. 64. Order list, sec. 352. Oriental authors, sec. 29e. names, App. I. Pages, number of, see. 277. Pamphlets bound together, sees. 6, 358. Parentheses, omitted, see. 295. use of, sees. 255, 294. Parliament, as author, sec. 47. Parties, political, see. 59. Patronymics, sec. 216. Periodical, defined, p. 21, sec. 133. change of name, sees. 133, 145. class-mark, sec. 146. extracts from, see. 134. form entry, sec. 192. reference from editor, sec. 133. title-entry, sec. 102. Person and country, choice, sec. 162. Personal catalog, defined, p. 21. Personal entry, sees. 3^44. Persons and places, arrangement, sec. 300. Photographs, sec. 10. subject entry, sec. 182b. Place, abbreviations, sec. 259, app. III. author entry under, sees. 46-58, 75-84. compound names, arrangement, sec. 314. falsely given, sec. 269. form used, author heading, sees. 42-44. lacking, see. 270. more than one, see. 260. not translated, sec. 258. varying, sees. 261, 264. Plans, authors of, sec. 9. Plates, sec. 278. Platforms, political, sec. 59. Plays, first-word-reference, sec. 148. Pleas, separately printed, sec. 46. Poems, flrst-word-reference, sec. 148. subject entry, sec. 186. Political parties, sec. 59. Polyglots, arrangement, sec. 332. Polygraphic, defined, p. 21. Polytopieal, defined, p. 21. works, subject entry, sec. 176. Popes, sec. 23a. form of name, gee. 32. Portraits, sees. 278, 364. Position, abbreviation by use of, sec. 232. Possessive case, arrangement, sec. 309. Praeses, entry under, see. 6. reference, sec. 110. Prayer, books of, sec. 59. Prefixes, names containing, sec. 29. arrangement, sees. 311-312. use in author heading, sec. 216. Princes, as authors, sec. 23a. Printing, specimens of, sec. 361. style, for headings, sees. 197-201. Printed cards. Library of Congress, p. 5. main entry, p. 21. references, p. 21. 172 INDEX. Privately printed books, sec. 263. Proceedings, sees. 60, 102. Professional schools of university, sec. 65. Proper names, capitalization, sees. 289, 290. Pseudonj-m, defined, p. 21. entry under, sees. 7, 97. arrangement, sec. 318. use oi pseud., sees. 204-205. Publisher, sec. 262. Publishing societies, sec. 107. Puffs, omission in title, sec. 226. Punctuation, sees. 292-297. Queens, as authors, sec. 23a. Question mark, meaning, p. 21. Rare books, sec. 351. Real name, pseudonymous works, see. 7. Recto, defined, p. 21. Reference, defined, p. 21. author, sec. 110. distinguished from entry, p. 21. rules, sees. 285-286. analytical, defined, p. 22. name, defined, p. 21. Regesta, sec. 51. Register, defined, p. 22. Registers, sec. 115. Relative location, defined, p. 22. Religious denominations, sec. 59. Repetition of titles, avoided, ?ec. 219. Replies to a work, sec. 185. Report, by non-official, sec. 55. of committee, sec. 90. Report of section, sec. 90. Reporter, sees. 21, 116. Reprints, date of, sec. 27-1. Respondent, entry of thesis under, see. 6. reference, sec. 110. "review of," sec. 185. Revisions, sees. 18, 331. Rivers, sec. 31. Romaic names, sec. 37. Roman numerals, sec. 272. Romances, medieval, sec. 126. Royal, not individual name, sec. 70. Rubber stamps, use of, see. 318. Rules, number of, reason for, p. 11. other compilations, p. 3. Running title, defined, p. 23. Russian words, transliteration, App. I. Sacred books, sec. 124. Saints, sec. 23b. Same, use of, sees. 219-233. Sanscrit names, App. I. Schools, private, sec. 87. public, sec. 69. Searcher, defined, p. 22. Section, report of, sec. 90. See and see also, use of, sec. 285. Serial, defined, p. 22. number, neglected, sec. 61. record, sec. 354. Series, name of, after imprint, sec. 237. in title, sec. 222. subject entry, sec. 181. Series entry, defined, pp. 19, 22. note, defined, p. 22. Selections, sec. 19. Sets, continuations of, sec. 345. entry of, sees. 193, 194. Shelf list, p. 22, sec. 356. mark, defined, sec. 22. Ships, trials, sees. 116, 183. • 'Short" catalog, p. 11. Sic, use of, sec. 242. Signature, defined, p. 22, sec. 279. Signs used as names, sees. 96, 320. Size, sec. 279, App. II. classification by, p. 15. letters, defined, p. 22. mark, defined, p. 22. rule, defined, p. 22. Slavic languages, transliteration, App. I. Slip catalog, defined, p. 14. Societies, as authors, sec. 60. intercollegiate, sec. 67. international, sec. 62. local, sec. 85. names of, arrangement, sec. 315. changes, sec. 93. publications, not periodicals, sec. 133. title-reference, sec. 153. publishing, sec. 107. State agricultural, historical, medical, sec. 80. without exact name, sec. 93. Sovereigns, sees. 23a, 46. Spanish names, spelling, sec. 37. Specific entry, defined, p. 22. opposite of class-entry, p. 17. Spurious works, sec. 326. States as authors, sees. 46-58. abbreviations for, p. 161. Style of entry, sees. 197-351. Subarrangement, chronological, sees. 305,328,341. Subdivisions under countries, sees. 165, 175, 324, 343. Subheadings, arrangement, sees. 324, 325. subject, use in heading, sec. 208. Subject, defined, p. 23. compared with class, p. 16. general, p. 23. general and specific, sec. 161. history, events, sec. 163. individual, p. 23. person and country, choice, sec. 162. polytopical, sees. 176-177. reference to author entry, sec. 179. and country, choice, sees. 164, 165. Subject catalog, defined, p. 23. alphabetical, p. 13. Subject entry, defined, p. 20. rules, sees. 161-188. when main entry, see. 182. Subject heading, defined, p. 23. best word, sec. 172. compound, sees. 174,175. homonyms, sec. 173. language, see. 167. opposite meanings, sec. 171. synonyms, sees. 168, 170. theological, sec. 186. Subject reference, sees. 187, 188. Subject-word entry, p. 19, sec. 151. Subject-word-reference, p. 22, sec. 152. Subordinate official, sees. 49-52. INDEX. 173 Substitutes for author's name, sees. 96-109. Surname, author's entry under, see. 24. arrangement, sees. 304-306. Stenographer, sec. 21. Swedish names, sec. 37. Syndetic, defined, p. 23. Synonymous subject names, sees. 168-171. Synopsis of arrangement, sec. 344. Swedish names, spelling, sec. 37. Syriac words, app. I. Talmud, sec. 124. Table talk, sec. 22. Theological subject headings, sec. 186. Theses, sec. 6. Title, defined, p. 23. abridgment, sees. 223-239. alternative, retained, sec. 235. arrangement, sees. 326-337. author entry under, sees. 2.5-26. beginning with article, sec. 136. motto, sec. 139. binder's, defined, p. 14. change in different editions, sec. 144. copied exactly, sec. 242. courtesy, sec. 216. first word, an article, sec. 136. a series number, sec. 138. in oblique case, sec. 142. spelled unusually, sec. 140. first words retained, sec. 236. foreign phrase used, sec. 137. German words, spelling, sec. 141. hereditary, sec. 216. of lionor, language of, sec. 215. omissions, sec. 242. order of words, sees. 221, 222. periodical, changes, sec. 133. professional, in title, sec. 253. reference to author, sees. 148, 149. translation, sees. 247, 248. transliteration, sec. 248. type for, sec. 198, used as heading, arrangement, sec. 308.. Title — Continued. various forms, sec. 143. Title edition, p. 19, sec. 256. Title entry, sees. 120-160. arrangement, sees. 321-323. form, sec. 240. type for first word, sec. 202. Title mark, defined, p. 24. Title-page, engraved, sec. 157. lost, sees. 160, 243. Title-pages, choice of, sees. 156-159. in different languages, sec. 159. Title reference, sees. 153-155, 240. Towns as authors, sees. 46-58. Transactions of societies, sees. CO, 102. Translation, anonymous works, sec. 132. arrangement, sec. 331. entry, sees. 245-246, 21 note. language of original given, sec. 245. titles, sees. 247-248. Translator, reference, sec. 111. Transliteration, app. I, p. 147. author's name, sees. 37-39. titles, sec. 248. Treaties, sec. 58. Trials, sees. 116-183. Tupe, choice of, sees. 197-202. T5^e for references, sec. 220. Universities, European, sees. 75, 76. State (American), sec. 80. Unmarried women, titles, sec. 214. Unnecessary words, sees. 226-227. Van, sec. 29. Vatican council, sec. 94. Veda, see. 124. Vernacular form of name, sees. 32-34. Verso, defined, p. 24. Vessels, trials, sees. 116, 183. Volume, defined, 24. Volumes, number of, sec. 276. Von, sec. 29. Women, married, sees. 24c, 214. unmarried, sec. 214. Y. M. C. A., sec. 66. o BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY 3 1197 21348 2570 Date Due All library items are subject to recall at any time. MAR n 9 201( Mn\/ A -) moi NUV i' 0 iUU Brigham Young University